Leftovers von HubertOswell (My and your unfulfilled loves) ================================================================================ Kapitel 5: Chapter Seven ------------------------ The others had arrived back shortly before midnight. They found Roderich and Francis talking on the benches in the garage. After tidying up, Francis hoped, they wouldn't notice what had happened while they had been gone. He didn't look too closely at them. He and Roderich had both been sure why they had been left alone. This certainty didn't need any proof. They went outside together. Gilbert was obviously set on blowing himself up with firecrackers and rockets and whatnot. For a while, Elizabetha watched him, before she joined in. Francis heard Roderich chuckled as they watched the fireworks go off. Antonio and Lovino stood a bit to the side, arguing loudly about how to use the firecrackers. At least, Lovino was arguing and shouting. At least, Lovino was arguing and shouting. Antonio himself stood just next to his boyfriend and laughed. It was marvelous that they managed to set off even one rocket. Roderich leaned back while the fireworks lighted the night sky. He didn't say anything as they watched the red and blue and green lights. But without taking his glance of all the glittering, he took Francis' hand and squeezed it. Francis replied to it with a peck to Roderich's cheek. “Happy New Year.” Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)