Dragon Ball R von Lans13 (The saiyans are back!) ================================================================================ Kapitel 9: Chapter 9 -------------------- “I won’t go!” Vegeta shouted so loud that Trunks could hear it even two floors above the living room. “Don’t look at me like that, it wasn’t my freakin’ idea” Bulma shouted back. “And you have to go, it’s not like we have a choice.” Trunks had no idea, why they were arguing again, but honestly it did not really matter that much. His parents could argue over anything for hours. It’s like they needed it. He wasn’t even planning to ask what’s going on, but he had to enter the living room in order to get out of the house. Ok, maybe he could use the windows, but… He seriously considered it for a moment, then sighed and decided to take the stairs. When he entered the living room, he saw Vegeta with a letter in his hand, which was in a pretty bad condition. Currently he was staring at it like he wanted to burn it with his eyes. “Why the hell would they want me to be a soldier?!” he shouted. “A soldier?” Trunks asked. He tried not to say anything, otherwise he might also end up in the fight, but he just couldn’t resist it. “You also got one” Bulma said, and handed him over a letter. “Also it’s not like I need a gun to protect anything! Hell, I could blow up the whole planet if I wanted to!” Vegeta continued to shout. Trunks had a hard time to concentrate on the letter and he had to read it 3 times until he finally managed to gasp what it was about. In short, everybody had to receive a basic training so in case the country way in war, every man could be called in the army as a soldier and help to protect it. “This is really bad” Trunks sighed. “You think so?” Vegeta asked with sarcasm. “I wonder whether Goten, Gohan and Goku also got this.” “I couldn’t care less! I won’t go!” “You have to” Bulma said. “We cannot tell the government that you are an alien and you saved the planet and stuff…” It turned out that the rest of the saiyans also got the same letter so they help an “emergency meeting” later that day. “I have no idea how to use a gun” Goku said. “That’s the point; you will learn it” Gohan explained. “That’s beside the point!” Goten interrupted. “The problem is, that we just cannot pretend to be soldiers with our abilities.” “We could use the gravitation belts” Trunks offered. “That’s also not the point!” Vegeta called. “I won’t go!” “You have to, otherwise you will end up in prison” Gohan sighed. “Like I couldn’t break out…” “You can’t. You know the rules” Trunks looked at him. “So we need to go?” Goku asked from nobody in particular. “It seems so” Goten nodded. And so the preparation began. They had 1 week to plan everything and then Bulma dropped them off at the training camp. There, a man already dressed as a soldier told them where to get their uniforms and who can tell them their tent assignment. “This will be the longest 3 months of my life” Trunks said, after they got the uniforms and went to their tent. “At least we are in the same tent” Goten called. “I’m not so sure that it’s good” Goku called, looking at Vegeta who was just about to explode while he was looking at the uniform. “I cannot possibly wear this! No way in hell! No! I just can’t!” the prince began swearing. Of course he ended up wearing it and the rest of the saiyans had to press their teeth together not to laugh. Even so it was one of the hardest tasks ever. Vegeta give them all a death glare, then grabbed his backpack and began to walk towards their tent. They had 1 hour to get ready and be back on the fields. The problem was that the tent wasn’t assembled yet and they had to do that as well. Goku had no idea whatsoever and Vegeta wasn’t much of a help either. Goten, Trunks and Gohan decided it will be much affective not to involve their fathers that much in the process. “I just cannot reach that!” Gohan said, as he was trying to hang the cover to a hook. “Just fly up, damn it!” Vegeta called. “I can’t. What if somebody sees us?” “I have a solution!” Goku called, then he bent down and managed to put Vegeta on his shoulders. “What the fuck are you doing?!” Vegeta shouted, taken completely by surprise that he was sitting on Goku’s shoulders. “Just grab the cover and hook it!” Goku called. “Put me down at this instant!” the prince cried so loud that some of the new soldiers began looking in their direction. “Just do it!” Goku called. “No freakin’ way!” Vegeta shouted, then as he struggled, Goku missed a step and they both ended up on the ground, in the mud. It wouldn’t have been such a big issue, but they also managed to knock down the whole tent, which was already halfway done. “We should have all moved back to planet Vegeta” Trunks sighed, while he crawled out of the tent. “It’s too late now” Goten remarked. “Assemble!” the Sergeant called, indicating that their time was up. The new soldiers gathered in the middle of the camp, standing in one straight line. The sergeant observed them, then began shouting: “Too slow! You jackasses have exactly 2 minutes to assemble when you hear my command!” Trunks put a hand on his father’s shoulder, indicating that he just should keep his opinion and not say anything about the jackasses part. “I’m Sergeant Miller and I will be your commanding officer during your training. It means I will be your god. Whatever I say, you do it instantly. If I say you jump, you jump! If I say you run, you run. Without asking questions! Understood?!” “Yes” some soldiers answered, not that sure of themselves. “One again, this time much louder and don’t forget to add SIR at the end. So am I understood?” “Yes Sir!” the crowd answered, including the saiyans, expect for Vegeta of course. “At least pretend to speak” Trunks said to his father. Vegeta gave him the killer’s look, but managed to keep his mouth shut. “Now go back to your tents and let me check what you managed to do with it!” the Sergeant called and everybody rushed back to their places. “It’s bad, really bad” Gohan stated. “We are the only one who couldn’t put up the tent!” “We could have… “Goten said, throwing a side glance at Vegeta, who didn’t miss it.” “Don’t look at me!” he answered, then pointed at Goku: “He messed it up!” “Me?” Goku asked taken aback. “Having a tea party, do we?” the Sergeant stepped to the saiyans. “No, just…” Goten began to reply, but he got interrupted. “Nobody talks unless I ask something! Also you forgot to add SIR!” “I’m sorry” Goten answered, then quickly added: “Sir!” “Better” the Sergeant nodded with a smirk on his face. Then he looked at the tent which looked like a bomb hit it. Then he looked at the uniform of Goku and Vegeta; both were covered with dirt. “I see you already have a hard time keeping your uniform clean!” he remarked. Vegeta wanted to snap back, but decided not to. It was damn hard. “What happened?” the Sergeant asked. “We fell” Goku smiled, then as the Sergeant wanted to reply he added: “Sir!” “The uniform is the symbol of what you are, so you have to take care of it, when you are not on a mission or practice. Since you two seem to have some issues with it, you are on cleaning duty tonight. You have to scrub the floor of the commandant’s building! Come to my office at 10pm!” Goku felt Vegeta’s Ki’s rising and he prayed that the prince would be able to keep calm. Trunks also thrown a side glance at his father, also praying. Although he knew it has not that much of a sense as he was praying to Dende and he had no influence over the situation. Still it wouldn’t hurt to pray, right? “Since you failed to put up the tent, you have 10 minutes to do so” Miller continued. “Though even if you manage it, you are sleeping out of the tent tonight!” “Like I haven’t done that in a million times” Goku whispered and Goten had to repress a smile. Sure sleeping under the sky would be a punishment to any human as the nights were cold, but it was nothing to a saiyan. After Miller left, they once again began to put up a tent. This time Trunks put Goten on his shoulder, before Goku could have attempted the same number with Vegeta and so they completed the tasks. They equipped themselves with the gravitation belt so when they had to assemble again they already turned it on. As some soldiers didn’t get the right size of boots, the sergeant asked: “Who has big boots?” “Me!” Goku called, then quickly added: “Sir!” “Ok, then you can go back to the storage room and you can get smaller ones. A truck just arrived with more uniforms.” “It can stay sir, my feet are also big” Goku answered with a serious face. “Are you trying to outsmart me, jackass?” The Sergeant asked, stepping closed to the saiyan. “I don’t think so… sir!” “It wasn’t funny!” he stated. “But just to make clear who is the boss, you will have to carry the backpack with the weapon during today’s practice!” The sergeant pointed on a backpack which was around 20kg. Goku walked over to it and put it on his back, without much of an effort. “It will feel much heavier during the practice” the Sergeant smiled, then stepped back and once again looked over the new soldiers. It turned out the biggest part of the practice was just running. They run 1 big circle around the barracks, which included to run up on a hill. The Sergeant went with them, driving his squad and cursing the soldiers who run at the end. The rule was that whoever got back to the barracks first, got food first and the last got it last and it might happen that there wasn’t enough food so it was advisable to hurry. The saiyans decided to run in the middle, not drawing any unnecessary attention to them. Even with a high gravity they haven’t had any problem completing the distance. “What is this?” Vegeta asked, disgusted by the bowl of food he received. He was sitting with the rest of the others at a long table, trying to eat his dinner. “Wow, even mother’s cooking is better and that’s saying something” Trunks agreed. “It’s bad but I’m hungry” Goku nodded and eat the whole bowl within seconds. The amount of food wasn’t sufficient anyhow so even Vegeta eat it, not having any other option. The soldiers retreated into their tend and almost instantly fell asleep, completely drained by the practice. The saiyans were not so tired and they couldn’t use their tent’s either so Gohan sit down with a book outside it and began to read, while Trunks and Goten decided to play a card game. Vegeta and Goku had to attend their leaning duty so they went to the commandant’s office. “These are the things what you can use in order to clean” the Sergeant said with a smile, pointing on a really dirty bucket and two mop, which were also not really clean. “I just cannot believe it!” Vegeta said, while he tried to mop up the dirt from the floor. “I wonder when they cleaned this the last time?” Goku asked as he bent over and checked out a stain which refused to disappear. They had to empty the bucket and refill it with water 10 times and each time the water became black. When they finally finished it, it was almost midnight. As everybody else was already sleeping they also decided to do so, under the sky of course. The next morning Goku again managed to have a funny conversation with the Sergeant. He asked some of the soldiers in which part of the army would they prefer to be and Goku was the first who he picked. “Marine, sir” he answered. He sincerely had no idea what forces were on the army, he just vaguely recalled hearing something about the marine. “Can you swim?” Miller asked. “Why? I though you have ships or something… sir!” Goku answered with a honest surprised expression on his face. He again got the backpack which he had to carry around the whole day. “You are really retarded” Vegeta said, looking at him as he came back with the backpack. “Why? I really though they have ships” Goku answered. The prince wanted to say something but as Miller was looking in their direction he decided not to. “Today after you run around the barracks, you will learn how to handle weapons!” Miller explained. “Just great…” Goten sighed. The saiyans stick to their tactics from last day and tried to remain around the middle of the running crowd. Even with the high gravity they had no issues at all, or rather they had issues not to arrive back too soon. When the last soldier arrived as well, they gathered in a big tent, where a new officer waited for them. “I’m Captain Smith and I will teach you how to disassemble and reassemble some weapons, which are used in the army” he began. Everybody had to take place at a long desk, where a machine gun was placed in front of each soldier. Smith grabbed a similar machine gun and took it into pieces within a minute. He was so quick, that most of the soldiers lost track of what he was doing within the first few seconds. When he instructed them to repeat it, most of the men looked troubled and unsure. Some, who already knew basics about weapons, tried to do it. “What?!” Smith asked taken aback when he saw that all 5 saiyan repeated the “trick” after him within 30 seconds. “Crap!” Trunks whispered, when he realized they were not supposed to complete this task. “Have you already got some training on this?” the captain asked. Goten wanted to answer but Vegeta was quicker: “No. What the hell would I do with this?... Sir…” “Sir! It’s not like you can run around with a machine gun” Goten added to modify the meaning of Vegeta’s words a bit. While the others still struggled, the saiyans got other weapons to assemble and disassemble. It was not like they ever did such things or apart from Trunks they had much of a skill in building things, they just easily followed the movements and could mimic it instantly. After they learned the basics about weapons Smith pulled out a map and a compass and explained them how they can orient themselves using those. Gohan, Goten and Trunks tried to pay attention, while Goku and Vegeta appeared rather bored. For them it was a relief when they had to go out on the fields again. This time they had to complete the obstacle course. It consisted of holes filled with water and/or mud, wires under you had to crawl for minutes, poles, a Vietnamese bridge (which is made of 3 ropes one for walking and two what you can grab) walls what you have to climb, used tires after another, ropes hanging in the air what you have to cross by hanging on it, etc. “It’s pathetic that humans call this training” Vegeta said, after they completed the tasks on the court. “I think it’s better, then what I have expected” Goten called. “Sure, we are increasing the gravity, but at least I feel a bit tired.” When everybody finished, the soldiers had to make a straight line. Miller walked in front of them, observing the tired faces and he had a smirk until he was in front of the saiyans. Goten, Gohan and Trunks had the decency to pretend to be tired, but Vegeta was too proud as he wouldn’t even show it in case he was really exhausted. “Not tired?” Miller asked. “No. I wouldn’t call this a training” Vegeta answered. “Sir!” “What?” Milled shouted, not quite believing his ears. “Sir, it’s true. We train much harder than this” Goku nodded. “What?! If so, then both of you go and finish it one more time.” “It won’t make much difference” Vegeta said, but it was not loud enough for Miller to understand it. As the two saiyan completed the route again, Miller watched them. He was reluctant to admit, but those men were indeed not so bad. Still, he couldn’t believe his eyes, when they came back and they were not even out of breath. “Go to the end of the line!” he snapped. “But Sir, somebody is already standing there!” Goku objected. “Just stand after him!” Miller shouted. First, he was sure that Goku was teasing him, but by know he wasn’t so convinced. Maybe he was indeed so stupid? They had some other practice session until lunch. When Vegeta and Goku still didn’t look tired, Miller went to them and commanded: “You two, go to the kitchen after dinner to help the chief!” “Why?” Vegeta asked. “Why? Why?!” Miller’s face was red from the anger. “Because I said so! But since you have to ask, you are on duty from tomorrow on in my office!” Vegeta wanted to kill the man and it was something else then what he usually felt for humans. Sure, he still found most of the people annoying and wanted to strangle of blow up some of them, but this feeling was way more intensive then what he ever felt before for any human. He needed all his mental power not to punch the man in the face, at least breaking his nose. Today’s lunch was even more awful then in the previous day. Still, the saiyans were extremely hungry so they ate it. They say there are 2 places where you taste everything; in the crib and in the army. “Even I cook better than this” Gohan sighed. “I’m not so sure” Goten answered, remembering the time, when they were left alone and his brother tried to cook from a book. They were lucky Atin came later and she turned out to be a great cook. In the afternoon the soldiers were divided into two groups. One had the task to cut out trees in the nearby forest, while the rest had to cut up those woods. “Ops!” Trunks called as he hit the tree with too much force and broke the axe. It bounced off and Gohan had to jump away to avoid it. They quickly looked around, but nobody seemed to notice what happened. This time the saiyans were a bit more careful how to cut the tree. Goku and Vegeta had the task to cut up the log and also they managed to break the first axe. They had even more trouble when they learned how to shoot, or better said when they had their first shooting session. In the morning they learned how to disassemble and reassemble weapons, so they also knew how to use it. They had to lay down on the ground and try to hit the target, which was a photo of a man pinned to a log. This time it was Gohan who managed to break the first gun. He squeezed the trigger way to strong and it just broke off. Sure he managed to shoot with it as well, way over the target. “I always knew these are not very effective, but never quite imagined that it’s so bad” Gohan sighed. “What have you done?” Miller asked, looking down at Gohan, who was holding the broken gun. “I had no idea, that it’s so easy to break this. I guess my grip was a bit tight. Sir!” “What? What! You broke it with your hand? That’s impossible!” Miller decided that Gohan will do the cleaning of the command’s office this time. So by the time it was evening, 3 from the 5 saiyan were in duty due to their behaviour during the day. When Goku and Vegeta entered the kitchen the chef lead them at the back of the room and pointed on a big amount of potato: “You need to peel those!” “All?” Goku asked, not quite believing they will be able to manage that even until morning. “All” the chief nodded, handling them over to knives and leaving them alone. As Goku and Vegeta never entered the kitchen apart for eating food, they had hardly any idea how to peel potato. They exchanged a look, then sit down and began to work. It was just due to their saiyan blood that at the end of the night they only had small cuts on their fingers. A normal human would have lost some of his fingers using the strange technique how they tried to peel the potato. They were only halfway done, when the chief said his goodbyes, leaving them all alone. “Do you think there is some left over?” Goku asked, getting up. “I’m still starving.” “Maybe” Vegeta called, also quite hungry. As they looked around they managed to find some bread and a little from the terrible soup what they got for lunch. During that time Gohan scrubbed the floor and just like his father, he had to empty the bucket quite a few times just to complete the floor. Still, he managed to get back much sooner than the others. It was almost 2am, when Vegeta and Goku also entered the tent and just then they heard some loud noise and Miller’s voice shouting for them to line up. Trunks vaguely recalled something about these drills, which meant that they needed to get dressed and assemble within 2 minutes. Goku and Vegeta was the first to arrive as they still had their clothes on, but thanks to the saiyan speed Gohan, Goten and Trunks shorty followed them. The soldiers who arrived late, had to run a circle around the camp, while the rest of them could go back to sleep. The next morning after breakfast the soldiers were divided into smaller groups. One participated on a training how to use maps and compass, the other group when to cut wood and the rest learned how to ride a horse. After lunch, they rotated. The saiyans had the pleasure to meet the horses straight after lunch, also they got to know Major Timothy, who was also their teacher. “Do you see those officers?” Timothy pointed at the railing, where several higher ranking officers watched them. “Yes sir!” the soldiers answered in union. “Now they didn’t come here to learn how to ride. They come here to laugh and mostly they have fun.” Timothy assigned a horse to each of the soldiers and as soon as Goku got his, he patted it on the side of the head as he was quite found of animals. Vegeta looked on his like he would blow it to the next dimension and Trunks could have sworn that the horse looked at him just like that as well. Gohan walked around his and he was just behind it, when the horse kicked him, managing to hit the only sensitive point of his body. Gohan cried out, grabbing the thing between his legs, while Timothy and some of the officers laughed hard. “Rule number one; the horse can kick you at the end, bite you at the front so we will try to climb on it in the middle” Timothy smirked. “Yeah…” Gohan managed to say, slowly backing away. After some other advises, the soldiers got up on the back of their horses. The major stepped to Trunks, pointed at the bridle: “Can you see this strap? This is like the break in the car. If you pull it the horse will slow down. In case you pull it stronger, the horse will stop. And in case you pull it stronger then you are supposed to, the horse will fall and it will land on you. Now that’s not a good thing so be careful with the bridle!” Riding was one of the tasks where being a saiyan wasn’t helping them out. Trunks horse always went to the wrong direction, while Vegeta’s horse didn’t move at all. Goten was fairly ok, while Goku looked like he was doing it in his whole life. He had no riding skills whatsoever but he was really good with animals so as surprising as it was, he turned out to be a good rider. Gohan was the only one who could use his saiyan powers, but just because the horse wanted to throw him off his back at any cost. As he struggled to remain in the saddle and he looked a bit similar to the cowboys who tried to remain on a bull in the rodeo. “Impressive” Timothy stepped to them, when the horse temporarily gave up throwing off the saiyan. Compared to riding, learning cartography or cutting wood was much easier. At the evening Vegeta had to go to the commander’s office and he ended up picking up the phone and moving some documents to the storage unit. He had the biggest issue with the phone as it rung in every 2 minutes and somebody always wanted something. He had to let in the truck which bought the food, or the truck with the new uniforms. He even hated to answer the phone at home, though every time a salesmen called them and he answered it, they never ever dared to call back. Vegeta only had 2 more minutes until the shift was over and he couldn’t believe that the phone ring again. “Which retarded is calling again?” he snapped, picking up the receiver. “Do you have any idea who I’m?” an angry voice asked at the other end. “No.” “I’m Brigadier Hamilton!” Now Vegeta had no exact idea about the ranks in the army, but he knew that it much be a high ranking officer. Even though he could have blown them up, he wasn’t allowed to, so it wasn’t a good idea to piss an officer off. At least he already learned that during his first week. “Sir, do you know who I’m?” “No…” “Them I see no issue at all” the prince smirked, then hung up the phone. Hamilton won’t know who picked up the phone so he was safe. Also his shift was up so he went back to their tent. “Surprise!” Bra called, who suddenly hugged Goten from behind. He never felt her presence as Bra repressed her Ki, also he never assumed she would dare to come here. He was just coming back from the bathroom and it caught him completely off guard. “Bra!” he called, then pushed her behind a shed. “Here?” Bra asked smiling, then kissed Goten passionately. Goten again never see this coming and for a couple of second he enjoyed the kiss, when he suddenly registered where he was. He suddenly thought about his last night with Bra. She really took it bad that Goten had to “play soldier” as she was still determined to get pregnant so their child would born around the same time as Trunks’. “You just can’t go!” she said. “Believe me, it’s not like I want to…” “I really want to have a child. So at least we will have sex all night!” “What?” Goten asked quite taken aback, but Bra already pushed him on the bed and removed her own shirt. It’s not that Goten was complaining, but he never expected that Bra will be the one in their relationship who will want sex more than he. He was a bit tired the next day, yet hid it quite well. Somehow he just wouldn’t want to reveal it in front of Vegeta why he hasn’t slept at all. “I will be in big trouble if they see you here” he protested coming back to the present, a bit out of breath. “I can feel Ki as well and nobody is here” she winked. “Still…” “I missed you so much!” “I missed you too, but just 1 more week and I get the weekend off. I promise you we can try to conceive a child the whole time!” “I’m quite looking forward for the sex part, but it turns out, I’m already pregnant” Bra smiled and hugged Goten. “The doctor just confirmed it so I wanted to share the news!” “Wow, it’s great!” Goten smiled, then put his hand on her bride’s stomach and concentrated on the baby’s Ki. Now that he knew there was one, he almost instantly felt it and he didn’t understand how he failed to notice it before. It was already quite strong. “You feel it as well, right?” she asked laughing. “Quite a Ki, what?” “My father might be right after all and our child might just be the strongest fighter ever” he smiled back. Vegeta just then finished his shift and as he went back he saw them. “Are you crazy, coming here?” he asked, looking at his daughter. “I just wanted to let Goten know that he will be a father soon, which makes you a grandfather, again” Bra said, then hugged his father. Just like Goten, Vegeta also concentrated on the Ki and he couldn’t repress a smirk as he also felt it. After exchanging a couple of more words, Bra left, not daring to tempt fate further. Gohan, Goku and Trunks were also happy to hear the news. As long as the first week seemed, the next one basically flew by. The saiyans mostly got used living in the barracks. They had no issues with the physical exercises, also managed not to fall asleep on “classes” where they were taught how to use a map or live in the wild. Gohan couldn’t help to remember how Piccolo left him all alone when he was 4, so even he doubted to learn something new, though he was still the only one who at least tried to pay attention. When they finally got home their first action was to eat as they never got enough food in the barracks. True, Goku and Vegeta got into some small trouble just to end up on kitchen duty and eat whatever food was left, still they were starving. While Trunks and Gohan spent the weekend with their families and Goten with Bra, Goku and Vegeta enjoyed some good sparring sessions. Sure, thanks to the gravity belt they sort of trained, but they never quite had the opportunity to fight. “I cannot believe we still have 2 months and 2 weeks in this hellhole” Vegeta said, when they were back and gathered in a straight line. “I heard that” Sergeant Miller said from behind. “Good, I meant every world!” the prince shrugged. “You are on kitchen duty again!” Miller said, then looked at Goku and added: “You too!” “Me? I haven’t said anything, sir!” Goku objected. “I know you, you were just about to.” “Maybe” Goku answered, sincerely thinking about whether it was true or not. “I will break you” Miller looked at them with a slight red head, then even gave them two backpacks filled with weapons and stuff to carry while they were exercising. “Really? We are only back since 30 minutes and you already pissed him off?” Gohan asked. “It’s worth it, we can steal food” Goku whispered back. In the afternoon they learned how to build rampart, dig trenches and generally how to make a military camp on enemy territory. Goku was in progress to dig a pit, which was good to take cover for enemy fire, when Miller reached him. “It’s too deep, you won’t be able to see the enemy from it.” “I’m not interested in them” Goku explained, causing Miller to wonder again, whether the man is trying to piss him up on purpose. He wasn’t willing to admit that somebody can be so stupid. He was really hoping that this 5 man will really be sorry at the end of the training. It’s not like Goten, Trunks or Gohan caused much trouble, but as they hung out with Goku and Vegeta, Miller was also pissed off them. He strongly hoped once he announces the program for the next week, these 5 idiots will break. Or after they return. “From tomorrow on you will go out in the woods and you have to live there for a week!” Miller said, causing many soldier to gasp. “Best news ever!” Trunks smiled and the others nodded in agreement. Miller couldn’t quite understand them as they were actually smiling when they took their backpacks. It was just impossible that somebody would welcome this news, especially since they only could carry 1 gun each, with a limited ammo and apart from the tent everybody only had food and water for a day. Yet, the saiyans were happy, no doubt about it. Heck, he will break them! “So we need to go there?” Goku asked, checking the map and pointing at the red mark. “Yes” Gohan nodded. “It would be hard to miss, we just need to look for a huge red X!” Goku smiled, causing the other saiyans to look at him shocked. “You really haven’t paid any attention on classes, right?” Goten asked. “Well, I tried…“ his father answered, scratching the back of his head. “You don’t need classes to know that much” Vegeta interrupted “just some common sense.” “Can I have this?” Trunks asked and took away the map from him. After 30 minutes of walk in the woods they found the place and began to build the tent. Once again, Goten, Gohan and Trunks asked their fathers just to sit this one out as it was better for everybody. “Let’s go hunting!” Goku called, looking at the prince. “At least that’s a useful idea” Vegeta nodded and they disappeared. As there was a slight chance somebody would check their camp during the week, the saiyans refrained to use any of their special powers. Well, almost. They killed the wild animals with their bare hands and cut up the firewood without using the axe, but apart from these small things, they tried to behave normal. “I wish we could stay here” Goten smiled after they finished their lunch. Since they were in the army, it was the first time they could eat as much as they wanted. Hunting wasn’t a problem for them and they knew most of the edible plants as well. It was like a break from all the crazy stuff what was recently going on. Also, they finally got to train and this time really train and spar with each other. Of course without the gravity room they had to restrain their attacks not to blow up anything major, but still it was like freedom. When the week was over, they reluctantly packed up and went back to the barracks. Sergeant Miller personally wanted to see every returning group and he couldn’t believe his eyes, when the saiyans got back and gave back their backpacks. While an another sergeant went through it and made sure no gun is missing, Miller was staring at them suspiciously. All 5 of them had a relatively clean uniform, which wasn’t even torn. Seemingly they had no injuries either but the most confusing issue was that they seemed relaxed. Like they went to some kind of spa hotel, instead of the woods! “I don’t understand” said the soldier while he checked the backpacks. “How come none of the bullets are missing?” “We didn’t need them” Goku answered, while Trunks and Goten looked panicked. They had totally forgotten that normal people most probably “hunted” with bullets and used guns for their protection, while they didn’t need anything, not even a knife. Ok, the knife come in handy to cut up their meals, but that’s an another thing. “What?” Miller asked taken aback. “You see we don’t eat much meat” Trunks tried to explain. “We just rather gathered fruits and vegetables.” “We did?” Goku asked not really understanding why Trunks was stating something which was obviously a lie. “Yes” Goten nodded, while he kicked his father’s ankle, indicating to shut up. Miller was fanatically thinking. They must have cheated somehow, but without any proof he just couldn’t punish them. Now he become more determined than ever to break every single one of them. As the rest of the team arrived back Gohan, Goten and Trunks realised even better, why Sergeant Miller was looking at them so strangely. Some soldiers were injured, many had torn clothes and every single one of them looked exhausted. At night when they had the usual drill, when everybody had 2 minutes to dress and be at the centre of the barracks, half of the soldiers failed to make it and some of them actually slept through it even though the sirens were extremely loud. Miller decided not to let those guys leave for the weekend so this time only half of the soldiers could go home. The saiyans as usual enjoyed they stay and eat a lot. When they went back they thought that only 2 more months to go and they could say their final goodbyes to the army. Goku and Vegeta continued to piss of Miller so they ended up on kitchen duty. “Wow, you are pretty amazing” looked the chief on the amount of potatoes what the saiyans peeled off. “It’s not so hard once you get the hang up of” Goku smiled. “Let’s make a deal! If you help me with the other vegetables as well then I can give you some extra food in return. Of course it will be a secret as Miller would tear off my head if he knew.” “Ok” Goku nodded. Vegeta wasn’t so willing but as he was constantly hungry it seemed like a fair deal so he also agreed. Sometimes they got so many food that they even smuggled some out to Gohan, Goten and Trunks who eat it with gratitude. Still, there were days when they all had to fall asleep hungry as sometimes Miller decided to make Goku and Vegeta clean his building or reorganise the storage rooms. It was a gamble, but mostly they ended up in the kitchen. “We will learn close-combat know, without weapons” Captain Smith said, who also taught them how to use weapons. “I was so afraid of this” Goten sighed. “Father, please try to pretend that you are human!” Trunks looked at Vegeta. “I won’t let anybody beat me!” he snapped back. “Now who wants to volunteer?” Smith asked, while he took off his shirt, revealing his muscular chest. As nobody quite trusted his abilities, Smith called then randomly one-by-one. Turned out, he wasn’t bad for a human and he knocked off 10 soldiers before he picked Goten. Just like the soldiers before him, he was forced to remove his shirt and Smith asked when he saw his chest: “Working out?” “A bit” Goten answered, but before he could blink, Smith punched him in the stomach. Of course he could have deflected it but he decided to pretend, he really didn’t see it coming. Yet, he hardly felt anything, while Smith cried out in pain, grabbing his fist with his other hand. Then Goten realised he should have dodged the attack. He looked at Trunks for help, but he only shrugged, so he decided to pretend that the hit at least hurt him. He quickly put his hand on his stomach and cried out in pain. Though it was rather strange as between Smith’s hit and Goten’s cry at least 10 seconds passed. Smith quickly gathered himself, pretending like he was ok and he attacked again. This time Goten dodged it, mainly for the captain’s own protection. When Smith was completely out of breath he took a step back and asked the soldiers to practice. Goten wanted to go back but the captain grabbed his arm and asked: “Where did you learn to fight?” “From my brother and father” Goten decided to tell the truth. He glanced at their direction and almost had to laugh as Gohan and Goku was trying to fight at a human speed. Even with the gravity belt on, they were much quicker and stronger so they had to concentrate hard to appear normal. Trunks and Vegeta also struggled not to reveal too much from their powers. It looked rather funny what they did, yet the captain was impressed even by that. Of course Miller was also walking by and he became almost instantly angry as he realised close-combat again wasn’t something, which would break the saiyans. As time passed he become desperate and gave them extra weights to carry with them or asked them to complete some tasks twice, yet even that was not a big deal for them. When the 3 months ended Trunks couldn’t decide if Miller or they were happier that the training was over and they never have to see each other. “It wasn’t so bad” Gohan said. “I wasted all this time instead of training” Vegeta called. “At least nobody really found out that we are not human” Trunks sighed. “No, but they think we are pretty weird” Goten laughed. “Good thing though, that we will never need the army when the next enemy appear” Goku smiled. “We would be dead instantly.” “Yeah, they were a great help against Cell as well” Vegeta smirked, thinking back of the pathetic human attempt to fight against him. Bulma and Chichi were quite relieved that the saiyans managed to keep a low profile, at least as low as it was possible for them and the saiyans were happy that they can go back to their “normal” lives. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)