When the cherry blossoms fall von _Marce_ (My time will come) ================================================================================ Prolog: When the cherry blossoms fall ------------------------------------- When the cherry blossoms fall… You think being popular makes life easier? Well, in general, it does. You have lots of friends. You’re Mr. handsome, cool and smart. You’re being admired by everyone and such. That’s who I am. But somehow I am not able to get close to someone called Kusakabe Makoto, the girl I like. I am always stick up with other people who are supposed to be my friends. But I don’t know if they like me the way I am or just because I’m popular. I don’t even know if they know ‘me’ and I do also not know ‘them’ except for few people. __________ so das war der prolog ^^ nicht viel aber etwas xd Kapitel 1: Part 1 ----------------- I like spring the most. When I look outside the window of my classroom at lunchtime she will always sit there with her friends. Under the gorgeous blossoms of the cherry tree, where the cherry blossoms fall is where the person I like is. She’s always smiling and taking plushy stuff with her. Her pure dark brown hair is always sparkling in the sun. It seems so soft and silky. She always carries a cheerful and lively aura with her. It makes me want to be with her and my heart race. Feels like a volcano is breaking through my body and raise my body temperature… Our first year in high school just began for a few weeks. I hope to get the chance to approach her. I first met her in third year in middle school but we weren’t in the same class so I hadn’t had many opportunities to talk to her. Maybe I wouldn’t have had the courage to talk to her. It’s difficult for me to deal with girls though I’m pretty popular with them. “Toya! What ‘cha spacing out for, dude?” That voice of a familiar person who is from one of my friends called my name and takes me right of my daydreams. I turn my head into that direction. It’s Tamako who called me. She is the kind of girl whose face is always full of sticky stuff which is called make-up and such. Her arms and neck have always glittering jewelry tied to them. The golden dyed hair of hers is really long and goes beyond her skirt. I can’t understand why she likes these. Well, she is just a girl. “What?” I couldn’t understand what she was saying. “What are you spacing out for?” Shota another friend of mine asked. I couldn’t tell them that I was staring at a girl’s beautiful smile. What will they think of me? That I’m a weirdo or stalker who is unable to do anything? It’s because I am not able to face her. I couldn’t speak normally to her without making a weird face. I am afraid of what she might think or feel. I answer “The cherry blossoms are really beautiful.” Beautiful… like her. Tamako sulked lightly while saying “So you like this kind of stuff. That‘s surprising.” It makes me think again that I can’t understand girls. But since I am a guy think I don’t need to understand. When I look outside the window again she wasn’t there anymore. Seems like lunch is about to end. I wish it could have last longer. It’s weird. “Toya! So you like cherry blossoms.” Tamako comes closer while putting her arms around my shoulders and sit down on my knees. “And… how do you like me?” It’s obvious that she has a crush on me. In middle school she’s always followed Shota and me to various places even if we didn’t want her to. But she became a good friend of us. “Um… could you please…” I want to tell her to let go of me as a loud voice in the corridor interrupt me. “There she goes again.” Tamako said. The door was opened with a loud noise. She comes in running with that bright smile of hers that could even surpass those of a thousand suns. When she saw us she stops for a while and stares. I realize that Tamako is still sitting on my knees. I hope Makoto won’t misunderstand the situation… “Tama…” She blushes a little still having that smile on her face. Maybe I wish she would misunderstand… to see how she’d react… “I bet you will look cute with this, Tama.” She places a cherry blossom on Tamako’s hair and grins. I will never understand how those two different persons canget along with each other or rather that they are twin sisters. But it’s an advantage for me. Since I am friends with Tamako I can get closer to Makoto. I hope so. “Makoto, you’re such a child. big sis is always beautiful. I don’t need such a thing, do I Toya?” Both, Makoto and Tamako keep looking at me with their eager eyes… it makes me feel awkward since I don’t want to anger one of them. “I guess… Tamako is a very beautiful person. The blossoms makes you cuter …you look nice either way.” I wanted to choose the right words and end up complementing Tamako. “If Toya likes it then I won’t mind this thing.” Tamako smiled happily. I wish I didn’t get her hopes up. I could never be able to return her feelings. She is merely an important friend. “Otonashi, here is also a cherry blossom for you.” Makoto also places it on my hair like she did it with her sister. I somehow feel really happy that she considered me. It makes me think of guys in TV shows who would get head over heels because of their beloved person touching them saying they won’t ever wash their hair again and such. This thought makes me chuckle. I won’t go that far expressing my feelings. “Thank you, Kusakabe.” I hope my smile doesn’t look creepy. “You look really cute with this, Otonashi.” I just like her so much. I can clearly hear my heartbeat like it wanted to burst out of my chest. It’s weird. I’m having such weird feelings. “Sho!” Makoto… “I made a cherry blossom crown for you.” She puts it on his head. It’s really well done and cute. I bet it’s made with much love. Somehow they are rally close. Well, yeah, they’re childhood friends know each other since the age of five. But I still feel jealous. I envy him. I wish I would be that close to her. “I don’t need that kind of thing.” I know he won’t see her that way. He said he would only see her as a little sister. When he heard me asking that question ‘Do you like Makoto?’ I guess he was kind of curious. Well, he already knows because he is my real best friend since middle school. He knows me the best. He is a really kind and smart guy who would always say what he thinks without considering other people’s feelings. He doesn’t mean to say sometimes harsh things and hurt other people’s feelings it’s just the way he behaves. But it still makes me anxious since I don’t know what she’s thinking about him. The way she insists on him getting that lovely thing. How he tries giving her that thing back. That she really wants him to have it. The way they quarrel about this little thing… That they touch each other so familiarly… I don’t want to see this. “Tamako… could you please take your own seat, you’re kinda heavy.” She jumps off my knees. “Heavy?! Me?!” I don’t care… “What’ cha doing?” I put my head on my arms which lay on the table. “Wanna take a nap.” “Why?” Why… because I don’t want to see them. “Classes are gonna start.” “Don’t care.” I don’t care about classes. But I do care about her. Thinking of them makes my heart aching. It’s weird. _____________ ich hoffe mit dem ertsen kapitel konnte ich euch schon einen guten einblick in die geschichte geben ^^ bin noch nicht so weit mit dem schreiben, aber damit schon sehr zufrieden xd Kapitel 2: Part 2 ----------------- Classes just ended. The teacher told me to clean the classroom and take some books to the teachers’ lounge because I slept in class. This sucks. The board is dirty. It sucks. The books are heavy. They suck. Somehow… my mood feels gloomy. It’s weird. These feelings… I hate them. My chest feels so awfully tight like it’s being squeezed by little demons which want to eat my heart. Uh? ”Kyaa!” Wha… What was that?! Suddenly someone bumped into me. Shit! My butt hurts and the books I carried are now spread on the floor. This sucks! I’m so mad right know. What kind of freaking idiot- “I’m so sorry!” Gosh, it’s Makoto. “I tried to run backwards.” Makoto just bumped into me and now sitting right in front of me, with her shiny eyes that seem like those of a little puppy. I can nearly feel how hot blood is rushing through my body right into my head. But the thumps of my heart were even louder than my rushing blood. It’s weird. “Otonashi… are you hurt?” Yeah, my butt… “Sorry…” Somehow… her eyes… her face… she seems so shy and insecure. Her face clearly says I want to disappear right now. It’s so cute. “Um… it’s okay. I’m not hurt so don’t worry.” It feels awkward. I don’t know what I should say or do. “I- I will help you!” Huh, she tries to pick up the books. I just watched perplexedly. Feels like the gravitation is keeping me away from her and drags me on the floor. I can’t move… but I also can’t let her do this alone. “I…” I bet I look pathetic. “I can do it myself.” Then I snatch out of my perplexity I try to help her… well, she rather helped me. That’s kind of embarrassing. But together it’s really fast done. “Um… let me help you carry them.” “Thanks.” I think it’s the first time we’ve been alone, just the two of us. It’s the first time she really looks at me. Her look mostly lies on the floor when we have a conversation. I wondered if she would be scared by me. Well, I’m pretty expressionless so it wouldn’t be a surprise that she may be scared. Now she stares at my face while walking backwards with curious eyes that want to discover something new. Or eyes which can look through the physicals and see the inside, the soul and the real thing. Right now I am really nervous. My cheeks are getting hot and I bet I’m blushing. Somehow I can’t meet her eyes and look away. It’s weird. Suddenly she bursts out laughing which really confuses me. “What?” Why is she laughing? It makes me even more curious that she stared so much at my face. I feel so nervous… “You… um…” Me what? “Tihi, I will tell you when we get rid of these.” What the? I want to know it now or I will die of curiosity. “Okay! Wait right here.” I take the books she carried and run as fast as I could to the teachers’ lounge. I’ve never been so worked up on something, always doing everything halfheartedly. But for her I’d travel the whole universe. When I walk back she still stands there where I left her behind looking kind of surprised at me. “What is it?” But she welcomes me with a smile that was like an arrow which shoots right through my heart heating up my body temperature again. “I’ve never seen you so energetic Otonashi. It’s kinda refreshing!” It’s weird but I’m happy. “Um… come with me to the outside where the faucet is.” Why? “Uh… okay.” I’m confused. What’s going on? Kapitel 3: Part 3 ----------------- The weather is pretty nice today. Even though the wind is fresh and feels kind of cold. The sun is shining so nicely so it warms the body up. When you listen clearly you can hear the wind whistles through the leaves and blossoms of the cherry trees and the birds singing their love songs. Yeah, it’s spring… “Look.” She gives me her pocket mirror and takes out her handkerchief. …what’s that? ‘Tamako Toya’ and a big heart are written on my face with thick red lipstick. Tamako! That damn woman! Next time I see her I will- “Huh?” My face gets wet. “Uwah, don’t move or it will be blurred on your face.” Makoto washes my face with her handkerchief… her face is so close to mine. I bet right now my face is turning into an even stronger red than the lipstick had. My heart is pounding so loud like church bells. It feels like it’s about to explode. I wish this moment could last forever. Only the two of us so close to each other... I don’t want time to go on. I don’t want the lipstick to be gone. I wish she would always be by my side… stupid! What am I thinking? It’s impossible for time to stop. Everything will go on and we’ll have to part. I really enjoy this moment with her. It’s weird. “Finished!” I wish her smile to be mine. I wish she’d be mine... only mine. Her laugh is even more beautiful than those of angels… even though I never saw an angel smile. Well, it just has a metaphoric meaning so… “Thanks!” “Shall we head back?” I don’t want to. “Yeah.” While we head back to class to get our stuff she sings happily. It’s nice to listen to. ‘The cherry blossoms fell, fluttering down…’ it’s a beautiful yet sad song. ‘Embracing ever bit of my fluttering love…’ But the way she sings is so gentle and refreshing. I’ve always admired her cheerfulness. I wonder why she always has such a good mood. Is it because all you see in this world are the good things? Are you hiding your sadness? Do you want to live on happily without having anything to fear or to regret? Shying away from the dark? Or just faking that lovely smile of yours? People might say it’s just because of her stupidity. You know, like the girls in manga or anime who are just stupid and do always laugh and smile. Who are always cheerful and cheeky, the girls everyone would like, because they are just themself. But Makoto is not like that. To me… she is special. She is not stupid. She has average good grades and she is middling talented in various things. I may be the only one thinking that… because I like her. It’s weird. “Where have you been?!” Again that voice which always takes me out of my thoughts. Her loud voice is sometimes really annoying. “Ouch!” Tamako comes racing along to us with Shota behind her who threw my bag at me. “Sho-“ “I want to go home now.” Tamako sulks bugged. “You could also go alone, can’t you?” Maybe I could walk her home if Tamako won’t. “Mommy said so because Makoto is an airhead and gets lost everywhere she goes even on her way home.” I knew that but I still wanted to be alone with her. “Say Toya…” Tamako seems kind of pissed… “What the hell is on ya face, bud?” My face again? “Dunno, I can’t look at my own face.” What’s wrong with my face?! I’m called the ‘prince’ because I’m good-looking handsome and cool. So what? “Look!” She holds her pocket mirror against my face. Does every girl have such a thing? “Huh.” The letters made with lipstick aren’t completely gone. Instead of ‘Tamako Toya’ there’s now only ‘mako To’ and the heart. “Makoto!” She grins at my cheekily and runs away. The way she runs is so cute… But I haven’t got time for such corny thoughts. Well, if she wants to play that game I’m willing to play. “Wait.” I need to get her. But I’m pretty sure that she’s slower than me so it won’t be a problem. Feels like she being a thief and me a policeman following her. It’s pretty fun to run after her. Through the school building… through the yard… I’d follow her wherever she’d go. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)