Ling-Chang's Lyrics von Ling-Chang ================================================================================ Kapitel 4: My First Love ------------------------ I can’t hear your voice. Repeat the words you’ve said. I want to listen to them, Because I feel so good if I hear your voice. Just say these words! I want to hear them every day! The words you have to say … If you love me … Before you left me in your back, We were lovers in front of god. When the time came, you left me. And now I miss the sound of your voice. Sometimes I feel lonely. Sometimes I feel sad. And now I know, what I never wanted to get to know: What’s like to fall in love with someone. Now the sound of a singing boy makes me remembering you. But this voice is different from yours. Come, come, my dear. Come back. I need you fast, because I’m afraid. I miss you so much. No one does this! And sometimes I wish, I never would have met you. Sometimes I feel lonely. Sometimes I feel sad. And now I know, what I never wanted to get to know: What’s like to fall in love with someone. Yes, sometimes I wish … And sometimes I hope … But when I’m always doing this, I forget my life in wishing and hoping. My heart is my heart And your heart is your heart, But I want to give you mine And I want to have yours. I want to collect your things. I want to show you my feelings. I want to be your precious. I want to be with you my lifetime. I want to love you until I die. Please, let me know, If you feel like me. You’re like a bird. Free like the wind. I want to be with you all the time. I’m going to protect you from the evil, So can I fly with you? I love you, my little bird. My heart, I love you so. I’ll never forget you, my First Love. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (