Master's Choice von Sean (Short stories from a world in which trainers raise human-like pokémon.) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Tarquin – Humiliation -------------------------------- Author's Note: This was the first story I wrote in this 'series' and differs a bit from the others in terms of style. The others sound less like quickly taken notes and more like actual stories, promise! It's also the only one with sexual content (so far). He knew that heat rushed to his face, but not more so than to his cock that strained against the ring around its base. He groaned, entirely out of pleasure. Master chuckled behind him, the grip in his hair tightening. A kick to the back of his knees sent him head first to the ground, his face scrapping painfully against the floor. “Tell me what you want.“ “Hurt me... more...“ “Be a good boy.“ “...please!“ Master went back to his chair and sat down leasurely. Tarquin was quick on his feet to follow him there. “Show me your submission, Tarquin. Lick Master's boots.“ It was sad how easy it was to follow the order, he was on his knees before he knew it, his tongue lapping the dirt from Master's black boots. He heard him laugh and felt himself grow harder. It was pathetic, and it felt so horribly good. Suddenly there was a hand on his neck pressing his head to the floor, and still his tongue reached out to taste that dark leather, as if it was the best thing he had ever tasted. “Such a good pet...“ Tarquin dragged himself to the showers, fearing his legs might give in any second. He could never decide whether he loved or hated the feeling of abuse, but he certainly craved it. He knew that when Master called, he would come to him again to gladly receive pain and humiliation. He sank to his knees as the hot water cascaded down over him, unable to withstand even that small pressure from above. His whole body shivered, despite the heat, completely exhausted. He caught himself smiling. “Are you alright?“ “Yes.“, he answered without looking up. “You don't look like it.“ “Looks can be deceiving.“ “Do you really want what he does to you?“ “Yes.“ “I'm sure you can see that's rather hard to understand.“ Tarquin turned off the water and stood up, albeit with a struggle. He faced Blitz, presenting a chest covered with bruises, both old and new, that the other knew couldn't all stem from battles. “I don't need you to understand.“ And Blitz didn't, that much Tarquin could tell, but he didn't care and had no muse to try and explain something he didn't like to dwell on in any case. “What I do need, right now, is sleep.“ And so he went to do just that, leaving the luxray without an answer. Kapitel 2: Tarquin – Birth -------------------------- Author's Note: This one is really short, but it belongs with the rest of the stories nonetheless. Tarquin was born in the wild. The real wild, so far off from civilization that a pokémon could live its whole life and never meet a single human being. Unless of course, they set out to do just that. Tarquin's family was one with so many children that one more or less didn't make much of a difference, except in terms of mouths having to be fed. So it was without much grief that they let Tarquin, one of the younger of the lot, leave their colony by the Seafoam Islands to find his own way in the world. Tarquin knew that it was hard to find a job as an unpartnered pokémon, but he didn't want a trainer. He needed freedom to see the world, to make his own decisions, and he didn't at all like the idea of someone else telling him what to do. And he liked fighting too much to have anyone but himself call the shots. He finally did get hired, by an aging captain who thought that a water pokémon could be useful aboard his ship. The pay wasn't great, quite the opposite in fact, but Tarquin didn't complain. This was temporary, only until he got somewhere. He didn't know where that was yet, or what he was going to do once he got there, but he'd figure that out in time. Quite a few of the sailors had bonded pokémon with them, and he got several offers himself, which he declined. The treatment he received from humans differed greatly, ranging from those who saw him as just another sailor, human or not, to those who treated him like some sort of clever pet that one could teach tricks. It was the latter kind that he got into quarrels with most often, and it was one of those quarrels that cost him his position in the end. Stranded at a seaport he'd never seen, in a part of the world he'd never even heard of, he wondered if this Johto held his somewhere, and so began another journey. Kapitel 3: Blitz – Hyper Potion ------------------------------- Blitz was breathing erratically, eyes clenched shut and shivering all over with pain. He'd won that fight, yes, but at a cost. He'd broken down as soon as Master had allowed it and was waiting for relief – whether in the form of unconsiousness or healing he did not care about right then. Master's hands were torture on his tattered body, testing and probing, finding every injury he had obtained. Blitz endured it without complain, merely moaning helplessly, control over his voice long gone. Finally he felt the cold metal of the hyper potion's injector at his throat and the needle's sting and familiar whizzing sound a second later. He hissed as the potion burned through his body, healing him so fast that one could watch his wounds close within mere moments. It wasn't a pleasant procedure, but much preferable to the alternative. Recovering the old-fashioned way took ages, and one never knew if complications were to show up along the way. He opened his eyes to watch the last of his damage disappear, though he was still blood stained and his clothes remained torn, obviously. Master looked down at him with approval, waiting for Blitz to pull himself to his feet. He managed and didn't even stagger too badly. He was used to the after effects of the potion, his body tingled a bit and phantom pain haunted his limbs, but that would pass soon enough, faster if he moved. “Well done, Blitz.” The Luxray smiled weakly, too exhausted to present the wide grin his victory deserved. “Thank you, Master.” Kapitel 4: Tarquin and Alcatraz – Dragons ----------------------------------------- Tarquin was weakened from the fight, but he pulled his body up to stand tall, back straight with pride over his victory. He didn't need the audience's cheering or Master's silent approval to know he'd done well; he'd sent his opponent into the dust of the arena without taking much damage himself. He was merely exhausted, but he'd recover quickly. “Tarquin, come back.” There was no disobeying Master's orders though, and even he had to admit that he had no specific advantage over the next fighter the other trainer sent out. And it was a strong one, it wasn't a bad choice to chose a fresh, rested pokémon to fight. However as he turned around to return to the bench his face went dark with fury. “No, not him!”, he exclaimed at the sight of Alcatraz readying himself for battle. “I can do it, Master, as much as he can, if not better!” Alcatraz was a dragon, too, he had no more type advantage over their new opponent than Tarquin had. It wasn't fair! Master's gaze alone was enough to make Tarquin shrink away and bow to his will though, despite the fact that Alcatraz' wide sharky grin made him resent the other dragon and Master's decision even more. He could have done it! What did the garchomp have over him except for brute force? “Sit this one out, pretty boy,” Alcatraz said as they passed each other. Tarquin ignored him as best he could, if only because looking at the other was to be confronted with the damning fact of their immense height difference. Alcatraz was a giant of muscle and rage, and quite the opposite of slender, controlled Tarquin. His shark-like looks were deceiving: he was the earth to Tarquin's ocean, heat to his coldness. The only thing they had in common was their mutual weakness to those of their own kind. “Watch,” Master ordered, knowing full well that Tarquin had more than half a mind to keep ignoring Alcatraz even in the ring. Tarquin obeyed with a quietly spoken “Yes, Master”, finding it hard and easy at the same time to listen to his trainer, as he often did. Alcatraz' fight wasn't beautiful as Tarquin's were. The garchomp was all about raw power, pounding the other combatant into the ground with no regard to the damage he took in return. It was an awe inspiring sight, truth to be told, but Tarquin would never admit anything of the kind to Alcatraz' face. As he watched Alcatraz win his fight, he knew that this opponent had been much better fitted to the other dragon's strengths, but he still hated to be exchanged for him. “I will not have fights within my team, Tarquin,” Master stated without looking at him and Tarquin had to fight the urge to lower his head in compliance. “Understood?” Tarquin saw Alcatraz exit the arena and whispered a quick but sincere “yes”, not wanting Alcatraz to witness the conversation. “Good.” Just like that it was over and Master did a quick check of Alcatraz' wounds before he judged them superficial and went out to claim his victory in the tournament. The two dragons sat on opposite sides of the bench, glaring at each other from the corner of their eyes. They didn't fight, but they weren't at peace either. It was instinct, and there was nothing either of them could do about that. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (