TMNT Brotherhood von -Anele- ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Chapter I -------------------- „Don, get the camera!“ Mikey’s shrill scream echoed through the entire lair. The youngest of the turtle brothers ran around in the living room, calling everyone to join him. “It’s happening!” From the lab back in the quarter of the big room came Donatello with a camera in his hand. He turned around and smiled. “You okay there, Mona?”, he asked the female lizard, who was swaying slightly. “I don’t know, Donny”, she answered and her voice was cracking a little. “This is all so surreal. I’ve been waiting for this moment for six month and now… it all happens so fast…” “Raph, get your shell out here!” Mikey continued his screaming. “You become a father and Mona is about to faint!” Raphael came rushing into the living room and it was hard to tell, which part of Mikey’s phrase had alarmed him more. But he hurried over to his mate and helped her take the steps towards the squared shaped box that had been standing close to Master Splinter’s quarters for the past six month. “Can I take the egg out?” Mikey asked and beamed at his bo wielding brother. “No way”, came the immanent reply. “I take the egg to the nest, you hold the camera.” And Don pushed the tool into his brother’s hands. He walked over to the box, which was filled with light and heat. Before Don opened it, he looked over to Raph and Mona. “You should take it out. It’s your egg after all.” To Don’s surprise neither Raph nor Mona moved. Both managed to change the color of their faces from dark to light shade within seconds. Don almost barked out a laughter as he saw his usually tough older brother shake like a leaf. “Okay, I do it then.” He reached inside the box carefully and took out the egg, which was already moving inside his hands. Don rushed over to a small nest in the center of the living room and placed it inside. “The camera is ready”, Mikey announced and bounced behind the stand he had placed it one. “Stand here”, he gestured for Mona and Raph, who simply followed, their eyes fixed on the moving egg inside the nest. “Raph”, Mona suddenly said to her mate and grabbed one of his bulky arms. “You catch me if I faint, right?” “And who’s going to catch Raph?” The question came from Master Splinter’s quarters. The paper walled door has opened and Leo came out, helping his old Master down into the living room. The rat sensei had finally succumbed to his age. His eyes and ears where still sharp enough to catch everything around him, but his limbs didn’t want to move as fast as they used to, let alone carry his thin body. He held unto his oldest son, but chuckled at Leo’s question. “You one ta talk!”, Raph yelled back at Leo. The tension was apparently too much for him and he was in no mood for jokes. “At least I came immediately and didn’t hide in the dojo!” Normally Leo would have replied with another sharp comment, but not today. Today, he just grinned cockily at his hot headed brother. Raph growled at him. “Shut up! Ya have it behind ya already!” Another scream echoed through the lair, but this time it came from higher above. “Hurry up, you two”, Don called. “The shell is already cracking.” “Shell cracking”, repeated the high voice of Yoshi. Carried down in the arms of his mother, he could only slowly see the egg. As soon as he did, he pointed towards it. “Egg is hatching.” “That’s right. You’re getting a cousin”, Vee answered and stepped next to Mikey, who had been chased away from the camera by Don. The room felt silent as a loud crack came from the nest and a hole appeared in the shell of the egg. Next followed a small green foot. Raph’s face became even more pale and he stepped back a little. Don chuckled and lifted the camera towards him. The dark green turtle didn’t even noticed or anything else for that matter. His eyes, which grew larger by the second, were fixed on the egg. Another crack, now an arm popped out of the egg. It disappeared again and then the complete left half of the egg’s shell gave in as the arm pushed through it again. “Come on little dude, you can do it”, Mikey whispered and began bouncing again. Next to him, Yoshi began trashing on Vee’s arms. With his only two years, he could hardly process the excitement around him. Vee had a hard time controlling her son. “There!”, he screamed and pointed towards the egg, which was wiggling and then tumbled over, so the hole was now pointing to the lair’s roof. For a moment, nothing was happening, then, a small head came out of the hole, covered in slime and a thin fluff of dark hair. A pair of emerald eyes looked around. “Oh boy…” Mona stared straight into the hatchlings eyes, who was looking back at her for a few moments. Then two tiny arms came out and the small creature tried to fall into the nest. But it didn’t came far. Half way out, it got stuck and landed on his stomach, the under half of his body still trapped inside the egg. Apparently very displeased with that, the hatchling cried out, turned around his head and glared daggers at the shell. Mona stepped forward, but stopped immediately. Master Splinter had lifted his hand to command her to wait. He smiled warm and ensuring at her. The hatchling cried again and wiggled around to get out of the shell. When that proved to be useless, he trashed, which caused him to roll around. The shell cracked a bit. The hatchling felt silent, looked at his white prison with suspicion and then continued to roll around until the shell crack fully open and released him. To claim his utter victory and freedom, the small creature kicked the part of the shell close to his foot. It landed at the floor under the nest. The hatchling wiggled to the edge of the nest, looked down at the pieces that belonged to his old home and screamed at it. “Well, Raph, that’s definitely your child”, Don commented, his voice a little weak, because it was torn between a gulp to swallow upcoming tears and a laugh at the cuteness, he just witnessed. No answer came from Raph, he still stared at the nest, his eyes now so big that it looked like they were about to pop out of his skull. Mona next to him was still frozen in her half step forward. The fresh parents fixed their newborn, who had fallen on his back now. Between the cracked pieces of the shell the small dark green creature laid and seemed to realize just now, that he had entered a complete new world. It tried to sit up and landed on his stomach again, but his head lifted and he stared back at his parents. Nobody spoke, but the rest of the family – that was beside Raph and Mona – tried their hardest not to laugh or even chuckle. They all just had a very big smile on their faces. After a good minute, when no one had moved, Master Splinter was the first to break the spell. He titled his head and look at Raph and Mona. Just then, Mona gulped and stepped forward to the nest. The hatchling watched her with big questioning eyes. The female lizard stopped forward of the nest, she was breathing audible. Very slowly she reached inside and lifted the new born out. The hatchling made a small surprised sound and titled its head. But as soon as it felt its mother body against it’s own, it smiled. A big, bright smile – then it squeaked joyfully. That broke the ice completely. Mona sobbed and hugged her baby towards her. Applause filled the room. Master Splinter reached to his eyes and wiped a few tears away. Leo moved over to Vee and embraced her. She leaned back against him. In her arms, Yoshi squeaked too. Mikey was crying too and Don just stood there as proud and happy as if he himself was the father. Only Raph seemed to be in a trance still. But he managed to turn his gaze a little upwards and was now fixing Mona and the new born with his eyes. When Mona turned to him, she chuckled lowly. A tear streamed down on each of Raph’s cheeks. The female lizard walked over to her mate and presented the hatchling. “He has your eyes”, she said. The hatchling looked up into his father’s eyes. Raph stared back for a moment, but then he took the little one out of Mona’s arms and lifted it up to his face. And then he finally smiled. “Hey there, junior”, he whispered. Seeing his father’s smile, so did the hatchling again and reached out to touch the turtle’s face. “He’s smelly”, Raph commented. Mona laughed. She snuggled against her mate. “Hold still.” Leo had a camera in his hands. Raph placed the baby back into Mona’s arms and then embraced her. “He’s adorable”, Mikey exclaimed and jumped over to Mona as soon as Leo’s hand sank down again. “He’s a lizard”, Don noticed and pointed to the back of the hatchling. A small, rather short tail hang out from under one of Mona’s hands. None of them had know, what the hatchling would look like. When Yoshi was born, it was clear, that he would be a turtle, since Leo and Vee both were turtles. But since Raph and Mona were two different species, it was uncertain, what the new born would be. In the very first place, it wasn’t even clear, if Raph and Mona could have a child at all. “You got good genes, babe”, Raph chuckled. “So do you”, Mona replied. “He got your skin color.” “Can I hold him?”, Mikey asked. “First he needs a bath”, Mona said. “Trust me, Mikey, he’s sticky and smelly, full of egg ooze.” “I don’t care”, Mikey insisted, but Raph stepped in front of him. “Bath first, family meeting afterwards.” “What will you name him?”, Vee asked. “Right”, Mona said, realizing, that over all the excitement, they almost forgot about that. “We’ve decided for Machiavelli.” She looked over to Raph and chuckled again. “You know, to stay in good family tradition.” “A very good name”, Splinter commented. He was sitting on the couch now and looked at his new grandchild with a deep feeling of joy and peace. “Wash him now and be back quickly.” He winked at Mona and Raph. While the fresh made parents washed the ooze of their child, the rest of the family cleaned up. Leo and Mikey got rid of the egg shell’s pieces, while Vee helped Don to properly contain the breeder, that Don had build for the eggs of Yoshi and Machiavelli. Splinter took care of his older grandson. The small turtle infant was already distracted by his grandfather and didn’t even notice the return of his new cousin and his parents. “Are you clean now, little dude?” Mikey was the first to approach Mona and Raph. They walked to the couch. Only then Yoshi realized, that something was going on. He fully understood that a new event took place, when he felt his mother’s arms around him as he was lifted off the coach. Master Splinter was of course the first one to greet the new edition to the family. He held the small lizard and swayed him softly in his arms. Machiavelli reached for the soft fur of his grandfather’s face and neck and snuggled into it, purring happily. “Don’t pull too much, love”, Mona said, when Splinter narrowed his eyes a bit as the baby buried his hands deep inside his fur. “Grandpa is not a plush.” “I might as well be”, the rat sensei answered. “And as for the pulling, I had enough of that in my life.” Machiavelli purred even louder and laughed at his grandfather. Splinter lifted him up a bit, but not too high. The baby cried out loud and spread his arms as if an attempt to fly away. When Splinter sank his arms again and put the small lizard back to Mona, Mikey beamed up. “Me next.” Raph signed. “Fine, Mikey. But remember, he’s a livin’ bein’, not one of your toys.” The hot headed turtle watched carefully as Monas placed their son in Mikey’s arms. “And here’s Uncle Mikey.” Mikey beamed at his nephew and tickled his nose with his finger. “Dude, you are like so cute. And you look exactly like your mom. Which is a good thing.” He looked up at his brother and grinned. “Don’t get me wrong, Raph. I still love him even if he turned out to be as ugly as you.” Raph growled at him. “Just pass ma boy over and I show you ugly.” “Really, Raph, not today”, Mona said. But just as if Machiavelli had fully understood Mikey’s words, he lifted his hand and hit his uncle on the nose. “Ow!”, Mikey cried more out of surprise then actually pain. Raph roared with laughter. “See, Mikey, that’s ma boy. Just wait ‘til he’s tall enough ta reach ya head.” Machiavelli cried out loudly and tried to reach Mikey’s face, ready to strike again. The sea green turtle held the little lizard back to Mona. “Here you go. It’s the other’s turn.” Everyone laughed. Mona now turned to Leo, Vee and Yoshi. Leo sat on the coach next to his sensei and took his nephew. “See, honey”, said Mona softly. “That’s Uncle Leo, Auntie Vee and your cousin Yoshi.” Machiavelli looked with big eyes between Leo and Vee. Leo carefully stroked the young lizard’s head. “I guess, he will grow hair”, he spoke to Mona. “I know”, she replied. “He has a fluff on his head.” Machiavelli reached for Leo’s hand, but he only managed to get hold of a finger. He examined it with interest. But his distraction was quickly broken, when he felt another hand on his head. He turned his head to Vee, who knelt next to her mate stroking her nephews head with one hand. “He’s tiny”, Yoshi suddenly said, who hang onto the other arm of his mother. “You were just as tiny, when you got out of your egg”, Leo said. Machiavelli attention switched to his cousin and he laughed. Yoshi smiled brightly. “Can I touch him, Mama?”, he asked Vee. “Sure, but be careful. Just stroke his hand.” Yoshi did. At first Machiavelli just held still and watched, apparently fascinated by the fact, that there was another creature with similar small hands like him. Then he grabbed it and kept a hold on it. Yoshi froze for a moment and looked, a bit unsure, at his father. But Leo just smiled. “It’s okay. He likes you.” Yoshi smiled down at his cousin. “I like him too”, he announced. “Ya can hold him, if ya want”, Raph said. Leo opened his mouth as if to reply, but remained silent, when Raph took Machivelli and told Vee to give support. The small lizard understood quickly, that he was about to get another hug. Eagerly he wept his tiny arms around Yoshi the best he could and purred when he felt the young turtle’s arms around himself. Don quickly jumped to get the camera again and took a picture. “And here I thought the flash light storm was about to calm down a bit”, Mona chuckled. “No way”, Don said. “We have to fill a whole album with these.” He waved the camera. “Then how ‘bout you’re on one of these, too”, Raph said and snatched the camera from Don’s hands. “You’re turn.” Machiavelli was passed to his genius uncle. “Say hello ta Uncle Donny.” Don softly stroke his nephews back. “It’s really amazing how nature has decided for only one specie. There’s not even a hint of a shell.” “I hope, you see my son as more than just your new science project”, Mona remarked. Don flushed. “Sorry, Mona. But he’s the first born mutant from two different species. He’s something very special.” But the smart turtle quickly shut up and grinned as he saw Raph’s and Mona’s faces. “Not that he isn’t already very special. He’s my nephew, that alone make him cool.” While Don tried to talk his way out of his little misery, Machiavelli had fallen asleep in his arms. Kapitel 2: Chapter II --------------------- The happiness that filled the turtles’ lair after the birth of Machiavelli lasted for only a year, before it was washed away by a deep sadness. Than the age claimed it’s tribute on Master Splinter completely. The source of strength and health that the the mutagenes and the long years of Ninjutsu had given the rat sensei had finally run out. The great ninja master could no longer hold on to the bonds of live. The whole family suffered from the loss of Splinter, but most of all Leonardo. For days he stayed by his master’s and father’s site and cried. He always knew that the day would come when his sensei would close his eyes forever, but after the birth of Yoshi, Leo had taken a great comfort in the illusion, that Splinter would stay with them throughout his entire life. The way the old rat had swing his grandson trough the air, the way he would lift him up, showed still so much strength in him, that Leo allowed the very small hope in his heart to expand. It had been foolish, he knew that now. And the leader had never felt so helpless and alone in his whole life. Splinter had told him, that he was ready – ready to lead his brothers, protect the family, be the guidance that they need. But as Leo looked down at the lifeless body of his sensei, he felt not ready at all. How was he suppose to be a good leader, a good mate and a good father all at once? In Leo’s head was a big black space, like he never had any training, any experiences, any knowledge. He felt small and useless and so very scared. No, he was not ready at all. He repeated that phrase over and over again, when he was alone with his father, begged him to come back, told him, that he was needed, that this family would not survive without him. It took Leo a week, before he stepped out of his father’s room. They all dealt differently with Splinter’s loss. Donatello locked himself in his laboratory and cried. He felt useless, he felt, like it was his fault. Just like when they came back from 2105, when Master Splinter had been vaporized into thousands of data bits. Only this time, there was no way to bring him back. Searching for something that was still alive was possible. It was like Don’s father had said: Where there is life, there is hope. But where there was no life…And still Donatello felt, that he could have done something. He had seen the future. He had seen the technology that could make life longer. But in their time nothing of it existed. “I could have thought of something than. Invent something, like I always do”, he blamed himself. He failed and this time he had no chance to make up for it. So Donatello sat in his lab and cried. Michelangelo cried too. He locked himself in his room. He knew he should be able to deal with it right now. He was no longer a teenager, he was a young adult. Loss was part of life. And after he and his brothers and Venus and Mona Lisa had been through so much, he should be prepared. But he wasn’t. And just like that, Mikey realized how less he actually had changed. His brothers had all changed. Vee and Mona had changes. They fell in love, they had a relationship, they had families of their own. Now there were two younglings running around in the lair. The next generation. Mikey could have laughed. He always considered himself somehow the next generation – in comparison with Leo that was. But Leo was a father now, so was Raph. And Don had Leatherhead – as a friend or a boyfriend, Mikey was not sure, but Don had LH. And he, Mikey, had nobody. He was alone and he had no father anymore, who would cheer him up, who would dry his tears, listen to his complains. Now, the youngest turtle was forced to finally change, to decide, if he should wear his everlasting grin as a mask or but it aside and let his joyful youth go. Raph dealt with his sorrow the way he dealt with everything that was stressing or upsetting him. He punched his back. He punched it so long and so hard as if he was expecting for his father to come out of his room and tell him, that he had to control his anger or he would crumble under it. No, Raph did not expect Splinter to come out, he hoped, he would. Maybe if he punched the back hard enough, the vibration of the force would somehow make Splinter’s heart beat again. But it didn’t. Nothing would do. And that was the worst part. He could do nothing about Splinter’s parting from life. And forced to just endure it was torture for the hot headed turtle. Raph came to believe, that everything could be changed, when one just get of his shell and do something about it. But that was something different, maybe the only exception. An exception, that one day his own son had to learn. It pained Raph even more to know, that one day he would make Machiavelli as sad as Splinter was making him now. And for a little terrible eternity, Raph regretted the birth of his son. He wished, that he and Mona had not been compatible, that no life could emerge from them. And that he thought about such a thing, made him even sadder and angrier. And he punched his back even harder. The fabrics gave in and Raph’s fist grabbed sand as he hit again. Vee and Mona had their own way to deal with Splinter’s loss. They tried to not think about it. For Vee, it was not the first time, she had to say goodbye to a parent. When she was five years old, her parents perished in a car accident. She could very well understand how the brothers felt. Had it not been for her uncle Baxter, she would have been an orphan. Alone in a cruel world. And even he could be considered lost for a some years. Lost to madness, lost to evil, lost to pain. Vee liked to believe, that Yoshi’s birth had given her uncle a light in his life, something, that he could see worthy to live for. Baxter Stockman might not see his grandnephew as much as a granduncle might, but she was certain, that he would do nothing to harm the turtles anymore. Mona had to say goodbye to her family in another way, but nevertheless, the feeling of total loneliness was something, she could very well understand. Just like Vee, she decided to not think about it so much and instead focus on her child. She believed it was what Splinter had wanted. To go on with life, to focus on the future instead of the past. But there was also another reason, why she didn’t want to think about the rat sensei so much. Just like Don, she felt it was her fault. Don might be the smartest of them all, but he took the part of the engineer, while Mona took the part of the doctor. She had always been good at chemistry and biology and if it hadn’t been for Bishop, she might as well had become a real doctor. So it had been her responsibility to take care of the old ninja master. But life was nothing that could be contained forever. Mona knew that, but she could have tried to keep Splinter alive for as long as it could be. After two weeks the family finally grieved enough and decided to honor the sensei’s last wish. All of them traveled to Japan. They visited the Ancient One. In a cinerary urn they had carried Splinter’s remains to his home land and buried him next to his beloved master Hamato Yoshi. At his grave, the turtles had finally found the strength to look forward and to bit their father fare well. When they returned home again, Master Splinter’s room became a room of honor. All valuable things connecting to Ninjustu and Japanese tradition as well as a few of his very intimate belongings remaind there. The brothers, Venus and Mona Lisa agreed, that it should be a place of learning and guidance for Yoshi and Maciavelli, when their training began. Kapitel 3: Chapter III ---------------------- Don signed. For the past twenty minutes, he thought about closing the door of his laboratory. There were just too much noises in the living room and he was working with delicate technology here. Since Yoshi and Machiavelli had grown tall and old enough to walk, run and speak, the turtles’ lair was as loud as the time, Don and his brothers had been teenagers. The genius turned around and tried his best to hide his annoyance. Mona was sitting at the living room table, busy with a little project of her own. The rest of the family was in the dojo at their training exercise. The only reason, Don and Mona didn’t join them was, that someone had to keep an eye on the two over energized tots. So far, the noises of the electronic toys of the children filled the lair. Yoshi had his train station build up and was watching the vehicle going around in circles at the large area. Machiavelli had been busy with his own building of a big castle and let the knight attack it, constantly putting them on the fields that made fake battle cries. But now the attention of the younger one was more and more drawn to the moving train. Don sensed the trouble before it was even happening. At first, Machiavelli simple watched. But then he pleaded his cousin to give him the remote to control the train. Yoshi of course refused. But not only because he didn’t wanted to share his toy at the moment (actually the little turtle was surprisingly selfless for a child and shared often with his cousin), but also because Machiavelli was too young to handle the remote. And so the conflict emerged. “Please, Yosh, please, let me have”, Machivaelli cried and reached for the remote. “No, Macy”, came the firm reply of the older boy. “You’re too small to have it. You only break it.” “Do not”, Macy said and his face became angry. “Gimme!” He tried to snatch the remote from Yoshi’s hands, but the small turtle was quicker. He elegantly managed to keep the electronic device out of Macy reach. Two month ago, Yoshi’s own training of Ninjutsu had started. The family had agreed, that the age of five was a perfect time for the start and being Leonardo’s son, Yoshi had received the best of the best training. Leo was so proud, to start educating his boy and even though he didn’t show it openly, he was delighted to see Yoshi proceed. “No fair!” Macy was now chasing after Yoshi, which was in no way a real race. The little lizard was only three years old and his legs wouldn’t carry him as steady and fast and he wanted to go. His cousin was watching him constantly with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. “Give it up, Macy, you are too small to catch me.” If there was one thing, Machiavelli hated, that it was being called “too small”. The little lizard had inherit the short patience and hot head of his father and tried to run even faster, which caused him more than once to stumble. But he never fell, but came to the conclusion, that he was indeed in no shape to keep up with his cousin yet, so Macy ran over to his castle. He picked up a few pieces of hard plastic and followed Yoshi once more. When the young turtle began running again, Macy through the pieces at his feet. Yoshi hopped and had now a hard time, keeping his balance. “Cut that out!”, he cried. Macy might got the hot head from Raph but he also got the smartness of his mother. Don had early discovered, that the small lizard was learning very fast. He had begun to speak very early and knew how to use his cute face to get what he wanted. Donny had already made small plans for the clear talents that slumbered inside his nephew and wanted to take personally care of their flowering. “Macy, don’t throw those blocks at your cousin”, came the calm but strict voice of Mona from the living room table. “Yoshi’s mean”, Macy cried and pointed accusingly towards his cousin. “Yoshi won’t share.” “I’m mean? You’re the one throwing toys at me”, the young turtle said and put his hands on his hips. Just as he said that, a brick hit his shoulder. “Ow”, Yoshi called. Now, he was angry too. He put the remote on the ground and rushed over to his cousin. Macy had still two pieces left, but none hit its target, because Yoshi avoided each of them with ease. Now it was Macy turn to run and he did, but he didn’t came far. Yoshi grabbed his arm and hold him in place. Macy cried out. “Stop that!” he said sternly and pushed the little lizard to the ground. Now the other child was screaming even louder and kicked at his cousin. That did it for Don. Before Mona, who had already risen from the couch to take care of this fight, could even take a step, the turtle with the purple bandana established himself before the two arguing younglings. He looked down at his nephew, who felt silent. Somehow Don and Mikey managed to command more respect than the parents. Mikey took great pleasure in that, because it was hard to not be intimidated, as soon as an angry Raphael approached you. “You two are going back to your toys now”, Don said in his most annoyed voice. “You are way too loud around here and I need to concentrate. I don’t want to hear a single sound from you. Play with your toys and be quite.” Both Yosh and Macy nodded in union. “Sorry, Uncle Donny”, they said and walked back to their train and castle. Immediately Dons face became much softer and he winked at Mona. Don hardly raced his voice at his nephews, which was probably the reason why he commanded so much respect when he was. Usually, he would be the nice uncle, who would give his nephews ice cream, read a story, took them for a quick swim in the pool and be so much more understanding than Mummy and Daddy. Just as Don walked back to his lab, a shrill sound filled the lair. The red lamp above the front gate of the lair started to blink bright red. Macy cried out and covered his ears, Yoshi did too. The door of the dojo opened and Leo, Raph, Vee and Mikey rushed out. “What’s going on?”, the turtle leader demanded to know. Don rushed to the security system and checked the screens. What he saw was anything but good. Through one of the many tunnels of the New York City sewers came Foot soldiers. “How did they find us again?” Raph growled, reaching for his sais. “No idea, but they won’t get here”, Leo said, his eyes fixed the screen. “Don, can you say how many they are?” Don switched to sensor mode and scanned the area. “I spot five living forms.” The genius grabbed his Bo from the wall. “I’ll take care of them.” He sprinted to the front gate. “Take your shellphone with you and call when you need help or if you see more”, Leo called after him. Don nodded and headed out into the sewers. With his portable tracker he found the intruders easily. The small group had grown to eight. But the turtle was pretty sure he could take care of them, still. Muting his tracker, Don blended into the shadows of the tunnel walls and waited until the eight figures would separate a bit. When that happened, Don followed the smaller group until they all reached a fork, where the tunnels lead into three different directions. Than Don stroke. He put out his bo staff from behind his back and knocked two soldiers of their feet. They landed in the water with a big splash. The third one jumped around and from afar the turtle already heard the rest of the team approaching. But the genius acted fast. He hit the two foot soldiers, who were in the water directly on their chest. They gave a gurgling sound and then felt silent. Then Don grabbed the third one and through him against the wall, ramming the staff into his stomach. The man fell over and landed face down in the sewer water. That won’t be a pleasant wake up, Don thought. He hid himself in the tunnel to his right, just in time, as the rest of the foot team arrived at the scene. They looked down at their passed out comrades. The turtle jumped out of the tunnel and directly into their middle, landing on the back of the soldier, he took out last. “Looking for me, guys?”, Don asked the foot. Then he spun around with the bo staff held behind his back. He knocked his enemies to the ground again, but this time he only managed to knock two of them unconscious before the other three were back on their feet again. The turtle jumped out of their reach and against the nearby wall. He pushed himself off of it, using his staff as a tool for balance and drive. He kicked one foot soldiers straight in the chest and stomach. The man’s back made a hard contact with the wall behind him and he slid down. One of the other soldiers came at Don from behind, grabbed his staff and tried to rip it out of his hands. “Hands off the merchandise”, Don warned him. He raised his right leg and kicked the man away. In the next moment, he felt a fist connecting with his cheek and he stumbled back against another sewer wall. The two remaining soldiers came at him. Don jumped over them again, rammed the staff into the low water and swung himself around, knocking his enemies of their feet again. He let the staff go, landed on top of them and punched them in the face so hard, they fell unconscious as well. The turtle was quite pleased with himself, when he stood up and looked around at the eight bodies around him. Too easy, Don thought. Then he knelt next to one of the foot and searched for a communication unit. To his surprise, he found none. He searched all of them, but none had a device to contact the foot headquarter. That is strange, Don thought. He took out his shellphone and called Leo. “What’s up, Don? What are we dealing with?” “Not much, if you ask me”, Don answered. “I took out eight foot soldiers, but none of them have a communication device.” The genius took out his tracker too and scanned the area. “And according to my reading, they’re no more of them down here. You know, I think, they didn’t found us at all. But they were obviously searching.” “Okay, Donny”, Leo said, but Don was suddenly not paying attention anymore. Something on the neck of one of the soldiers caught his attention. He put his fingers on it and it proved to be of metal. At first, the turtle had taken it for a simple button. But it was warm, as if there was something working behind it. Don tried to rip the metal button of. When the fabrics gave in, he found a small chip. The construction of it let all alarm bells inside Don’s head ring at maximum sound. “Leo!”, he called into the shellphone. “Get out of the lair. I was wrong, they might be more…” But Donny couldn’t finish his sentence, because suddenly there was a loud sound, almost like a thunder crack exploding out of the shellphone and then the line was dead. ************************************************************************************************ “Not much, if you asked me.” Leo couldn’t deny the relief that he felt as he heard Don’s report. According to his genius brother, the foot had searched for them again, but hadn’t found any clues yet. That would give his family an advantage. “Okay, Donny”, he answered. “Come back and make a full scan of the sewers from the lair. We others will also go on patrol.” From behind him came the voice of Mona. “Macy, don’t go to close to the pool, honey.” Leo saw the little lizard walking towards the pool and smiled, glad, that he didn’t need to keep such a close eye on Yoshi all the time anymore. “But there”, Macy said and pointed towards the water. Then everything happened so fast, that none of them could have reacted in time. The surface of the water began to bubble and then a big fountain emerged, knocking them all of their feet and washing them half across the lair. When Leo could see again, he spotted three big machines and a fourth coming out of the water behind them. He looked around to see, if everybody was alright. Apparently Mona and Vee had been quick enough to produce a reaction. The female lizard must have jumped forward and grabbed her son just in time before the water hit them. Vee laid half across Yoshi, covering him with her body. Mikey and Raph sat side by side near the entrance of the dojo. A loud stamp got the leaders attention. The machines, now there were four of them, marched towards them, pointing their huge fire vessels at them. “Move!”, Leo shouted. All jumped out of reach as the machines began to shoot at them. Raph was the first to attack, running towards one of the machines. Leo followed his example, attacking the one directly in front of him. He dodged the bullets and lasers and used the different parts of the machine to reach the top. He was greeted with a small window that revealed a foot soldier inside, controlling the large robot. Leo took out one of his katanas, cut through the window and swung inside. There, he grabbed the man and threw him out. Then he rammed the blade inside the monitoring desk. The machine gave out a shirking sound and the turtle jumped out of it, just in time, before the robot came crushing down on the floor. “Get the children out of here!”, he called over to Vee. His mate was already at the door, Yoshi in her arms. But Leo saw her handing him over to Mona. They talked for a few seconds, than Mona knelt down on the ground. Yoshi climbed on her back and then the female lizard rushed out of the lair. Vee turned around and jumped back into the fight. “Guys, look out!”, she shouted. Leo turned to see, what she mend. Out of the water came three new robots. Two were gold and had buzzsaws instead of hands, the third was silver the arms ended in blades. All of them looked exactly like Karai. So much for how long it would take her to find us, Leo thought bitterly and dodged again as another stream of bullets and lasers came in his direction once more. He was chased around the lair, hearing a lot of things crushing and shattering behind him. His home was being torn apart. That must be, what had happened to his family once, when Leo was in Japan training with the Ancient One. The leader felt the same dark anger rise inside of him again, that ugly force, he thought, he had destroyed. How dare she do it again? In this moment, Leo regret, that he stopped Vee’s hand after she had defeated Karai in combat. If he would have given up on the illusion, that she was different from the Shredder, gave up on his will to see the good in her, if he hadn’t been so blind, all this would not happen now. So Leo made another decision. This time there would be no mercy, this time he would end this for good, even if it mend to end Karai’s life too. The turtle first focus landed on the one golden Karaibot, which was currently destroying Don’s laboratory. Leo lured the robot, that still aimed at him towards the other machine. When the Karaibot spotted him, it ran towards him as well. Leo waited for it to jump – and it did. At that moment, he threw himself to the side and both robots crashed at each other. The buzzsaw landed inside the right side of the other robot, cutting of the right arm. The Karaibot had taken a lot of bullets, so much in fact, that, after a few last twitches, it exploded, taking the other machine with it. The force of the explosion shook the entire lair, the huge TV station exploded too, glass and gears flew around the room, smoke covered the air. But the fight continued nevertheless. Raph had managed to take out another robot, too. He kneeled over it, breathing heavily but as he rose his head, Leo could see, that his hot headed brother was as angry as him. The green eyes were narrowed to slits and his mouth made an ugly grimace with barred teeth. With a loud roar, Raph jumped of the robot and ran towards the silver Karaibot. Mikey was very busy, keeping out of the reach of the blades. Raph slid under the bot, blocking an attack with his sais. “Get the robot over there. I deal with this bitch here.” Mikey complied immediately. The short tempered turtle managed to break one of the blades with his sai, but then had to retreat for a moment, to make sure, he kept his head on. The Karaibot swung the remaining blade viciously at Raph. The hot head dodged and kept jumping from one side to the other. “Raph, get the bot over here!”, Leo called over to him. He had taken on the last remaining robot and planned to do exactly, what he did to the other. Let the two robots collide. Raph started running, the Karaibot followed him. “You sure, you know, what ya doin’?”, he asked. “Just follow my lead”, Leo answered and kept running towards his brother. “Jump to the left, when I tell you to.” They kept running for a few minutes more, then Leo screamed: “Now!” They both jumped and once again the robots collided. In a buddle they landed on the floor. “Three down, one to go”, Raph said. Just as he said it, he scream came from the other end of the lair. Mikey had tried to get inside the last robot, but apparently, this one was controlled by a smarter foot soldier. The bot had tiny canons installed on his top and these were shooting at the youngest turtle brother. Mikey managed to get out of the reach. He hang on one of the arms, put his feet against the side and swung himself back on top. There, he wrapped his nunchakus around a canon and bend, so it was now shooting at the vessel. He managed to do it to another. The robot was trashing around in the lair now, stumbeling over to the pool. While he did, the bot threw his arms around, trying to knock Mikey. “Mikey, get off!”, Raph screamed at him, seeing, that the machine was getting dangerously close to the pool. Just as the turtle with the orange bandana was about to hop off, the bot swayed one last time and then fell into the pool. The large arms kept swinging around and in the process, hitting Mikey and throwing him against the hard metal front side, taking the youngest turtle brother with him. “Mikey!” Leo and Raph both screamed this time and ran over to the pool. Just then another explosion shook the lair. This time it came from the kitchen, fire leaked out of it and some pieces of the fittings came flying in the living room. Leo and Raph had to dodge, in order to avoid damage. But they also had to ran away from the pool. Beside the turtle leader, Raph was panting hard again, his eyes were watery and he growled deeply. “They pay for this.” Leo understood him. “Raph…”, he began, but the hot head was on the move again, running towards the remaining Karaibot, which was the current business of Vee. Leo was about to follow, when he heard a shrieking sound behind him. Out of the bundle of metal, that had been the sliver Karaibot and one of the large robots, an arm with a gun emerged. Than another shriek came and both bots stood up again. The large robot swung around, pointing his gun towards Vee and Raph. Raph had reached the second golden Karaibot too and launched himself at one arm. Or more, the only arm, it head, the other had been cut off by one of Vee’s tessens. The bot trashed and shook it’s arm, the buzzsaw roaring angrily. Vee ducked her head, when the arm swung in her direction. Raph fell off, but landed save and immediately jumped back at the bot. That was, when the gun of the other large robot went off. I rapid sound of many bullets rushing out of their holes. The first few hit the Karaibot and the wall, but the most didn’t miss their target. That sound was soft, almost not audible. The same went for Raph’s surprise. He just opened his mouth for a second, his eyes went big as if he couldn’t believe it. Then they were closed tightly, the hot heads whole face became a grimace of pain. The body seemed to stand still in the air for a moment, before it fell down like a sack full of stones. “Raph!” Leo thought at first the shock made his voice extremely high, when he realized, it was Vee’s high shriek. She stared with impossible wide eyes at Raph’s body. “Raph, can you hear me?” Vee ran over to him. Leo realized another thing, he was running too. His eyes fixed the body of his brother, a chant of no run through his head. That can’t be, that must not be. The sudden impact of a breathtaking force against his plastron came so surprisingly for the leader, that he couldn’t even vocalize his pain. His shell made a hard contact with something strong too. Leo understood that he had been thrown across the room. For a moment his vision was a blur, that he saw the silver Karaibot coming towards him. Little sparks flew out of the broken parts, but the machine was still working. It lifted the remaining blade. But before it could hit or Leo could raise his katana in defense, a sound, like a razor cutting through metal got their attention. The second Karaibot cut into the side of the last large robot, but one arm of the bot stuck into the other machines chest. Leo could see Vee climbing out of the broken window of the controlling chamber. The Karaibot on the mechanic arm was shrugging and spasm. Vee looked over at the bot. The following explosion was again ground shaking and it knocked both Leo and the last Karaibot across the lair. More smoke covered the room. Even though his world was still shaking and a blur, Leo ran towards the fire. Around him, he could hear soft cracking, which possibly mend, the roof was about to collapse. But he didn’t care. Now, he only needed to know, if Vee was alive. He saw a dark mint colored arm from behind one of the massive pillars, still somehow holding the roof. She’s just unconscious, Leo told himself. Who wouldn’t after such an explosion. She has a shell, it protected her. He was passionately ignoring the small voice in his head, saying, she might not have made it. For the second time today, the leader was knocked across the room and again it was the Karaibot stalking towards him. Now, the turtle leader had enough. Seeing the face of the woman he once had even feelings for, responsible for all that mess, was too much for him to bare. She would pay for everything. He would blow her tower skyhigh, kill every single one of her soldiers and destroy everything that only looked slightly like it could remind Karai of the Shredder. And then he would kill her. Leo’s vision was crystal clear now. He took his katanas, fixed the robot and waited for it to come to him. The shining blades made smooth cuts through the metal construction of the machine. It separated it into two halves. The underside remained still immediately, but the other half was still moving, crawled the best it could. Leo lifted his katana again and removed the head. Finally, the bot stilled. The silence was almost like a thunder, only broken by the spit of the fire from various corners of the destroyed lair. Leo fixed the ground and walked back to where he had seen Vee’s arm. He walked around the pillar and found his mates body covered with some fallen piece of the lairs structure. Leo lifted it up. It was heavy, but he would get it out of the way. He almost had it completely off of Vee’s body, when the room was shaken again. This time the explosion came from outside the lair. The door was ripped out of it’s retainer and flew into the room. The ground shook strongly, almost like an earthquake would happen. Leo let the lifted piece go, but not, because, the force had caused him to let go. No, he was pushed back against a wall again. Only this time, it hadn’t been as harsh as before and he didn’t flew far. He landed against the pillar, his eyes fixed the big brick, that fell down on Vee’s body again. But Leo couldn’t move to pick it up again or to even take a step. He tried to lift his arm and remove the shiny blade of the Karaibot’s arm, but too much of the body still hang too it, as it had come flying at him, the blade cut through his plastron and shell, pinning him to the stone pillar. The irony, Leo thought. He wanted to think of how he hoped, Vee was still alive, that Donny and Mona would find her and save her, so that Yoshi had at least his mother to grow up with. He also wanted to hope, that Raph somehow survived too. But Leo couldn’t, his life ran from him too quickly. Kapitel 4: Chapter IV --------------------- The water hit Mona hard, drawing all air out of her lungs, pulling at her limbs. But she held her arms tight together pressing Macy towards her. She didn’t care, what happened to her. She was only happy, that she did managed to get to her son just in time, before the water filled the lair. As soon as she felt, that her head was out of water, she tried a few experimental breaths. Mona choked out water and looked down at Macy. He had pressed his face against her chest and wasn’t moving. “Macy?”, Mona called softly to him. At first nothing happened and the female lizard felt an iron knot forming in her stomach. But as quickly as it came, it vanished, because Macy lifted his head slowly. He chocked too and tried desperately to get some air into his lungs. Around them were noises of shooting and cries. Mona got a scream from Leo. She jumped just in time, before a few laser beams crashed the area, she had just sat on. “Get the children out of here!” came another shout from Leo. Mona followed and rushed towards the big entrance of the lair. Vee came right behind her, Yoshi in her arms. “Let’s get out of here”, Mona said. Vee looked at her, then turned slightly back to the big robots, that marched around the lair, tearing it apart. “Take Yoshi”, the female turtle then said. She handed her son over to Mona. “Mommy, no”, Yoshi cried and held onto his mother. “No, honey. You go with Auntie Mona now. I’ll come for you later. I have to help the others.” Mona looked around too. “You should come…”, she began, but Vee had a stern look on her face, that told Mona, that arguing was pointless. Vee always had that look on her face, when she had to make decisions. Mona was never sure, if her friend had developed that determination because, she was the mate of the leader. Sometimes she thought so, because Vee could transform into a lioness, when she had to protect her loved ones. “Take Yoshi and run. Maybe you find Don. Bring the children out of the sewers. We will hold them off.” Yoshi was still struggling, but when Vee put him on his feet and knelt before him, he felt silent. “I need you to be strong now, Yoshi. You must take care of your aunt and cousin until you find Uncle Donny.” A similar stern look formed on the little turtles face. “I can do that”, he said with a strong voice. Vee kissed him. “Climb onto Auntie Mona’s back”, Vee said. Mona knelt down and let Yoshi climb up. “Hold tight now, Yosh. No matter what happens, don’t let go.” In her arms, Macy was shivering. He was terribly frightened. The female lizard looked back up into her friends chocolate brown eyes. “Vee, listen, we can find another place to life. Don’t try to make a last stand.” Vee smiled. “We follow as soon as we can.” A loud crash got all their attention. One of the big robots came crushing down on the ground. “Go, quickly!” Mona didn’t waste another second. She grabbed Macy a bit tighter and ran out of the lair into the sewers, praying, she would bump into Donatello. The female lizard ran through a few tunnels, searching for a letter, that would lead up to a street near April’s and Casey’s apartment. Just as she spotted one, she saw a few lights coming towards her. That couldn’t be Don. Shorty after the lights came a soft scretching sound. More robots came towards the lair. Mona knew, she couldn't run back, so she just headed back to the last sideway and ran down the tunnel. She needed to hide the children, she could not risk to even be found with them. From the corner of her eyes she spotted a small niche. It was barred with wooden boards. Mona knelt down and told her nephew to climb down. She wanted to push her son away from her, but Macy held tight. "Just give me a minute, honey", Mona said as softly as she could. Behind her the scretching sound became louder and she could see the light starting to fill the tunnel. "They coming, Auntie Mona", Yoshi wispered. Mona made quick work of the wooden boards with her kusarigama. As soon as the niche was free she pushed her son inside and told Yoshu to climb after. Macy was quick to crawl out again, but was pushed back inside by his mother. "Stay inside, both of you and hide", she told the children. "Do not come out, until you hear and see one of us." Macy wanted to crawl out again, but Yoshi grabbed him. He nodded into Mona's direction and dragged his cousin, who was crying now, back into the niche. As soon as the crys fell quieter, Mona rose to her feet and walked towards the light. She was greeted with a tall metalic object, that shot it's lights at her. Both arms ended in laser guns. The female lizard dogged and jumped on top of the machine and ram the sharp end of her weapon into the robot. Electric sparks flew out and the bot swayed a bit, but it didn't went down. Instead ot turned around and followed Mona back into the main tunnel. The female lizrad ran, but she didn't came far, because the bot shot a lazer blast towards her. It missed, but hit the wall instead. It collapsed and blocked Mona's way, forcing her to head back. The bot waited for her, shot another blast. Mona jumped out of the way, but a piece of the exploding tunnel wall hit her on the left shoulder. She fell down, but got up quickly. Giving up was not an option. Neither was running back, but she could go no were else. If she did, the bot would either find the lair too or the niche with her son and nephew. If she could just make some time to call Don. He would know, how to shut that thing down. But she had not such time, so she had to shut the machine down the old fashion way. But how? Another blast told her, the bot was way to close for comfort. The explosion next to her, threw her a few feet away and the female lizard made a hard contract with the stone wall. Not being a turtle, she felt a stinging, sharp pain in her back. Luckly, the impact had not been hard enough to cause damage. Mona lifted her head and saw the robot coming towards her. But she also saw something else. Aparently the last explosion had damaged the bot more at the place, where she cut the metal open with her kusarigama. Cables protruded out of it. Mona made a side flip and into the tunnel next to her. The bot followed once more. The female lizard noticed, that the had rushed into the same side tunnel, where the niche was. She couldn't go any further inside. The robot was unfortunately blocking the entrance.The cables on top of it sparked and shined in a bizarre way in the dark of the tunnel. Mona looked back, right to the place, where she knew the niche was. She couldn't go further. She couldn't go outside. There was only one option. Take the robot down now. The female lizard jumped. That seemed to surprise the bot, because it took no immediate action. Mona used that to her advantage and grabbed the cables, that were leaking out of the machine.She landed behind the bot and put the cables into the water right behind the robot. An enormous shock sparked through her body and he felt her fingers closing around the cables even tighter. Even if she would have wanted to let go, she knew, she couldn't. Her entire body cramped. When the last piece if electricity of the robot was used, the robot fell forwards and landed in the water with mix of a splash and a shatter sound. It overshadowed the sound of a much smaller body landing into the water behind it. A small cloud of smoke emerged into the tunnel. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (