a not so golden life von LeoDrayThanatos ================================================================================ Kapitel 5: Chapter 5 -------------------- A/N: next chapterˆˆ it's kinda short... CHAPTER 5 When he arrived, Harry looked around. He was standing in front of a house, nothing special, and he would never have guessed that the potions master would live there. He took the three steps to the door and knocked. He didn't have to wait until the door got opened by his professor, dressed in a simple black shirt and some dark jeans. "Potter?! What are you doing here? And how exactly do you know where I live?" "Hello, professor. Could I come in? I have to tell you some stuff, important stuff." "Come in. But I hope, it really is important. Because you disturbed me while I was in the middle of a potion and now I have to start it over again." Harry entered the house and was led to the living room. Once they both sat down, Harry handed the copy of his parents' will and the letter from Gringotts to Snape. "One is a copy of my parents' will and the other is a letter from Gringotts. And you probably should read the will first and then the letter. When you read both, I'll tell you what happened today." Snape took both documents and started with the will. When he came to the part where he was named Harry's second godfather, he was kind of shocked, but also sad in the same moment. Sad, because he just got to know that he lost over fifeteen years in the live of his childhood friends' son. He never would have thought that Lily had forgiven him for what he said back in school. But this will stated it. Then he continued to read the will till the end. And the letter afterwards. When he was done, Snape was angry. He couldn't believe that he could have had a godson to raise. That Lily actually forgave him and he never got to know it. He had to think about this. But first, he needed to know, what led to Harry getting to know this will after such a long time. "Lily really forgave me?! And she even made me your godfather together with the mutt?!" Severus asked Harry, still dazed about the relevations. "Forgave you for what? And yes, it appeares that you are my second godfather, the only one, now, that Sirius' dead. And that's actually what startet everything happening today, Sirius' death." "I had a fight with the marauders, Lily got involved and I made the mistake to call her a mudblood. After this incident, she never spoke to me ever again and got together with your father. I'm still angry with myself for saying this to my best friend. And how is Sirius' death involved with you getting your parents' will? Please, tell me everything that happened." And Harry did just that. When he finished, Severus was livid. He couldn't believe how someone could treat a boy like that. An orphan to that. 'Wasn't it enough that the boy lost his parents when he was just a toddler? No, the old coot and the blood treators had to steal from him as well, had to block his power and try to let him do their job, namely defeat the Dark Lord. He looked at the poor boy. "Harry, I know, I wasn't really the nicest person so far. I want to apologize for everytime I've wronged you. I didn't know. Albus told me before the start of your first year, that I should treat you in a way, that you learn that fame isn't everything. He led me believe, that you were a spoiled child and thought, you could get everything with your fame. And I did just what he asked me to. Even though, I sometimes asked myself, why you reacted so bad to the articles about you in the newspapers. And I'd like to be a godfather to you. If you'd be okay with it. You don't have to answer me right away. Do you have somewhere to go for the night, so you wouldn't have to go back to those muggles? If yes, then why don't you go there, we both sleep a night over everything and meet again tomorrow? And if you don't have anywhere to go right away, you could also just stay here and we talk about everything tomorrow, so we can both calm down and look at it from a new angle with new energy." "If it really is okay with you, I'd like to stay here. I might own quite a lot of properties, but the only ones I know are Grimmauld and Privet Drive, and I don't either want to go to Grimmauld because of all the memories of Sirius nor to Privet Drive as long as the Dursleys still live there." Snape nodded understanding. "Then please, come with me and I'll show you to the guest room. And I'll give you something to wear to sleep, and the first thing we'll do tomorrow, after we talked everything through, is going shopping. Because you really are in need of a new wardrobe!" Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)