Locker 160 - How might the story end? von -Rhage (The End (Englisch)) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: The End ------------------ The End The following day Miriam didn’t come. And not the next few days either. Julie and I started to worry. What would happen if the voodoo-spell had worked? Perhaps something bad had happened to her. We were on the way to our lockers. They were near to the headmaster’s office. From there loud voices could be heard and a woman was crying. We wanted to listen to the conversation. “I’m sorry, but we really haven’t seen her. She didn’t come to school.” “But…she hasn’t been home. What has happened to my daughter?” “Mrs. Laker, we don’t know where she could be. Please contact the police, maybe they can find her.” Julie and I were shocked. We felt so bad. It was definitely our fault. We went home, but our thoughts were with Miriam all the time. When Julie and I entered school the next morning, something was different. In class our teacher told us that Miriam Laker had been found, but she was dead. It was like my heart had stopped beating. We couldn’t believe it. It had to be just a joke. That wasn’t supported to happen. After some days, we came to the funeral. We felt we were out of place, because we knew why she had died. It was unendurable. In the evening Julie’s Mom phoned. She told me that she had taken her daughter to hospital, because she had tried to kill herself. That night I couldn’t sleep, because I kept imaging that there was somebody in my room. The next few days I had to go to school by myself. But all the time it felt as someone was following me. It was dark outside when I left home. I was scared. I wanted to hurry. There was someone after me. I knew it. My steps became faster till I started to run. Some tears were running down my face. I looked behind me. But there was no one. I stood still and looked around me. But all I could see was a bright light. Finally I heard a loud toot of a truck and then…I felt nothing more. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (