Between Heaven and Earth von NanaSaintClair ([Kaoru x Die] AU) ================================================================================ Kapitel 11: Chapter Eleven -------------------------- I'll make it short. Thanks for reading and commenting. This is the last chapter. Enjoy. And you can always check out my fanfics at because there's way more to find than here on Mexx. Chapter Eleven Time seemed to have stopped as Toshiya helplessly watched Kaoru clutch the lifeless body of their friend, holding him close and shedding tears for Die. Not even Toshiya had ever seen his longest friend cry and it broke his heart once more how bitterly and helplessly he cried as he pressed his face close to the dead man. That their friend had really died Toshiya hadn’t completely realized, or then he did but only subconsciously as he stared at the scene in front of his eyes. The sound of metal hitting the ground didn’t reach his ears when he dropped his gun. Nothing mattered. Nothing held any sense right now. Nothing was what was left. With his vision blurred by the own tears that filled his eyes, Toshiya saw Kaoru lifting his head and looking back at him, eyes empty but with an unspoken plea for help. There was just nothing Toshiya could do. Nobody could. Numbed Kaoru shifted his gaze back to the man lying in his arms, his careless smile gone, sparkling eyes shut and curiously babbling mouth silent. That it would be forever Kaoru couldn’t grasp right now. There was this one and only human being who he had indeed fallen for and he hadn’t been able to protect him from people who Kaoru only had interacted with for wrong reasons. Of course he blamed himself. Of all people in this world, why Die? Why did he have to die when he actually deserved so much more from life? Brushing away some red strands of hair that clung to Die’s face, Kaoru’s fingertips traveled across the cold skin of the man he loved. “Wake up,” he whispered hardly audible in a voice that cracked with broken words. But Die wouldn’t wake up again and the realization instantly made Kaoru cry even harder than before. Sobs were choked but tears fell down in rivers. He didn’t care for anything in the world right now, didn’t bother that his best friend had shot a man of high rank from the local mafia, and if people would see him here like this didn’t matter either. His only wish was for Die to be alive again, even if he wouldn’t love Kaoru. His heart nearly stopped when suddenly Die’s cold body arched up, his back bent in an awkward angle, beginning to writhe. Kaoru’s eyes widened and he froze, not able to hold onto his loved one anymore, but not able to stagger away either. A noise full of pain emitted from the redhead’s lips and his eyes opened wide when his body shook violently. But only for a moment before his eyes shut tightly again and he groaned out from the hurtful sensations his body went through as there were wings slowly growing on his back. The bigger they grew, the more space Die needed, instinctively rolling on his side, his back still bent, muscles clenching and veins threatening to burst. The pain made him dig his fingernails into his palm but he couldn’t feel it and slowly his body accustomed to the being that he turned into. On his hands and knees Die moaned and spread the wings on his back, stretching them to their full size, before he pulled them close again and looked up. The last thing he could remember was trying to protect Kaoru, the man he loved. Not even now that had changed but it was only a matter of time until he would forget about him as he had obviously turned back into an angel. Wide-eyed Toshiya had watched Die’s transformation but it appeared surreal. Sure, he had mentioned that he thought he had been an angel. But this was simply crazy. The only thing that made it less insane was the fact that Kaoru looked at the angel with just the same expression. That made them either both nuts or Die had really turned into a being that neither of them had imagined could truly exist. Still on his knees Kaoru stared at Die and most of all his large white wings. He had been dead, hadn’t he? How could he just wake up like this and grow wings? Blinking with his eyelids, Kaoru needed to know if he was dreaming but apparently this was truly happening. When Die was sure that he could feel all his limbs again, differently than before of course but still feeling them like any other angel, he slowly turned to face Kaoru. The red-haired angel certainly didn’t want to miss some last glances before his memory would fade. Since his mind was still a little dizzy, he didn’t even question why he was still on Earth. All that mattered was seeing his friends. But the look in their eyes made him cock his head to the side. Didn’t they stare at him? Shouldn’t he be invisible as an angel? Was he imagining things? Scratching his neck, a habit still from being a human, he drew up one of his eyebrows and waved his hand in front of Kaoru’s face. “You can’t see me, can you?” Naturally Kaoru shouldn’t even be able to hear him but he did as much as he saw the angel. He just couldn’t reply immediately, gaping some more seconds, before he tried to form words. “Die?” The question wasn’t necessary. Who else would the man be? But Kaoru still needed the confirmation. “Are you... real?” The angel drew back his hand and raised both of his brows now, a little confused but still happy. A smile spread on his lips. “Kinda real.” He turned to face Toshiya, not sure why his friend could see him but obviously also the other man could and that was even more weird. But of course Die wasn’t exactly unpleased about that fact. “And you see me too, Toshi?” Two slow nods was everything Toshiya could manage right now as he still stared with an open mouth at his friend. The wounds on Die’s chest had vanished, only the red stains of human blood were still visible, although they slowly subsided as well. Shifting his gaze back to Kaoru, Die watched him stretch out his hand and poking his finger at the feathery wings. “Hm.” Impressed at the feel, not really firm but not soft either, just angelic and indescribable, Kaoru got back on his feet and looked at Die who had got up as well. “You are... an angel.” “Um... yeah.” Die couldn’t wipe off the smile as he shrugged. “I just... I guess I died, huh?” He couldn’t tell, hardly remembered anything but pain before he woke up as another being. Nonetheless the whole scene spoke for itself. There was blood on the ground, a dead body and Kaoru was stained with red. Besides that his usually so dark and enticing eyes looked puffy and reddened as well. A frown built on Kaoru’s features. He remembered. Die had died. But now he was back, just as an angel. Did it really make any difference? What would happen now? Would Die have to go back to Heaven, or what? Confusion overtook Kaoru’s brains and he just looked at his redheaded friend. “I think you did and from then on I have no clue. Were you... kinda... reborn?” “Sort of.” Nodding Die took a step closer to Kaoru and carefully touched his face with his fingers. He could feel him but it might be only his imagination because usually angels didn’t really FEEL what they touched. “I’m just amazed that you can see me. And hear me. I should be invisible to all humans. That is,” he grinned, “weird. But it’s still cool if you ask me.” “Cool?” Kaoru wasn’t quite sure if cool was the correct term for describing it but it still brought a small smile on his lips. “Minutes ago I thought I’d never see your silly smile again and now... here you are, so I guess it’s cool, yeah.” “I just...” Suddenly there was this helpless look again on Die’s face and he cast a glance at Toshiya before he looked back at Kaoru. “I just don’t know why I’m still here and for how long I’m allowed to stay and be seen by you. And for how long I’ll be able to remember you.” Then he cast his eyes downward and bowed his head. He didn’t even want to think about leaving or losing his memory. He wanted to stay with Kaoru and Toshiya, his friends. Most of all he wanted to be with Kaoru, spend more time with him, wake up in his arms again, cuddle close, kiss him, have more amazing sex with him, learn other things from him, share his meals with him, laugh with him and care for him. The thought hurt Kaoru just as much but he forced it away with all might. “Maybe you’re allowed to stay. I mean, who knows?” “As an angel?” That would be unlikely to happen but the thought was a pleasant one, making Die feel all warm inside. “I’d love that.” His smile widened and he simply dismissed his worries for once. Heaven could wait. He wasn’t back there yet and maybe it was for a reason. Reaching out his hand he brushed his thump across Kaoru’s cheek-bone and traveled his fingertips through dark bangs of hair. His lover looked like a mess but he was still the most gorgeous being Die had ever met. Angel or not, Kaoru made Die’s heart beat louder, his whole body tingly and he wanted to smile at everything and everyone when the warm feeling ran through his every pore. Witnessing their both smiles that spoke of utter affection Toshiya couldn’t help the own smile. He would’ve never thought that Kaoru really loved Die, just as much as he would’ve never thought angels truly existed. Still, Toshiya could see it in the eyes of his best buddy when he truly loved someone and apparently he did love the angel. Maybe everything would turn out well in the end, although the situation was so surreal that it was most unlikely to happen. Then again, one could expect anything right now. Out of the blue a car turned around the corner, came closer and stopped right next to the three men. All of them froze for a moment just because the white limousine with the blackened windows seemed so determined on its way to them. But only Die had a good guess of who would make such an entrance. One of the doors opened soon and a rather small man in a white suit climbed out of it, pulling his sunglasses off his nose and observing Die with a frustrated look in his dark eyes. “You do mess everything up Daisuke, don’t you?” Helplessly the angel sighed and shrugged. For once he really had no clue what he had done wrong, not just pretending to be innocent. “I didn’t mean to if I did, God.” “God?!” The two humans gasped in unison and stared at the not too tall blond man. Raising his eyebrow in suspicion Kaoru mustered the guy who pretty much looked like anything but God. “You can’t be serious.” “I didn’t talk to you, human!” God shot back at the lawyer and glared at him, threatening him with just a glance of his eyes, before he cast his eyes back at the angel. “Now back to you, Daisuke. I really don’t know what to do with you anymore. You just mess everything up!” His voice turned up into an almost high-pitched squeal before it calmed down sounding deep and serious. “You can’t even die properly.” “But—” Lifting his hands in a defeated but clueless manner, Die just sighed. He didn’t understand. Sure, he would leave this place here in a mess and he wouldn’t exactly leave Kaoru in happy spirits, but humans died every day just like this. Why was it a problem with Die? He hadn’t meant to be shot after all. “I did die. I’m dead. So where’s the problem?” “Where’s the problem?” God blew a strand of blond hair out of his face and put his hands on his hips. “You’re seriously asking? Look at the ground. Do you see your human dead body anywhere?” With eyes huge as plates but innocently blinking Die shook his head. “That’s only the start, Daisuke. Can you explain to me why these humans are able to see you?” Again the angel shook his head, thinking that if somebody should know, then it was God himself. “See? Me neither. In case you’d die, you were supposed to die for good.” “In case I die? So you already contemplated the matter and didn’t tell me?” Die had tried so hard to just survive and gain back access to Heaven. Now it suddenly turned out that he only would’ve needed to die in order to be put out of misery forever. “Sure!” A small but certain nod followed from the small guy in white. “But I sent you down in an attempt to punish you, so I couldn’t just risk that you’d jump off a bridge. Besides, now you died anyway. Just that you didn’t leave your human body behind, I’m confronted with two humans that can see you and above everything else I don’t even have a clue why. THIS I indeed call a mess.” He stomped his foot on the ground and pierced everyone with an intimidating look, so that not even Kaoru dared to say something. “Well, how would I know?” Shoulders hung lowly, Die just gazed back at God apologetically. “See, I just tried to survive and manage the life as a human. I never meant to die, only tried to protect the one I love. What’s wrong with that?” Usually he wouldn’t dare to argue with God but this time Die really didn’t see why he should feel guilty, apart from the fact that he was sorry for his friends. And in his mind it was in Gods hands if he turned back in an angel or died for good. “Apparently something must be wrong, or else we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Taking a deep breath God tried to think hard for a moment before he dug out his cell phone. “I’m gonna call Cupid. Maybe he has a clue why this has happened.” “With a cell phone?” Kaoru couldn’t help his snort. “Yeah, so?” With narrowed eyes God looked at the human, annoyed at his silly question. “Got a problem with that?” “No, no problem at all.” Kaoru shook his head and suppressed a smirk. “I just would’ve thought that God would maybe snap with his fingers in order to call someone, instead of using a cell phone.” “Well, maybe I just like the design of these small things. Nokia is a fine brand by the way,” God uttered and shrugged, since the lawyer seemed to have a point. In the meantime it had already rung twice at the other end of the line and finally someone answered, instantly informing God that he was occupied. “I don’t care if you’re busy. I’m more important. So would you mind getting your butt over here?” He impatiently tapped his foot on the ground while Kaoru, Toshiya and Die exchanged clueless glances. “I’ll give you five.” All the while Toshiya had been silently watching, not even realizing that he was staring at the small man who put away his phone once he had ended the call. “What are you staring at?” “Huh? Me? Nothing,” he shot back without thinking before nervousness made him babble whatever came to his mind. “Okay, well, I couldn’t help but notice that I just love your hairdo. It’s gorgeous.” “Thank you,” God replied and cast a quick smile at the tall dark-haired human and winked. “Yours is not bad either.” With a silent groan Kaoru rolled his eyes. He could be wrong but was his best friend just hitting on God? And did God just return the whole thing? The whole scenario became even more surreal with every passing minute. Luckily they didn’t have the time to compliment each other some more when suddenly a motorbike turned around the corner and stopped right behind the white limousine. The driver parked the machine, pulled his slender body off the bike and casually opened the zip of his leather jacket, before he pulled the helmet off his head and shook his shoulder-length hair. “What’s the deal, Kyo?” He asked God when he stepped closer and observed the four males waiting for his arrival. “Would you stop calling me that in front of humans?” God growled and shot an angry glance at Cupid. “I don’t call you Shinya either. Besides, where have you been in that outfit? That’s gross, you know.” “Thanks,” Cupid just smiled lop-sided and winked. “I’ve been on a mission for love. Where else? Now will you tell me where the problem is?” For the humans it was hard to grasp. Just everything was. Die was an angel. There was God who looked like a mini version of Ricky Martin and then there was Cupid who drove a motorbike and had probably waiting a dozen of girls for him somewhere. But this was no issue for God as he began to explain the problem about Daisuke. In the end Cupid just shrugged and replied: “To me it’s quite clear.” “It is?” God asked not really believing but his expression matched those of the humans and the angel, who were just as surprised. “Yup. Love goes above everything else. That’s something like rule number one of our basic law,” he added the second sentence speaking only to Kaoru before he faced God again. “Daisuke loves that guy here and the other way around. That’s why he died, turned into an angel but at the same time couldn’t vanish from Earth,” he explained as if it was the most logical thing ever. “Um, sorry,” God interrupted. “But I don’t get it. Could you try to enlighten me a little more detailed here?” He was a little annoyed that obviously the whole thing seemed so simple in Cupid’s eyes but at the same time it displayed within a mess if one asked God. “The problem is the moment of that guy’s confession,” Cupid said and motioned with his hand to Kaoru. “If Die would’ve died sooner, then for good. His corpse could be buried as supposed to when humans die. But Kaoru said that he loved him and that makes Daisuke’s mission of making two people fall in love complete. It allows him to go back into Heaven. Yet,” Cupid explained and at least tried to make God understand who was still looking quite confused. “He died the exact moment of Kaoru’s confession. That quite messed up all the according rules.” “I see,” God said and scratched his cheek with his fingers. “But what am I supposed to do now?” With a frustrated expression he stared at the apparently all-knowing Cupid. “If you ask me, then I’d say it’s a matter of discretion,” the other heavenly creature replied and shrugged. “Matter of discretion means what exactly? It’s at the discretion of who?” Kaoru suddenly spoke up and looked to and fro between God and Cupid. He had understood some of what the biker had told and that even people from Heaven acted according to some rules. But these rules could be stretched as well and if it was a matter of discretion now, then someone had to decide. “It’s you who decides, right?” Toshiya looked at God, pretty sure that it was he who was in charge of the whole matter when it came to using any discretion. It earned him a certain nod from Cupid. “Yeah, only the guy of highest rank can decide now.” But God stayed silent and pondered for a moment. He couldn’t just decide what to do with his angel. He was transformed back and it was the easiest way just to take Daisuke back with him up to Heaven. But something held him back. “What are the options?” Die suddenly asked with a tiny voice. The only option he really would like was if he could simply stay on Earth as a human but he had the feeling that this was not even considered. Like automatically he stepped closer to Kaoru and slipped his hand in his, squeezing it subconsciously. In a gesture of support Kaoru squeezed Die’s hand as well, although the general touch felt somewhat weird, as if he held something that was neither firm nor soft. “Well, I could let you die as a human for good but I’m not a killer. Human society kills each other. That’s not even my responsibility against what humans believe. I only decide who dies for good or will turn into an angel,” he explained with a shrug of his shoulders. “Or then I could take you with me back in Heaven, which would mean you’ll be faced with the duties of angels again. Which means I’ll be faced with you fucking up again,” he said and let out a sigh that he just wasn’t able to suppress. He had always liked the angel, his heart had often went out to him but as much as God cared, Daisuke just wasn’t doing an angel’s job well. “Are these the only options?” Although Kaoru’s heart was racing and beat loud against his chest when he heard God’s words, he gathered all his courage and tried to keep his voice firmly, not giving away that he feared Die leaving him. Of course knowing that he would be an angel in Heaven was still better than to live with the fact that he was simply dead. But still Kaoru couldn’t help his desperation, ready to beg God if necessary. “Can’t you turn him back into a human and give him another chance?” Trying his best puppy dog eyes, Toshiya looked at the small blonde and begged him with his brown orbs. He had been suspicious about Kaoru’s motives but now that he knew that his friends’ feelings for each other were mutual, he would give anything for both of them. “You’re asking way too much,” God said and skeptically eyed the tall dark-haired man. “I can’t just turn him into a human, back in an angel, then in a human again and so on. That wouldn’t be fair on other angels.” “But you’ve done that before,” Kaoru added. “And he would’ve died if I hadn’t taken care of him. You said that you didn’t want him to jump off a bridge but then at the same time he would’ve died anyway, having nothing but his skin, not even somewhat of an education or just a real name. You call that fair?” With all courage he could muster up, he tried to find reasons in order to make God change his mind. After all that was what Kaoru was supposed to be able to do best. “Punishment doesn’t have to be fair.” Crossing his arms God shrugged, earning him a glare from Cupid, who rolled his eyes in annoyance at his boss’ stubborn behavior. “But here on Earth is has to be at least proportionally fair.” There was no way the lawyer would give up that easily, not when God didn’t even present any good reasons but only stubbornness. He tightened the hold on Die’s hand and narrowed his eyes. “Here on Earth Die managed considerably well and although he might’ve failed with an angel’s duties, he’s handled any human’s issue well. Perhaps you should consider a reward now after the punishment.” The chance that God would approve of this request was tiny since chances were bigger that God would grow even more annoyed from Kaoru’s impudent suggestions. Die knew that but he still looked at God with huge eyes, begging him silently, while he clutched the other man’s hand with his. Luckily Cupid seemed to agree on certain matters with the lawyer. “I have to say that the human has a point,” he said and tilted his head to look at God. “I mean, we both know that Die hadn’t exactly been lucky with his first life. But this time Daisuke’s managed well.” With four pleading pairs of eyes on him, God finally gave in. “Fine, this one last time I’ll make an exception,” he said in a serious tone and shifted his gaze upon the angel. “Daisuke, I dare you. If you screw this up, then it’s final. Got that?” Wide-eyed Die stared at God, still not really realizing that he was indeed allowed to stay with his friends on Earth in human form. Slowly he nodded though, then pacing up and bobbing several times with his head. A wide and bright smile grew on his lips while his eyes began to shine in happiness. But God wasn’t quite finished and fastened his gaze on the lawyer. “And you better be sure about this. There’s no way I’ll take him back.” “No way I’d give him back,” Kaoru replied with a tiny smirk and turned his head to face his lover. A sudden wave of warmth spread inside of him and he couldn’t help but simply grow a huge smile as well. But before he was allowed to wrap his arms around the other man, desperate to do so, Die was already pulled away from him. With his almighty powers God lifted Daisuke’s body in the air and snapped with his fingers. In an instant beautifully shaped wings were gone and Die fell to the ground, groaning as it hurt just like the last time he was dropped on Earth. “Why do I always have fall on Earth?” He whined, still on all fours but he slowly got up. “You could’ve turned me into a human without lifting me up.” “True,” the small blond man shrugged. “But it’s more fun this way.” Die couldn’t even help but grin, chuckling a little. He was too happy to complain now that he was indeed a human again. Only one thing mattered right now, or one person for that matter: Kaoru. There he was, standing right in front of him with a happy smile tugging on his lips. In fact Kaoru wasn’t quite sure yet if he should already smile and let happiness take over since his brain seemed too slow to get what had happened. Minutes ago his lover had actually died, then been reborn as an angel and now he was back as human, alive and kicking. Slowly Kaoru reached out his hand and gently put it on the redhead’s cheek, feeling the familiar human skin underneath his touch. “You’re back,” he whispered, hardly able to believe it, if there wasn’t this wonderfully real and plain feel of Die in his hand. Traveling his hand further down he laid his palm on the other man’s chest, at just the exact place where the bullets had pierced his body. But there was no wound anymore but only the feel of his heart, steadily beating inside of the man Kaoru loved. “I’m back,” Die merrily smiled just because he couldn’t stop it, even if he wanted to. Finally he was able to feel again, to feel Kaoru’s smooth skin underneath his fingertips as he reached out his hand and almost carefully touched him. He brushed away some dark strands of hair that clung to his face, partly stained with dried blood. There was an ugly bruise on the side of his beautifully shaped cheekbones and if Die only could, he would want to kiss them away. “Can I kiss you?” Surprised that Die even asked, Kaoru’s eyebrows rose and his forehead wrinkled in doubt. “Of course you can. Please do!” Not hesitating for the split of a second Die leant close and captured Kaoru’s lips with his, gently moving against them and silently asking for entrance. Although the small bruise on his bottom lip hurt when kissing, Kaoru couldn’t care less. Die’s kiss was the best feeling ever, overpowering everything else, and he kissed him back eagerly and deeply. He ran his fingers through the red bangs of hair, grabbing a fistful just to feel that this was indeed real. Die was real. After some time Kaoru pulled away though, just enough to break their kiss and hug the other man instead as closely as possible. Inhaling deeply, Die still smelled simply angelic to Kaoru, like a newborn baby mixed with a more manly fragrance. When the redhead hugged him back just as fiercely, Kaoru had to suppress a groan since his body ached from the beating he had received earlier. But it didn’t matter anymore, now that he had Die back. He loosened the embrace around the taller man and kissed him once more. Only when they both broke apart for breath, they smiled at each other before Die turned to face Toshiya. The redhead didn’t ask this time, too overjoyed in this moment, and almost jumped the dark-haired guy, hugging him just as tightly as he had done with Kaoru. But Die couldn’t help his emotions. He loved Toshiya. Obviously not in the way he loved Kaoru but Toshiya was still dear to him, as a friend, maybe the best he would ever find. Merrily Die smiled when he finally pulled away. “Thank you, Toshi,” he said and kissed the other man’s cheek. “You’re truly an awesome friend!” Toshiya just smiled, a little bashfully though, as he winked. “I know.” He shifted his gaze to the other one of his friends, Kaoru, who he had known for so long. Despite the deputes they had had within the last days, Toshiya could now understand him somewhat, knowing that he must’ve been simply overextended by the whole situation. Still, Kaoru could’ve handled it differently and should’ve been honest but that was something they could talk over later. Right now everything Toshiya wanted was to hug his best buddy as well and that’s what he did, pulling the smaller guy into a tight embrace. “Man, you scared the shit outta me,” he whispered chuckling along. “I didn’t know you could beat up someone.” “Me neither,” Kaoru chuckled along and hugged the other man closely, endlessly relieved that they were still friends. “And I’m sorry,” he added lowly but loud enough for Toshiya to hear him. Kaoru didn’t say why though, knowing that his friend knew what he was talking about. Their whole argument from earlier seemed ridiculous after all that had happened afterwards. Here and now, Kaoru could not even express how happy he was that he had a friend like Toshiya. “Thank you for being there.” “No problem, Kao,” Toshiya pulled away and quickly wiped across his eyes. Really sentimental moods had been rare between them and so it was no surprise that the taller man’s eyes easily filled with tears. “Now shut up before I’ll cry again.” Chuckling Kaoru let finally go of his friend and turned to smile at Die. “Guess my job’s done here,” Cupid said and nodded to God, before he pulled the helmet over his head and zipped up his leather jacket. “I’ll see you up there, Kyo.” Using the name earned him another skeptic glare but Cupid didn’t care, already on his way to his motorbike. He unceremoniously started the engine and sped off with a small wave of his hand, watched by the remaining four men. “Kyo, huh?” Toshiya sweetly smiled at God as they turned back their attention to each other. But the small blond man ignored the other one’s attempt to tease him and shifted his gaze to the dead man lying on the ground. “Shall I help you with him or will you be fine by yourselves?” The weird thing was that God was suddenly in pretty good spirits himself, seeing all the happiness around him. In the end he had to admit that it felt nice to help people. It was usually what his angels did for the humans they protected or made fall in love, but now that God experienced this for himself, he felt a lot happier than usual. “That’d be nice,” Kaoru replied after he had taken a look at the dead body himself. Sure, he could defend Toshiya in case he were sued for homicide but then the help of God would surely spare them some work and most of all nerves. Especially for Toshiya it would be torture. With a sly grin and a shrug of his shoulders, God snapped with his fingers and the dead man was gone. “Like this.” “Thank you,” Die stated with a grateful smile. “For everything. Even for bringing me back down here in the first place. And thanks for helping us.” There seemed to be not enough words to express his true gratefulness, so he just closed the gap between himself and God and hugged him as well. It felt weird though, as if he weren’t hugging a person but an unknown material he couldn’t define. “Don’t mention it,” God replied and shoved the human off himself, turning to open the door of his limousine. “If you excuse me now. Take care of that guy, will you!” He addressed Kaoru one last time and received a small nod, before he shifted his gaze upon Toshiya. “I’ll see you around.” “Me?” Toshiya gasped, blinking with his eyelids. The only thing he could imagine why he would ever see God again would be if he died and turned into an angel. “Yes, you. I might come around for a cup of coffee,” God replied with a small grin and a wink of his hand. Then he closed the door and the car slowly made its way back on the road. Eyes wide Toshiya stared after the disappearing car, before he turned to face Die with a questioning glance. “Does he mean that?” Die just shrugged. “Who knows. He might.” “Well, it’s not that I would mind.” Toshiya shrugged as well and smiled crookedly. “He’s unlike what I would’ve expected but still kind of gorgeous. Is he into guys, Die?” “Gods Toshiya!” Kaoru couldn’t help but interfere now. “You’re not seriously considering dating God, do you?” “Hey!” The other man just playfully pouted and crossed his arms. “You're dating an angel. So anything can happen, huh?” A merry grin appeared on his lips. “Anything can happen,” Kaoru repeated with a side-glance to his lover, indescribably happy that he was allowed to spend his time with Die from now on, as well as proud to date his very own angel. “Let’s go home. What do you say... Daisuke?” He purposefully used the name God had addressed Die with and it earned him a broad smile from the red-haired man. “Home sounds great.” Finally he had one. -The end- Hosted by Animexx e.V. (