a golden bell starts ringing von Sere-chan (Akame Fanfic) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: chapter 1 -------------------- Hi there! I've started a new fanfic ^^ Nothing but the story is mine, so lets just begin! Sere-chan ---- a golden bell starts ringing, chapter 1 It's been five years that I left the company and the entertainment industry altogether. Since five years nobody knows where I live and what I do. The rumors are I live in the US, others say it is Europe but none of them are right. Actually, my most favorite spot and the point I always returned to is one of the small islands that still belong to Okinawa. This is where I am now, sitting in my veranda, waiting for the person I made an appointment with. I still work with the entertainment industry as composer and songwriter. Couldn't help it since there was nothing that could earn me more money or that I was more capable of. But still, since five years no photo shoots, no interviews. It took a time to get used to. I took care not even paparazzi photos appeared. My reason for leaving the company was because I was fed up. Fed up with the things which had happened due to this company. The things which had happened to the one I love. The things which had changed the one I still love. Now that I sit seemingly retired in my chair on the white painted veranda I am 31 years old and sick. As in, terminally ill. About six months ago the doctors found black spots on my lungs. They said it was lung cancer. I always thought smoking wasn’t good for my voice and health but I didn’t expect to get seriously ill because of it at my age. Isn't cancer something only old people die of? That's the thought a youth has when he starts smoking. Or at least I used to think so. I don't really know. Now that I am cursed with this diagnosis and could probably die I have decided to return to the entertainment industry. I want to tell them about my life. My real life, my real self. No secrets. Everything that had happened since I had joined that company about 15 years ago. I want to tell them all. Them, meaning my friends, family, fans and him. Especially him. When I was about 20 years old I met a woman, a journalist, whom I am still in contact with. I want to tell her. My story, my liaisons, the things I loathe, my deepest secrets. That's why I contacted her and asked for a meeting. And here I am now, waiting. It isn't unexpected that she comes to me on exactly this day in summer. At least it is not as hot as the day before, but a kind of comfortable heat. “Nice to meet you again” I said. I show her where to sit down and ask her whether she wants something to drink. She declines. “It’s been a long time since we last talked, huh?” She looks very curious as to the reason of the meeting. I didn't tell her, only that it's urgent. I nodded as an answer. She was right. Since the day I had left the company I barely had any contact to somebody not on this island. Close friends included. “So why the sudden call?” she asked. “I hope you have much space on your voice recorder”, I smiled. “Yes of course! What are we going to talk about?” The curiosity in her eyes told me she came down here, looking for the story of her life. Or better, the story of my life. That's what I'm about to give her. “We will talk about me. The real me. Everything that happened since I had joined that company. I’m ill and will probably die. I want them to know everything.” Her eyes widened. “You’ll die?” “Cancer”, I said dryly. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for you.” “No need to. Let’s just write that story, okay?” “Yes. Let’s tell them about your real self.” So we begin. I start with the very first thing that comes to my mind when I think of my life at 14. When you are so young it's all different. Different things matter and even the smallest things make you happy. “I met him and everything changed… Back in November 1998, an employee of that company we all know divided the ones who had passed the audition into small groups. Everyone started talking, you know how it is with little boys. I was the one standing out, because I arrived later to one of those groups. “Oi, why are you late?” someone asked me. “I’m Nakamaru Yuichi by the way, so why are you late?” he introduced himself. “Actually I hadn’t passed the audition but an old man told me to stay when I wanted to return my name badge.” “Wow sugoi, so it was really lucky for you to get in here, huh? What’s your name anyways?”, the guy named Nakamaru asked me. “Akanishi Jin. And who are you?” I looked at the little boy next to Nakamaru. He looked surprised when I talked to him. “Me? I’m Kamenashi Kazuya”, he introduced himself and bowed. “Nice to meet you Kame-chan and you too Nakamaru-kun. Yoroshiku ne.” He smiled when I called him Kame-chan although he hadn't known me five minutes ago. We became close friends in a relatively short time. There was a time when we didn't talk to each other for 6 months in the first year cause of a stupid fight, though. I rack my brain almost every day now that I have so much time on my hands, but I cannot even remember what that fight was about.” I tell her up until that point. She only smiles at me. Her silence is a sign for me to continue. “In 2000 I won a trip to Okinawa. That was kinda the beginning of everything…” I return to my story, because I remember it as clearly as if it had been yesterday. “It was a sunny day, although not as warm as today probably. I loved that beach. It was so beautiful. Almost as beautiful as he was. We sat on the beach together, both in our trunks. He turned to me and said, “I’m so happy you won this vacation, Jin.” There was a smile forming on his face. “Of course I won”, I laughed. “Since I hate to loose.” “Yes, I know”, he grinned back. After a long glance that I couldn't really interpret he said, “Let’s go into the sea.” I just nodded. We played in the sea. The water was warm from the sun. He smiled at me the whole time. He was so happy because of that small trip to Okinawa with me. At least that's what he told me later on. When it started becoming dark outside we went into our little tent. “This tent is really small, isn’t it?”, he said. “Where’s the problem? Then we just cuddle a bit”, I joked. That made him blush. I was surprised when I saw him blush. “Yes”, he smiled embarrassedly. But when we wanted to sleep he curled up into the utmost part of the tent. As far away from me as possible, I realized. To be honest, I was a bit hurt. “Ne Kazu-chan, why are you so far away?” I asked him. “Because you said so”, he replied. “Haven’t I said something about cuddling?” I asked. “That was a joke”, he said dryly. “Come on Kazu-chan, you don’t have to sleep that far away.” I smiled. Then he turned around. My eyes widened. Did he cry? Just because of that joke? “Did you cry?”, I asked him directly. “Why should I.” He looked a bit embarrassed. “Because of my joke? That I don’t want to cuddle with you?” He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. Then he nodded. I couldn’t help but smile. But there was a part in me which wanted something else. I leaned in and kissed him. It didn’t even last two seconds when I realized that he looked shocked at me. Just when I opened my mouth to stutter apologies he started smiling brightly as he had that entire day. And I couldn’t help but kiss him again. We both smiled while kissing. Sounds like a beginning of a sweet love story, huh?” I asked her laughing. She nodded in return and there was a smile on her face. “Well, back then it was like that. But then KAT-TUN was found and he began to change. He didn’t really change for my eyes at first but then he did something I would have never thought the Kazuya I learned to love being capable of.” --- So, that's the first chapter :) What do you think of it? Comments? ♥ I've already finished chapter 2, my beta-reader just has to read it :D Kapitel 2: chapter 2 -------------------- a golden bell starts ringing, chapter 2 “It was only a few days after the both of us auditioned for Nobuta wo Produce when the first incident happened. Kazu and me waited anxiously in front of the big bosses' office. Standing side by side I suddenly noticed him fidgeting. “Do you think I passed?” he asked nervously. “Of course you did, you’re a brilliant actor Kazu,” I smiled. “But why did Johnny-san call for us then?” “I don’t know,” I shrugged. Then we were called in. To my surprise Yamapi was already inside the office. Well, somehow it wasn’t that surprising, but I was still surprised to see him there. “Yamashita, Kamenashi, Akanishi, I will now announce who got the role for that drama. But beforehand I want you to do something. Kamenashi...” “Yes?” “Kiss him,” he pointed at Pi. Both of them looked shocked at first but then Kame walked over to Pi and kissed him. Hungrily. And Pi kissed him back. I was shocked, so really shocked. Kazuya and me were in a relationship – or so I thought – and I would have never expected him kissing someone beside me. And even right in front of my eyes. “Well, Akanishi. You want that role? Do something for it,” the old man told me. “I - I don’t want this!”, I shouted and ran out of the room. In the hallway I leaned against the wall and slid down to the ground. I was so mad. Angry about all of them. Johnny-san. Kame. Pi. A few minutes later they came out. I stood up and tried to look as calm as possible. “Jin! I got the job,” Kame smiled at me like nothing had happened. Suddenly I needed to shout. “Don’t say my name out of that mouth. You kissed him! You fucking kissed him right in front of my eyes like you wanted to eat him!” “And you!” I turned to Pi. “You even kissed him back!” Then I turned around and walked away. I can still hear them calling my name to stop me but I didn’t turn around.” The reporter looks almost as devastated as I felt back then. Or is it just me trying to transfer my feelings into her. “That’s tough. Seeing the one you love kissing your best friend and your best friend even kissing him back.” “Yeah. I was really mad at both of them. And desperate on top of that. What was I supposed to do? I really loved Kame and lost my best friend over it. It made me mad. I was desperate for an answer to the question of what I was to do. After I arrived home that afternoon I took my motorbike and started for a drive. Of course I was too fast, it just had to happen. In one curve I lost control over my motorbike and slid along the road. My very first thought was, ‘That’s it. I’m going to die now.’ But surprisingly I only caught a few scratches and bruises right next to my left knee. Except for my left hand. By sliding along the road I burned a hole in my glove and hurt my hand.” I’m telling her about my accident and show her the scar on my left hand. “Oh, so it’s actually a scar. There were speculations about it. Whether it’s a scar or a birthmark or even something else.” As if I hadn't known that before. “The next morning I went to the company I had a bandage on my left hand because I was reluctant to go to the hospital only to have some scratches treated. It was highly visible that something must have happened. He waited for me at the reception. The one person I just didn't want to talk to. My so-called 'best friend'. Really a shame if our friendship would end like this, was my thought as I saw his miserable face. He saw the bandage and seemed to be worried. “Oh my God Jin! What happened to your hand? Please don’t tell me you’ve hurt yourself because of that incident yesterday,” he looked almost pleadingly at me and seemed to be even more miserable. I snapped at him. “Just don’t talk to me.” “Jin, please. Let me explain it,” he begged. “Explain what? That my boyfriend kissed you and you kissed him back in front of my eyes?!” I shouted again. “I- I didn’t want to do it. He forced me. You know how Johnny-san is. He told me to return any action Kame would do. He talked about Uchi - that he would never let him return to work if I wouldn’t do what he said. It was for Ryo, Jin. You know how his condition was after Uchi got suspended. But I know something. He tries to separate the two of you. Maybe not only you two, maybe even us. Please, it had hurt so much when I saw your expression yesterday.” I knew he said the truth, I could see it in his eyes. I was kind of surprised by the things he told me but on other hand I wasn’t. Instead I told him the reason for my bandage eventually, “I had an accident with my bike. I drove too fast.” “Are you alright?” Even his voice sounded worried and it made me nod as an answer. “And about yesterday,” I began and he looked at me curiously. “I understand now why you did it but I’m still mad at you.” I tried the serious look that I had practiced in front of the mirror. “But you’ll forgive me?” he asked hopefully. “Yeah, I’ve probably already forgiven you.” A small smile crawled over my face.” “So you and Yamashita-kun made up very fast after the incident?” she asks. “He had his reason. And this reason involved one of our best friends. After Uchi got suspended Ryo was like a living leech. He barely ate and cried a lot. It was like they’ve pulled out a part of his heart. It took us weeks to make him feel better. I understand why Pi didn’t want to see that happening again.” Understanding dawns on her face, too. “Oh, I see. I guess it's understandable.” A small pause. “But what about Kamenashi-kun?” “I went to our dressing room after the talk with Pi. All of KAT-TUN was already inside and they greeted me quickly when I walked in. Only Kame seemed to notice me and stared at my bandaged hand. He got up and walked over. “What happened to your hand?” Again that worried tone. I wanted to pull my hand out of his grasp and shout ‘Don’t you ever touch me again’ but instead I remembered Pi’s words ‘He tries to separate the two of you’ and said after a bit of an awkward silence, “I had an accident but I’m totally fine. Don’t worry about it, Kame.” He looked surprised and a bit curious at me. He told me later he had expected that I wouldn’t talk to him. “Let’s talk later, okay?” I’ve told him and he knew what about. He nodded in reply. That’s all we talked until later that day.” The reporter interrupts me again. “And then you talked about the incident the day before?” “Yes, exactly. After practice we drove together to my apartment. I’ve asked him if he wanted to drink something. He nodded so I’ve got us two bottles of beer out of the kitchen. Back in the living room I gave him one of the two bottles and sat down next to him on my white sofa. I tried that stone-like face again and asked calmly, “Do you have an explanation for it or do you want me to shout at you again?” “I- I don’t have an explanation. I really don’t know why I did it. I’m so sorry, really so sorry. Jin please, I’m so sorry!” He almost cried. I could see the tears in his eyes. I didn't waver though. “Pi told me Johnny-san tries to separate us.” His eyes widened. “Really? Oh… I- I really didn’t notice it was a trap. I can only repeat what I said before. I’m so sorry Jin.” He actually started crying now. “Shh~ It’s okay now, don’t cry. Just promise me, don’t ever do things like that for him again” I said and held up my pinky finger. “Yes, yes, yes. I promise!” He cried even harder but held up his pinky and we made a promise with the fingers we wore our rings on. I was kind of satisfied by that and felt a huge burden fall off of me. I hugged him tightly and tried to calm him, I whispered to his ear things like ‘I love you so much Kazuya, so so much.’ I was so relieved, because the Kazuya I had learned to love would never break a promise. Especially not a pinky promise. But he did. He broke it only a few months later and KAT-TUN’s debut was announced.” ---- SORRY fürs so lange nicht posten! Aber 5 weitere chapter folgen jetzt noch!!! Kapitel 3: chapter 3 -------------------- a golden bell starts ringing, chapter 3 “What do you mean by ‘he broke it when KAT-TUN’s debut was announced’? That Kamenashi-kun did something and it was the reason for the debut?” she asks curiously. “Be patient, please.” I smile. “Before I want to tell you something about somebody else. Someone who meant a lot to me around that time. I often refer to her as 'the only woman I really loved'.” There is understanding in her eyes. “Uehara Takako,” she smiles. I nod and smile in return. “But wait. Didn’t you say you were in a relationship with Kamenashi-kun?” she asks surprised. “Yes, I was. But I was in a relationship with Takako, too. I got together with Kame in late 2001, not after the Okinawa trip like you may have expected. And in summer 2002 the relationship with Takako started. I still remember how I told both of them that there is someone else,” I continue my story. “We were in her new apartment. She just had moved in there about 2 weeks ago. On the phone I had told her I needed to talk with her. “So Jin-kun, what do you want to talk about?” she asked. “Well, it’s a bit difficult. I mean we are together, yes?” She nodded. “O-ok. What I want to tell you is… there is also someone else… Ever since last December.” She looked so surprised and shocked about that confession. “Who is she?” she asked. I was really reluctant to tell her that 'she' was actually a boy. “It’s Kame.” I said eventually. Her eyes widened “Kamenashi-kun?!” I nodded. “But why are you together with me when you already have him?” she asked confused. “Cause I’m in love with you! Of course I love him too, but that’s different. Kame is Kame and you are you.” “Does he know that we are together?” “No, not yet. I want to tell him later today.” She sighed audibly. “It will take some time for me to accept this, but I don’t want to lose you, so I’ll really try to accept it.” I couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you. Thank you so much for trying. And I’m so sorry for this situation.” Then I left her apartment and drove to Kames home. After ringing the bell his mom opened the door. “Ah, it's Jin-kun! Kazuya is in his room.” she smiled. I went upstairs to Kames room. I didn’t knock, I just opened the door and walked in. Kame was sitting at his desk doing some school stuff. He turned around when I walked in. “Jin! I’ve been waiting for you.” Smiling brightly he got up from his chair and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and whispered, “Kazu-chan I have to tell you something.” He stepped back from me and looked curious but also worried. “What is it?” he asked. “I-I met a girl. A-and I really like her. W-we are together since a few weeks. B-but I’ve told h-her today that I’m also to-together with you” I stuttered. He looked really shocked and sad. “Why are we still together when you’ve met a girl you like?” I couldn't meet his eyes, but judging from his voice he was close to tears. “You’re right. I’m in love with her. But it’s different from you Kazu-chan.” “What’s so different with me?” His voice was still said but also contained some anger there. After thinking for a few moments, I gathered the courage to look in his face and said, “Because I love you. I really love you Kamenashi Kazuya.” His eyes widened and tears were rolling down his cheeks. It was the first time I’ve said that to someone. The very first time. I’ve never had said it to someone before. “I love you but I’m also in love with that girl. It’s so complicated I can’t even explain it. Argh, why is love such a difficult thing.” Kind of ignoring what I’ve just said he told me “I-I love you too, Jin. I really do.” I smiled brightly. “And though I’m really unhappy with knowing you’re in love with someone beside me, I’ll never give you up or let you go,” he said very seriously. A few years later I’ve learned that he had really meant it. At least to a point he meant it, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here all alone,” I smile sadly. I miss him so much. I haven’t seen him in real life since I’ve left the company. But I watch all of his dramas and shows on TV. What he doesn’t know is that he already sang songs I’ve written. Some of them specially for him. “My contact person…” I begin. “Contact person?” she asks. “Yeah, you know, the person I give the songs I’ve written or composed to. That person told me already a few times that KAT-TUN would like to meet me since I’ve written so many great songs for them. Specially Kame wants to meet me, he said. That contact person doesn’t know who I am, he knows like everyone else only my pseudonym. “And what did you answer to the meet-up requests?” “I always told him I can’t. I promised myself not to meet any person I wrote songs for and he accepted that.” “Oh I see, but you want to meet them too, don’t you?” “A part of me really wants to meet them, explain them why I left. But they wouldn’t understand it. Not yet. Not before they have read this story. Most of the darkest parts are secrets only a few persons know about. They aren’t included.” “And what about Kamenashi-kun? He would understand it, wouldn’t he.” It was more stating a fact than a real question. “Probably, yes. But he has changed so much in the course of 15 years. Into someone no one wants to spend time with. Sadly I really doubt that he has any real friends.” I stared at the beautiful beach before us. “He lives for his work, not works for a living.” Suddenly the reporter's face looks curious. “I really want to tell you something, but before I’d like you to continue your story. I’m still curious about Kamenashi-kun breaking his promise and KAT-TUN’s debut.” I sighed. “It’s really hard to tell you this. It was something really horrible.” ---- 33 Kapitel 4: chapter 4 -------------------- a golden bell starts ringing, chapter 4 “It’s really hard to tell you this. It was something really horrible. The day our debut was announced in January 2006 they were all very happy that we were finally allowed to. I smiled, too. But I wasn’t happy because I knew which circumstances caused the sudden debut. Kame was smiling, too, but his eyes were empty. He was probably tired from crying all night long. I was there with him holding him while he cried so much and kept apologizing. The evening before Kame had an appointment with Johnny-san. I waited for him in the lobby. He spent all of 30 minutes in that office. When I looked at him I was shocked. He looked so horrible. To be exact, he looked fucked. “What happened?” I asked him. But he only said, “Nothing. Let’s go home,” and walked towards the exit. My brief look at his face let me follow him without questioning any further. Perhaps we had better talk in quiet. But he didn’t say anything while we drove to my apartment. I didn't know what to say either. I had barely closed my apartment door behind me when Kame started to speak. While walking over to the sofa, he said, “We will debut. It will be announced tomorrow.” With a heavy flap he sat down. His tone told me that he was rather sad about our debut. Not happy like he was supposed to be. I sat next to him, now even more confused than before. “Wait, what? But isn’t that great?” I asked confused. His whispered answer was barely audible. “Yes, probably...” I couldn't help but ask again, “But would you tell me what happened, please? I don't know what to make of you at the moment, you look shell-shocked.” Actually, that was an understatement. Though we sat next to each other, Kame still wouldn't meet my eyes. He chuckled darkly and said without any emotion, “When I arrived at his office, nobody was there. Shouldn't there be assistants or something? He looked at me from head to toe and simply said, ‘Let me fuck you and I will let you debut’.” “HE SAID WHAT?!” I shouted in disbelief. Kame shook a bit on his seat, I never rose my voice so much. “And you let him?” I couldn't help but ask although I already knew the answer. While still staring into the empty space he just nodded. When I came closer to him on the sofa he finally looked up. I didn't know what to do or say, so I just pulled him into my arms and held him tightly. And then he began. He started trembling and crying terribly. And apologizing. “I’m so so sorry Jin. I didn’t know what to do. He said he won’t ever let us debut if -- wouldn’t do it now. I thought of -- fans and the others. I did -- for them.” He sobbed so hard that some of his words got lost. I stroked his back to calm him but said eventually, “It was your first time, wasn’t it?” The following silence could've been minutes, but also seconds. No sobs, no trembling. But then he started to cry even harder and tremble even more. We sat there the whole night. He was crying in my arms and I was simply holding him. I didn't know what to say. I was so shocked I didn't even cry. After a while he whispered with a tired voice, “I wanted you to be my first.” I felt a sting in my heart. That was the moment I had to hold back my tears. When sun began to dawn, we had maybe a one-hour-nap. I turned on the TV, Morning News were broadcasting. Not unsurprisingly, their breaking news were, ‘Johnny’s famous idol group KAT-TUN will debut this spring. A press conference is scheduled for 2PM.’ So it was even in the morning news programmes. All of Japan knew now. Immediately my cell phone rang. It was our manager, speaking in a busy tone. “Akanishi-kun, you probably already heard of the fantastic news! We will meet up in an hour for the press conference preparation. Oh, and could you tell Kamenashi-kun of the meeting too? I’ve called him a few times but only got his voice mail.” “I’ll try to reach him. See you later.” I replied with a tired voice and hung up.” The reporter looks shocked. Understandable, though. Good thing there wasn't a mirror in the vicinity when Kame told me. I can still feel that sting in my heart. “I don’t know what to say. You really want me to publish that? It will probably be the end of Johnny’s & Associates.” Her voice is a bit trembling. Must be the excitement or whatever. “Yes, I really want you to publish that. Enough time passed and since last year Johnny-san isn’t the main boss of the company anymore. I’ve heard he’s sick. Don’t know if that’s true though,” I say thoughtfully. “Really? I didn't know. And I guess others neither. I better research about that and publish this fact too,” she says while writing something down in her notebook. How old-fashioned. “I guess you’re right,” I nod. While still writing in her notebook she asks, “Do you know who the main boss is now?” “Julie, his niece. Daughter of his sister Mary” I say and the rage in my voice is obvious, talking about that person. She hears it too. “Are you okay? Did something happen with that person or why do you sound so mad talking about her?” I am so angry I can't help but snappishly return, “Well, if there is a person I hate as much as I hate Johnny-san, she is it. She is the reason there's this distance Kame and I had to keep all these years.” “Oh, that’s interesting, I thought Johnny-san was the reason. Tell me about it. Why was Julie-san the reason?” Her change from shock to interest is so fast. Typically of reporters. This is a really important part of my story. “It was in the beginning of October 2006 when it happened...” ------------- und weiter gehts~ Kapitel 5: chapter 5 -------------------- a golden bell starts ringing, chapter 5 „It was in October 2006 when it happened,“ I continue my story. Her eyes widen. “You mean the first L.A. incident?” I nod. “I mean the reason for leaving” “Ok, go on,” she says with the usual reporter-enthusiasm. “It was on October 8 when Kame and I went out for dinner to an exclusive restaurant to just spend some time together. Having some time to spare was very rare due to his filming schedule. We ate really delicious food and drank lots of sake. Too much of it unfortunately. By the time it was time to leave we were pretty tipsy. Kame clang onto my right arm, his head leaning on my shoulder. Usually he wouldn’t do such a thing in public and I would be fine with it. But this time I enjoyed it. Suddenly Kame let go of my arm and stopped. “What is it?” I asked confused. “Nuuuu~thing!” Kame grinned and walked right in front of me. He swung his arms around my neck and pulled me close. I pulled him even closer by putting my arms around his waist. He smiled at me, such a cute and lovely smile. Alcohol-infused probably the cutest smile in the world. He was still not paying attention that we were in public. I looked around though. Fortunately it was late and I couldn't see anyone. Kame leaned really close. I could feel his lips on my earlobe when he said, “Kiss me~”. I hesitated a second but leaned in to kiss him eventually. First it was a sweet kiss, only our lips touching, but it turned passionate very fast. I don’t know how long we stood there and kissed but after a while we broke apart to take a breath. While we still stood so close to each other, I whispered into Kame's ear, “I love you, let’s go home.” He nodded. We separated and walked to the next taxi-station holding hands. In the morning we arrived at the jimusho with headaches, but at least I could remember everything we did in public and in private after. Kame said he couldn’t remember anything before he took a shower in the morning, waking up with a hangover. Koki greeted us when we walked into the dressing room. “Yo, good morning!” We just nodded in reply. “Had a nice evening yesterday?” Nakamaru asked. “Yes, the food was delicious! You really should try that restaurant,” Kame told them. “I bet the sake was delicious too. Judging by your appearances today,” Ueda remarked sarcastically. I nodded. “Well, thank you. You can see that we have a huge headache, right?” Ueda smiled “Of course I do, I hope you didn’t do something stupid.” I began to feel nervous. “I-I don’t think so.” Kame looked a bit confused at my stammering but laughed. “Of course we didn’t. You know how I am in public.” I snorted at that and now Kame stared for a bit, but let it go. The next days were quite calm. Then Thursday the 12th came. This became the worst day of my life. Our manager came in. “Akanishi, Kamenashi, Johnny-san wants to talk to the two of you.” We looked confused at each other and followed him to Johnny-sans office. What had we done? Suddenly I remembered the little incident on the street. But there had been no one else, right? Stay calm, Jin, I told myself. When we walked in was nobody except Johnny-san and his niece, Julie. I guess I had expected only Johnny to be there. “Please sit down” he said in an instructional tone. There were two chairs in front of his desk, kind of unusual. We were used to standing in this office, but we sat down as ordered. Johnny said in a mysterious air, “My dear niece wants to talk to you. You both know she will lead this company someday, so she has the right to decide some things too.” We nodded, a bit dumb-founded. “So…” she began. “What did you do last Sunday?” she asked. “We had a dinner at a restaurant,” Kame answered honestly. If you looked closely, Julies stare was even more intimidating than her uncle's. “Okay, and what did you do after leaving that restaurant?” “We….” A pause. All the images went before my inner eye. His cute smile. The cutest smile. Kame being too drunk when we wanted to leave the restaurant. The dark street. “We walked to a taxi-station” I answered for him. “And what did you do on the way to the taxi-station?” Silence. I knew that she was referring to the kiss but couldn’t say it. I was so sure there had been nobody else or else I wouldn't have kissed him. I just couldn't admit it. “You did this,” she said and showered the floor in front of our chairs with some photos. When I picked one up it showed the kiss we had on the way to the taxi-station. Another Kame leaning close and whispering. The kiss looked so different from another perspective. It was the kiss Kame couldn’t remember. Kame looked shocked at the photos. I didn’t. I couldn't. It was all my fault. “You’re lucky that it was just me seeing you and taking pictures. I could have been a paparazzi, think about it! Aren't you using your heads when you walk out of this building? It could've ended in a disaster, right?” We nodded. We couldn’t say something because she was right. A side-ways glance told me that Kame still couldn't believe his eyes. He was always so alert in public. My remorse got even worse. “I’ve made a decision,” she said very seriously. I was scared now and I bet Kame was too. People were excluded from activities for minor incidents. It was so obvious from the pictures that we had a relationship. “Akanishi-kun will go to Los Angeles to study English is the official announcement. We released it to the press last night. Press conference is set for tomorrow. We officially said you’ll stay for 6 months but its not decided yet how long you’ll actually stay.” My eyes widened in shock. This was perfidious. Cleverer than suspension. Getting me out of the picture meant splitting us up, too. I became so afraid so suddenly. “What? You can’t do that...! We had our debut just half a year ago!” Kame protested. I felt it was no use even before Kame spoke up. Julie shook her head. “It’s already decided, we asked you here to inform you about it. It's not up for discussion.” “And she can do that?” Kame looked at Johnny-san unbelievably. He nodded .“I told you she can make decisions too. This is her decision and I accept that. You can leave now.” This was it. We had to accept it as if a judge just spoke his sentence. When the office door closed behind us I didn't feel anything. Mortification and regret and loss would've been the best fit. But if there's so much at once, it could be nothing too. After being silent for a few moments, Kame snapped at me. “Why didn’t you tell me about that kiss? I bet you remember everything from that evening!” “But Kame-” “You deserve it to go when you can’t control yourself in public anymore. I support their decision.” Before I could answer he ran off to the elevator.” ----- :) Kapitel 6: chapter 6 -------------------- a golden bell starts ringing, chapter 6 “Aaah, so that’s how it was” the reporter states a bit surprised but continues. “What happened next?” “After Kame had left the manager ordered the other KAT-TUN members to Johnny’s office to inform them. They made them believe that it was my decision to take a leave. They knew of my affection for the English language, but were shocked about this sudden decision all the same. In the end most of them accepted it. Koki was very angry at me though. I couldn’t understand it back then, but today I do. He was caring much for Kame and he could already see that it would affect him very much. The next day the said press conference was held. I guess the shocked situation I found myself in captivated me all through it. Nakamaru and Taguchi were supporting me and they read some messages of the others to the audience. There was also a letter from Kame. Kame, who’d been so angry at me the day before. I couldn’t really understand what they were talking about, but in the end, it sounded very much like each of them. And of course I had to lie to the press, too. Yes, it was my own decision. Yes, it's very nice of the jimusho to let me take a leave. And yes, ever since I visited once I loved Los Angeles, so this was probably the place to go to. I too made them believe that the decision was made a long time ago and that we’ve just waited for a suitable time to take the plan into action. If it wouldn't have been for the cards that were prepared beforehand, I wouldn't have really known what to say to the cameras waiting for me. The next two weeks were so busy I nearly forgot where left and right was. Full of appointments and meetings with public authorities in Japan and the US. Many things needed to be settled before I could leave for the US. And don't forget the photo shoots, the rehearsals, my day-time job so to speak. Then at the beginning of November the time had come. I sat in a car with Johnny-san and my mom. They were escorting me to the airport. After the check-in I sat in the VIP lounge with them. Nobody said a word. It was almost as if you couldn't hear a single thing. Or it was just me concentrating a bit too much. The silence was a bit too scary for me. After a while it was time for boarding. But before I could go on board I suddenly heard someone scream and turned around. It was as if I'd had waited for this voice for a long time already. “JIN! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE!” Although I suspected to see him I was still surprised at Kame's appearance. I hadn’t talked to him since we had the fight in front of Johnny’s office about two weeks ago. “Kamenashi, what are YOU doing here?” Johnny-san asked with an angry but surprised voice. But Kame ignored Johnny-san and continued talking to me. Kame must have been running all the way to the gate, he was so out of breath. “Please...! Don’t leave me...Jin...” I could hear and see that he was close to tears. I walked in his direction but stopped 2 meters away from him. Trying on my best and most confident smile I said looking into his eyes, “Kazu, I will come back, I promise.” To undermine my words I held up my pinky, like in the old times. Whether there was a reaction or not I wouldn’t know, I only looked into his eyes. With his words Johnny-san broke our eye contact. “Akanishi, go NOW!” I couldn't do anything but obey. With a heavy heart I turned around and went to the gateway. At the final security check I tried a little embrace sign, so my mom would understand that she should take care of Kame now. I saw her nodding and walking over to him. The last thing I saw before walking over the boarding bridge was my mom holding Kame. She told me later when I asked her what she had told him: 'Don’t worry Kazu-kun, he will come back to you for sure!'” The reporter laughs. Actually I don't know what was so funny about this. I'm full of sorrow to have to tell her all of this. “You have a very young mother, don't you?” I give her a soft smile that most probably doesn't reach my eyes. “Yes, and she is the best mom in the world.” “So, what happened after you left for the US?” she asks again. “Well… the loneliest months ever started for me. The first few weeks in L.A. were pretty hard. Even when I love America and speaking English so much it was the environment that was so unfamiliar. Japan definitely has a different feel than the US, I don't know how to describe it otherwise. Moreover, at home I had my family, friends, bars and clubs I patronized and now I had to find it all anew: new friends and new locations to have a good night after all the learning. I was surprised that I made friends pretty fast. For the rest of November and first three weeks of December I spend time with getting paperwork done, clubbing and partying with my new-found friends and of course I also studied English. When Christmas came nearer I started to get very lonely without Kame. Usually we would spent the time apprehending Christmas going to different restaurants, visiting each others families and stuff like that. But mainly we spent time with each other. I missed him more and more, so I tried to call him many times. He never picked up. I wondered if he was mad at me for just boarding the plane after he came all the way to the airport to stop me from going. I even bothered Pi with it, all across the ocean, but he told me that Kame was probably just busy. That he was always busy since I left Japan. This made me worry. I knew Kame always liked working but he also had time for some other things in between. Even though L.A. is so warm in December you could feel the Christmas atmosphere. The store windows were full of Christmas decoration, the radio stations played Christmas songs and in the neighbourhoods you could smell the home-made Christmas cookies. Houses decorated with bright lights, all blinking in a different rhythm. Obviously I was getting into that atmosphere but it made me feel so lonely. At least the decoration reminded me very much of home. And the one waiting for me there. The day before Christmas Eve, my friends drove home to their families since in the US Christmas is a holiday for the family. So in the evening, I found myself in my little apartment watching old American Christmas movies. I had ordered some food from a Japanese delivery service and bought a cake for keeping at least a teensy bit Japanese tradition to this holiday. The hours passed by as I decided to try calling Kame again. I just didn't know what I was supposed to do else. There was only the phone service on the other end of the line. It told me in Japanese, “The owner of this number is temporarily unavailable, please call back later or leave a message after the beep.” Beep. So that meant I should leave a message. “Oh... Hey Kazu, it’s me! You’re probably busy but don’t work too much, ok? Anyways, I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas……and tell you that I miss you. Love ya.” After leaving these words on his voice mail I returned to my old American Christmas movies and the cake which I still hadn’t dared to touch. After eating two or three slices I eventually fell asleep on the sofa. The next morning – Christmas Eve – I was woken up by the door bell. A quick look at the alarm clock showed me it was only 8 a.m. Wasn’t it a public holiday or something? I should still be asleep! Annoyed that I had to get up at all, I mumbled to myself. “Who the hell is waking me up at this time? Better be someone important..” After stumbling through the apartment, I reached my door and opened it. Seeing who was standing before me made me suddenly fully awake. I couldn’t quite grasp it. “Kazu…W-what are you doing h-here?” It all came out stuttering. Maybe not so much awake then. I was so surprised and happy, so with a smile I asked him in. He smiled, “I came here to spend Christmas with my boyfriend”. Ah, that beautiful smile. “I thought you’re so busy lately? How could Johnny-san allow you to come here then?” I teased. “He didn’t allow it! I took a few days off over Christmas and just flew here,” he chuckled. I laughed. “That’s so not you, Kazu. What did you do with the real one?” “You’re probably right but I just had to do it,” he also laughed. “So? Why?” I asked teasingly. “I wonder why…” he said as he came closer swung his arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. Finally I could feel these lips again. It had been over two months since I last tasted them. We still stood in the entryway and the door was a bit open, but I couldn’t care less. In the end, Kame stayed two days. And in these two days I could finally forget the loneliness I felt since I had arrived in the US. Upon his return to Japan he sent me a text message: “Thank you for your voice mail, just listened to it. Will keep it until you’re back! Love ya, too ♥” “Awww that was so cute of Kamenashi-kun,” the reporter says. “So you actually had a nice Christmas that year, right?” The memory alone makes me smile. “Yes, one of the best I ever had. Just spending time with the person I love far away from the menacing big boss and the showbiz-paparazzi made these days great”. ----- :D Kapitel 7: chapter 7 -------------------- a golden bell starts ringing, chapter 7 “Let me continue with my story,” I say and my listener nods, “Sure, go ahead.” “It was New Year's Eve and I got woken up by my alarm clock at 6:50 a.m.” “Wow, why that early on New Year's Eve?” the reporter interrupts. She is so impatient. I just smile. After a while, she gets it. “Ah, yes, sorry to interrupt you. Please continue.” “I got woken up by my alarm clock at 6:50 a.m. It was still so early, so the first thing I did was brewing coffee. When it was done I poured it into a pink cup that made me smile. Yes, this pink cup made me smile, because I got it from Kame as a Christmas present. It was a casual pink cup with some red hearts on it like you could find it in every mall. For me it was special though. He gave it to me with a card attached to it that said, “I leave a few parts of my heart with you to warm you up on the cold days without me. You’ll get the other parts when you’re back home.” My clock said one minute to 7 a.m. when I took my cell phone and dialled a certain number. It was close to 12 a.m. in Japan, so I didn't expect him to answer. And indeed, after a few seconds the voice mail answered my call. “…Please leave a message after the beep…” Beep. “Happy New Year, Kazuya! I wish you - and us - the best for this year! Hope to talk to you soon, love you and miss you. Ciao.” I hung up. After, I drank my cup of coffee, took a short shower and laid down on the sofa to take a nap. It was way too early for getting up at New Year's Eve. I had planned to party with some friends I had found in the US, so staying up till late required some more sleep. Soon, I drifted off to dreamland.” “Oh, oh, oh! What happened at the party?” the reporter asks enthusiastically. I laugh. “When you wouldn’t interrupt me permanently you’d know it already.” “Err…yes, sorry,” she smiles sheepishly. „Well, then I’ll continue… I woke up around 11 a.m. and had a look at my cell phone. No new calls or messages. Kame was probably still partying with the members after the Johnny’s Countdown concert. I wasn’t bothered by that, he’d call or message later for sure. As the evening came I got ready for the New Year's party I wanted to go to. I dressed up as usual: A half-baggy style jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a jacket because it was mid-winter and even in California it was a bit cold in the evening. The memory of Kame complaining in his thick coat made me smile at my own reflection. He was constantly complaining that L.A. was supposed to be warmer than Tokyo, even in winter. While I was still dreamily standing in the bathroom shaving, the doorbell rang. I washed my face, put some after-shave lotion on and walked to the door to open it. One of my friends greeted me. “Yoo~, Jin! Ready for part-aaaay?” “Yeah, always!” I replied taking the keys and leaving the apartment with him. About half an hour later we arrived at our party location – a club which was attached to a hotel. It wasn’t that crowded yet but people kept filing in and sooner or later the dance-floor would be packed. We sat down on a big table where some of our mutual friends were waiting. The hours passed by. And perhaps we had a bit too much to drink. Actually I should have known better after the incident with Kame but I drank nevertheless, trying to forget these thoughts. It was around 11:30 p.m. when my friend came with two girls in tow, a blonde and a brunette. They sat down on the sofa next to me and we began to chit-chat. After some time the girls asked me if I wanted to dance. I didn’t see a problem with that but also agreed without thinking too much about it. The alcohol must have gone into my head already. Then the countdown came. We counted down to zero and wished each other a 'Happy New Year'. Afterwards I continued clumsily dancing with those girls. One was in front of me, the other back to back with me. My cell phone had been on the table we sat at before so I didn’t hear it ringing. One of my friends did, though and picked up. I don't know his words exactly, but he supposedly the conversation was as follows: “Heeeeeeeey, wassup? Happy New Year!!!” Kame replied confused,“Who is there? Can I speak Jin?” “Sorry, Jin is busy dancing with two hot chicks,” my friend said. “He is what?” Kame asked surprised and a bit hurt. Before my friend could repeat what he’d said Kame continued, “Just tell him I called. I’m Kame.” And he hung up. But then my friend took a picture of me dancing with those girls and sent it to the guy he just had talked to – Kame. Apparently he wanted to picture his words.” “Oh, that’s bad,” the reporter interrupts again and continues, “But how do you know about that when it happened without you?” “You can imagine that Kame wasn’t really happy about it but I’ll come to that later, so let me continue,” I reply. She just nods. “I went home shortly after 3 a.m., because my head felt like it would explode any second. I asked the bartender to call me a taxi. My friends didn’t want to go home yet and were too drunk to drive, anyway. At home I looked at my cell phone again, still waiting for a message or call from Kame. “Message has been sent,” was written on the screen. I wondered which message since I hadn’t looked at my cell phone the whole evening. I searched the out-box and saw it. The sent picture. The picture which showed me dancing with the girls whose names I didn't even remember now. I was shocked to see it and even more shocked when I’ve read the addressee of the message – Kame. ‘Oh shit,’ I thought. I called him right away, even in my drunk state I knew that picture wasn’t good to be seen by my boyfriend. After the 6th ring he finally picked up. “What do you want?” he asked, sounding annoyed. Understandable. “Kazuuuuu, when diddschouuuu call?” I asked. “You’re drunk, go to sleep,” he kind of ordered. “Whooooooo picked upp when dchouuuuu called?” “Not you, you were ‘too busy dancing with those two hot chicks.’” Obviously that was a quote. I was instantly a bit more sober when I heard his words. “Tell me, who picked upp?” “How the hell should I know?! A friend of yours I suppose. I told him to tell you that I’ve called but next thing I got was that ‘nice’ picture of you dancing with those two bitches.” Kame was getting really angry. “You know…,” I began, “…I’m kinda drunk and just felt like dancing with them.” Together with the anger in his voice, I could hear disappointment, too. “And just because you felt like doing so, you did it? And when you feel like fucking someone you’re doing that too?” “Kazuuu, don’t say such things, I’d never cheat on you! It was just dancing,” I tried to calm him. “What if you would have drunk more and wouldn’t even notice what you were doing with those bitches? Huh? What then? Never say never, huh?! Akanishi, I’m done with you!” He almost shouted the last part and hung up. Leaving me with a sting in my heart. I was miserable and not anywhere near sober, so I went to bed first before I could think about it again. This year had begun bad already and again alcohol was one of the reasons.” “He broke up with you because of you dancing with two girls?” the reporter asks shocked. She notes something into her notepad. I don't want to know what exactly. Sighing, I say, “Well…kinda.” “That was an unexpected turn of the story after the nice time you obviously spent on Christmas,” she says thoughtful. I nod approvingly. “Yeah, and he didn’t answer any of my calls or messages after. I cannot express in words how worried that made me. Of course I contacted my friends in Japan, even Pi or Ueda when they found the time. Upon being asked how Kame was doing, they always said, ‘Busy as always but even busier’ which made me worry even more. I hoped he listened to my voice mails, because they were full of apologies about the happenings at New Year's.” “But he didn’t call back or sent a message, I guess?” she asks. I shake my head as an answer. “Instead, at the end of January I got a call from our manager.” My phone rang and our manager was on the end of the other line. “Akanishi-kun, it’s been a while! How are you doing over there? Listen, the band will have an appointment in New York in two weeks, that's why I’m calling you. The members and Johnny-san will decide about your future then. And you’ll have a photo shoot for special shop photos too, so please make sure to look acceptable.” It wasn't exactly a conversational tone he used. “I’ll send you the ticket from Los Angeles to New York in a few days,” he added. I replied, “Okay, thank you for the information, see you in two weeks then.” So in two weeks' time my future would be decided for me. By the members and the big boss himself. I wondered why the members were included but that fact made me worry a bit less. I was looking forward to the New York appointment; finally I could try to apologize to Kame in person and hoped he'd forgive me. But I am a person who always sees a glass half empty, so I couldn't avoid the thought that he might not forgive me, too. It made me so sad. He was my most precious person in the world and I didn’t want to lose him just because of me dancing with two meaningless women. But two days before the New York appointment was supposed to be, I received mails from an anonymous sender. All had the same content, just different pictures and articles attached. Those mails made me sad and disappointed.” “What were those mails about?” the reporter asks curiously. “Kame dating Koizumi Kyoko-san,” I almost whisper, the sadness swinging in my voice. ----- So, das wars erstmal an update. Chapter 8 ist eigentlich schon fertig, aber da mein beta seit Monaten beschäftigt ist, muss ich noch paar Sachen ändern und so ^^ Kapitel 8: chapter 8 -------------------- a golden bell starts ringing, chapter 8 “So then the day after I got that mail, I had to wake up early to prepare for the New York appointment. I packed my travel-bag and checked in online for my flight to New York, which was scheduled for 1.30p.m. After checking if every thing’s okay to leave the apartment, I called a taxi to drive me to the Los Angeles Airport. At the Los Angeles Airport I only had to go to the gate, let the security check my travel-bag and board since I’ve checked in already. After 5½ hours in the plane I arrived at the JFK Airport in New York. It was short after 10p.m. Our manager came to pick me up. “Welcome to New York City Akanishi-kun. You’re a bit later than I’ve expected. The others are already in the hotel” he informed me. After another 45 minutes in the car we arrived at the middle-class hotel we’d stay in for the next few days. I remembered this hotel. It was the same hotel as in 2003 when we had our photobook shoot here. I checked in and wanted to bring my bag to the room first. On the way to the elevator I could hear them talking and laughing in the hotel bar. Them – the other members of KAT-TUN. I wanted to join them but I thought it’d be a better idea to talk to Kame first. Lost in thoughts I shrieked a bit when someone stopped the elevator door from closing to get in too. I looked up and he looked surprised at me. He nodded and stood next to me. Neither of us said a word. Arriving at the 9th floor he walked fast out of the elevator towards his room. Probably trying to avoid me. His room was surprisingly next to mine. I opened the door to my room and went in to put my bag there. After that I walked out of the room again. I wanted to talk to Kame now. The sooner the better. I knocked on his door and after a while he opened it. “What do you want?” he asked. Again with that annoyed voice. “Wanna talk to you” I replied directly. “I told you I’m done with you” he said and wanted to close the door again. “And I’m telling you, you’re not” I pressed against the closing door. Pushing it open walking in the room and closing it loudly behind me Kame looked kinda shocked at me. He didn’t expect me to do sucha thing. But my next step was even more unexpected. I pushed him against the wall and kissed him hard. Passion and the anger about the dating rumor mixed up in this kiss. I thought he’d push me right away but he didn’t. He did the opposite with swinging his arms around my neck to pull me closer to deepen the kiss. He began to softly push me back without breaking the kiss. Seemed like he was guiding me to somewhere which ended up to be his bed. Lying upon me he tried to intensify the kiss if that was even possible. As he began to unbutton my pants I did the same with his shirt and pants. I undressed my shirt fast after so that we were still lying in the same position just in underpants, already rock-hard. He stroked over my erected cock through my pants, made me moan loudly “Oh gosh, Kazu…ohh.” Pulling the seam of my pants he smirked “We need to remove these.” Suddenly I switched positions, pinning him down on his bed. “Yeah, but like THIS, my love” I smirked. He just laughed. Maybe I was being too childish sometimes. I pulled down his pants now, beginning to stroke his cock. “Oh fuck, Ji…n” he moaned. I leaned down to his ear, whispering “Yes, I will fuck you now, I will fuck your brain out.” This made him moan even louder. I kissed him passionately and went down kissing his neck, over his chest. Licking and sucking on his small nipples made him moan again “Please…Jin…don’t be such a teaser.” I smirked again and asked “Where do you have lube?” He just pointed at the nightstand, so I took out the lube from there. Putting enough of it on 2 fingers, I was being no teaser anymore, lifting him a bit and pushing those fingers without hesitation into him. “Ugh Jin…” he bit on his lip. Of course that must have hurt. “Sorry, just relax baby” I began to stroke him inside while kissing him for distraction. It took a few minutes until I put a third finger in. Still kissing the moans were shut down by our mouths. Then I must have found his sweet spot, cause he broke free from the kiss to moan loudly. “Ready?” I asked. He just nodded, took some lube in his hand and stroke over my cock with it. Prepared enough I lifted him up a bit more and replaced my fingers with my pulsing erected cock. Beginning to thrust slowly, he immediately moaned “faster.” “Your wish is my command” I smirked, thrusting faster now. “Gosh Kazu, so tight…” I moaned. “Are you really okay? Doesn’t it still hurt too much?” I asked gently, but I wasn’t sure if it just came out like “asdjlakdjlfklskj KAZU.” “I’m… fine” he shook his head to the latter part of my question. I begin to stroke his cock to give him pleasure, too, like I was getting it in that moment. I stroked in the same pace I was thrusting into him. It didn’t take long until we reached our climax. The desire and longing for each other in the last weeks after Christmas was too much. With loud moans I came in him while he came in my hand. Exhausted I collapsed on him. Staying like that for a few moments before pulling my cock slowly out of him, rolling down from him to his side. He snuggled closer to me. It felt so good to feel him again. “I’m sorry” he whispered. “Hm?” I asked exhausted. “About the whole situation. I overreacted but that day had pissed me off already and that fight with you just had made it even worse” he sighed. “What happened to piss you off?” I asked curiously. “Well…Johnny-san informed me about his future plans…you know, that I have to pretend dating Koizumi-san” he said. “Oh that” I replied with annoyed voice. “So, please don’t worry about it! It’s just something I have to do for Johnny-san.” Again he did something for that old man even after all he did to him and us last year. “I’m sorry too” I began. “I was so stupid that night I’m sorry I’ve hurt you by the things I did.” “I know, I’ve listened to your voicemails” I could feel his smile against me skin. “Let’s take a shower and then go downstairs to the others again. Actually I had told them to be away for just a few minutes” he said while getting up from the bed. “Oh showering together” I smirked. He laughed “No, that’d take too long.” “You’re right” I also laughed. “So then a short shower. Let’s meet in a few in front of the elevator” he suggested. “Alright” I said while leaving the room to take a short shower in my room. A few minutes later we stood in the elevator. “I’m nervous” I had to admit. “Why? Don’t be! It’s just the guys” he tried to calm me. Arriving at the first floor he took my hand and pulled me with him to the hotel bar. “Look what I’ve found” he smiled brightly. That smile I loved so much. Still love so much. The others were surprised to see me and Koki looked like he wanted to say something but Ueda beat him to it. “Oh, you found back your smile Kame” he said looking at me. --- Thats it for chapter 8 ^^ I hope the smut part is okay...was my first attempt writing it lol Chapter 9 will take a while, havent even started yet and its kinda a fill-in chapter :/ Kapitel 9: chapter 9 -------------------- the golden bell starts ringing, chapter 9 “That’s really sweet” the reporter says, writing things down in her notebook. “But should I really write that scene as detailed as you just told me?” she asks grinning. “Oh…uhm…no please shorten it…to like…a sentence” I stutter feeling like blushing, I was clearly in sunk in memories telling her that scene. “Alright, then I just write something like ‘You wanted to talk to Kamenashi, but you two ended up having sex but talked out after it’, yes?” she asks, but doesn’t really want an answer to that question. “Uhm yes” I nod anyways, this situation is so embarrassing. “So, how does the story go on” she is curious again. “Are your ready so far? Then I’ll continue now!” “The next day was the big day. The day KAT-TUN would decide if I can stay in the group or not. The members were sitting with our managers in one of the conference rooms of the hotel. Johnny-san wasn’t physically there but they hold a video conference with him. I wasn’t allowed to be with them for that conference so I waited in the hotel bar, sipping nervous on my cup of black coffee. It took longer than I expected it to take. They were already sitting for about 2 hours in that room now, and I had my 5th cup of coffee already. Not that coffee was a good help for calming me down, but nothing could help in that moment anyways. The moment I wanted to order my 6th cup of coffee, the 5 of them came in. I looked at them with big curious but also nervous eyes. When they all began to smile brightly I felt big relief. Kame came the few steps over to me and hugged me tightly. He whispered to me “You can really thank us! Well, Koki wasn’t that much of help, but you know what I mean.” I simply nodded. The others came over after Kame had let go of me, and gave me a short hug too. But then Nakamaru said “You have to go upstairs to the conference room now, they want to tell you everything in official manners, too.” “Alright, see you later then” I said on the way to the elevator. In front of the door I knocked on it and waited for a reply before stepping in. I sat down on the chair the managers told me to. On the big screen the video conference to Johnny-san was still online. “Welcome Akanishi-kun, let me tell you a summary of the things we discussed about the last 2 hours” he began. “We decided that you’re allowed to come back to the group, after the 6 months of ‘study’ are over. Means, you’re allowed to come back in about 2 months. Back in Tokyo we will held a press conference, and prepare you to join the KAT-TUN concerts as soon as possible. Same with the TV Show they get. The album they recorded will be released as planned, with no new songs including you. In the next weeks we decide the new single, since it’s going to be the theme song to Tanaka-kuns new Drama. But we will re-record it a bit after you came back, and will release it as the first single of this year. Understood so far?“ I nodded. „We will talk about the issues between you and Kamenashi-kun when you’re back. It’s better to discuss that from face to face instead of that video conference thing. “ he added. I nodded again. “Then I’ve told you everything you need to know at the moment. Go back downstairs, the photoshoots will start soon. Dismissed” he ordered and I did as he told me to. Back downstairs the others were already changed to the photoshoot clothes. The stylist took me with her to the dressing room and gave me the chosen clothes. After, the visagist made me look a bit fresher than I looked. Thanks god there are visagists and make-up artists. Well, at least when you have to take professional photos or have public appearances.” “Otherwise you don’t wear make-up or something to keep your teint fresh?” the reporter interupts me, of course she is interested in make-up things, she’s a woman after all. “Not really, I’m rather lazy in that kind of stuff. That’s why I usually wear hats and sunglasses. Or wore, here at home I don’t need to look good for anyone anyways” I smile sadly. “Don’t you feel lonely? All alone on an island?” she asks, probably it was easy to see from the smile I just had made. “I am lonely. Very lonely. I’m used to have always someone around me. I never was alone for a long time. So being all by myself is very lonely, but it can’t be helped” I sigh. “Well, you didn’t have to leave Tokyo, have you?” “No, of course not, but I think it was better to be far away from all the stuff I’m used to. And I wouldn’t have been able to walk around freely, since paparazzi and fans are everywhere” I tell her. “Anyways, please continue” she says. “The photoshoot was nice, though I had a separate shoot from the other 5. They wanted to make it like we didn’t meet in the 6 months I was in the US. After the shoot was over we had some free time, could go shopping or back to sleep or eat something. We all decided to go out for lunch and walked around until we found a decent place for lunch. The food was good and not expensive for the amout of food we got. Hours seemed to pass while we were eating and talking. I felt so good to be with the guys again. It’s not that we made that kind of stuff often in Japan, but when we went out for dinner, it was always fun. Well, except the one time I and Kame got caught. The reason for me being in the US. After lunch was done and we talked enough we walked back to the hotel. Back in the hotel the others had an interview and I got more free time. I went to the photographer who took the photos earlier that day. We picked the best photos which should be printed as new shop photos and had a nice small talk. Since I got so much free time, I went to my room to take a nap. There was nothing better to do anyways. I don’t know how much time passed while I was napping, but I was woken up by knocking on my door. So I got up still half asleep and opened the door. “Yo Akanishi, we’re going to have dinner now, wanna join us or stay in dreamland?” Ueda offered grinning. “I’m coming” I said taking my door card and went downstairs with him. Ueda, imitating Kame on the day before said “Look what I’ve found” pointing at me. “Oh sleepyhead is under the living people again” Koki joked. Kame just smiled at me. I sat down next to him. The evening was nice. We talked again and had good food again, too. We went to our room quite early since our flights were taking off around 11 a.m. I just laid down on my bed when someone knocked on my door. So I went up again to open the door. “Hey” he smiled lovable. “Hi” I smiled back. “Mind it when I stay over for the night?” he asked. “No, not at all, why should I mind” I pulled him in my room right into my arms. After closing the door, we went to bed. Lying on the bed Kame snuggled closer to me and began to talk. “I’m scared” “Of what?” I asked. “What will happen when you’re back to Japan” he almost whispered. “Oh that, yes, me too” I admitted. “It can’t be something good Johnny-san wants to talk about with us” he declaired. I just nodded. “When are you coming back?” he wanted to know. “Don’t know yet, probably mid-April” I honestly answered. “How should I survive another 2 months without my boyfriend” he sighed. I chuckled. “But don’t do stupid things in those 2 months” he warned me with strict voice. I gulped “I won’t, promise.” “Good night” he said looking up at me, like waiting for something. “Good night” I replied, and gave him the good night kiss he was waiting for. The next morning we were woken up at around 7 a.m. After a short shower and packing the stuff we had with us, we drove to the airport. We all took the same flight to LA. I’d stay there while the others just had to transfer. But they had around 3 hours until their flight to Tokyo would depart. Kame dragged me into the Starbucks, asking me what I can suggest to drink. “Iced Americano” he grinned. So he went to the counter to order 2 of this drink one for each of us. His cute English made me grin. I could have ordered it, but he insisted to order them by himself. I stayed with them, until they had to pass the security gates. Told them all my best for the next 2 months and they wished me the best for the time being in LA too. Before going to the security gate, Kame came over a last time and hugged me. “I will miss you so much, I love you so much” he whispered. „Same here, will miss you too. And I love you too, you can’t imagine how much“ I whispered back. Then they went through the security gate and I went ‘home’.” “Was it sad to tell them goodbye” the reported asked suddenly. “Ah, no, at that time it was okay to tell them goodbye. We had a great time in New York together and would see each other soon again” I answered. “Ah okay, then please continue” “The 2 months passed by pretty quickly. Nothing particular happened. I studied, went out to club with my American friends, chilled out at home, phoned alot with Kame. Thats mostly all that happened in those 2 months. I still got mails from Anonymous with pictures of Kame with Koizumi-san, on those pictures they seemed to be really close. Too close for my taste. But in those moments I always thought of Kames words “It’s just something I have to do for Johnny-san” and that calmed me down a bit. But I couldn’t wait to be back home again. Then the day had come. I was sitting in the plane back home to Tokyo. Pi came to pick me up and I told him to drop me off at Kame’s place. He grinned “You need to get laid, huh?” “I’m sorry that I missed my boyfriend” I snapped at him, but he still grinned. After dropping me off I went up with the elevator and ringed the bell in front of the entrance to Kame’s apartment. I could hear him through the door asking with the intercom who there is. I knocked on the door to show him the person was already in front of his apartment. He slowly opened the door, but when he saw me the bright smile I love so much was there again. Pulling me into his apartment, closing the door behind me, we were already busy kissing and undressing. We spent the night together, but I couldn’t stay over. I called a taxi and had to drive home. Next day would be the big “welcome back” press conference and I had to go to the hairdresser before. So when I arrived at home I called my mom and told her that her beloved son is back home. And she ordered me to come over for dinner soon. I laughed and told her that I’d try to arrange it. About the press conference the next day isn’t much to tell. Half of what we said there were lies, but we were already used to tell so many lies to our fans and the reporters anyways.” “But you’re not lying to me right now, right?“ the reporter had to make sure. I laugh “What would the point of telling you my story then?” She smiles “True. So then.“ „Then the next day we took off to Sendai. KAT-TUN would have the concert, but I would appear in the encore. I was so nervous. I was sitting backstage in the dressing room watching the concert over the backstage screen. When they had their solos Kame came to me and gave me a short kiss. 2 hours later my big time had come. Encore. Encore. Encore. I was standing there ready to head to the stage with them. The audience was shouting. Encore. Encore. Encore. Then we went on stage. Finally as 6 again. And the hall was going crazy. Not only because I was with them, no, also because Kame had swung his arm around my shoulder to keep me close. I went a few steps closer to the audience and told them “I’m home”. The response of thousands of voices was “Welcome home.” I got teary eyes, but then went back to the others. My overpossessive boyfriend swung his arm around my shoulder again and we all talked a bit before singing Real Face. The concert was from all concerts I had the most touching one. It just felt good to be with them on stage again. After we came back from Sendai, I and Kame had an appointment with Johnny-san. We were still waiting in front of his office to be called in. I took Kames hand and pressed it. Simply looking at him and smiled. When we were called in, I let go of his hand. “Sit down please” Johnny-san ordered. So we did as ordered. „I told you when you were in New York this talk would come“ he began. We nodded. „It won’t be long. There is just one thing you will do from now on.“ he continued. “Except from work, you won’t hang out together anymore, you avoid to talk at work, in interviews and TV appearances too” he said but it seemed like he wasn’t finished yet. Kame and I were silent and waited for him to finish his sentence. „You two officially hate each other now.“ he finished and we looked shocked at him. “But…we can’t do that, we can’t play like we hate each other“ I complained. “That was no request Akanishi. It was an order. You two officially hate each other now, the press and the tabloids are already informed about that” he declaired strictly. “And you don’t want to say something to it?” I asked Kame a bit disappoined. Kame shook his head “If Johnny-san wants us to do that, we have to do that. It’s probably for the better.” Of course he would say something like that. And that was the beginning of our end." ---- I finished this chapter faster than expected, and it got longer than I thought :D But now for chapter 10, I really don't know if I will be able to finish it this week or next, or the week after! And thanks for the comments :D Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)