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SAIBANKAN-seal of justice

Autor:  d88_0831

"SAIBANKAN" - relates on people, who are guilty forever
until their death,
but to show that they are not just useless human,
they are given their mission
to "judge" criminals with their "seals", normally called,
"weapons", -

Story begins with a 22-years old boy, Rod, who has
killed his own family with his own hands, because he
was physically and mentally abused by his parents and
relatives, and his adopted sister, who he really loved
very much, was sexually abused, harassed and killed -
Because of such pain and shock, Rod decided to kill
his family and to escape. By seeing blood Rod gets collapsed
and wakes up in a room, which he was caught by agency, which
gives him later duties, and the name the "Saibankan".

Rod gives never feelings to others, expecially the person, who
he does not know. Rod has a mental problem, he gets influxed
and does not have any emotions,he does not care about the others
and stayes arrogant, - he does his duties and meets the other
seven "SAIBANKAN" after few months,

SAIBANKAN members of Judicial Commitee -

[0]"Rod" was given his duty and mission to work with this seven
judges and to build up a team, but he does not accept-
But actually from the beginning, Rod was always thinking
of his duty and he was always thankful to the "executive commitees",
who got him from the prison and gave him a new life, to judge
criminals and to live further.-

[1]"Niel" - is the one who takes the responsibility of the duty
of the team, and he is the first person, who Rod meets.
He is 26 years old and has the role to be the "big brother"
of the team, he is very calm and thoughtful.

[2]"Amber Spark" - stays not very long in the "Judicial Commitee" (which
means, the place, where Rod and the team stay), because she is
full of duties and missions, so she always has to go on trip.-
She carries 5 guns, inside her coat and clothes, and because of this
reason, people do not know her true image,, that she is a cold
"SAIBANKAN". by killing criminals, Amber changes to a dangerous
-killer- with poisoned sights. Amber is born in Australia and the reason
why she was transferred to the Judicial Commitee, that will be presented
later - Amber is 21 years old and she is very closed to Nikk -

[3]"Kisuke Kimura" appeares as a very peaceful and tricky person,
who does not seem to be a SAIBANKAN.
Actually he becomes Rod's partner and suggests Rod to live in his
house and Rod accepts this suggestion later. Kisuke seems to be
the "warm brother in neighborhood", but in his true visage is not the
same one. he is attractive to all, and this charisma seems to make
Rod to follow him and to be open - This could be maybe an another
relationship between Rod and Kisuke, but at this time not as the
same members of the team SAIBANKAN. Kisuke is 22 years old and lived
in Nagoya, before when Rod moved to his house.

[4]"Miro Aoi" is a 17- years old girl, who is always going to school.
She loves to be together with Rod, even he refuses to be hanged around
with Miro. Miro is always open and keeps telling her members to be
friendly to each other, that phrase, she speaks, when she met Rod at
very first time, and saw that Rod did not have very good relationship
with the members. Miro was raised in the Judicial Commitee until now,
she was abonded by her parents and got adopted, but Miro could not
win against the wound and pain, that her parents, who abonded her,
gave so she ran away from the house and met the judicial commitee when
she was 5 years old. Because of her sad childhood, Miro does not like
weapons, so she just stays in the judicial committe and give informations
to the members. Her biggest dream is to be the greated "mother".

[5]"Nikk Shiroi" is 21-years old, and has odd eyes. Nikk just wanted to
have an ordinary life just like the other people, -going to college,
hang out with friends, date his girlfriend, study, play basketball
and football, and some day marry and have his own family,
but after when his girl friend was killed by a gang, he decided to
be the member of the judicial commitee and to avenge this gang.
the reason why he entered to the judicial commitee is just to avenge
the gang, but Amber scolded him not to think of that anymore.
Nikk's odd eyes are so beautiful so that every
single person impresses on his eyes. When Nikk met Rod, Rod gives
him the nickname "cat", and therefore their relationship is not good.
Everytime when they meet each other they always fight and quarrel
like brothers.

[6]"Aki" is a half Japanese and half Korean and his real name is
"Aki Lim". Actually his mother was just a prostitute,
at that time she was just 20 years old and Aki's father was 24 years old.
When they met, they decided to date and Aki was born between the two.
But when Aki was 6 years old, his father got killed by the Japanese
army, so he hates Japanese. But to hide his identity, that
he is a half Korean, he is just called "Aki". Aki entered to the
Judicial commitee to show people to judge on the right and honest way,
and not just like that Japanese army, who killed his father and sinless
people just for fun. Aki is 20 years old and helps Rod sometimes, so
that Rod suites on his new home some day.

[7]"Ribon Li" understands Aki better than the others, because she is
also a half Japanese and half Chinese,(that means, they are both mixed
blood so they understand each other better than the others)
but her name "RIBON"
is given by her mother who was a nun, but bare a child.
She wanted to name ribon at first time "Maribona"
but later Ribon just edited her name as Ribon. Aki and Ribon understand
each other very well and they are always together. Ribon uses guns and
a katana. She is very talented in martial arts and athletics. Ribon is
21-years old- takes the role to be the best cook of the team.

Chatterbox about saibankan


Sorry people, I just had have to put asian characters into this
work.!!!! >n< nyo, I am very bad at writing in English, it would
be better when I translate this all into Korean, but many people
could not read it and understand less...
It is really confused for me to create an own story,
which I still did not draw and uploaded!!!! Q0Q
But for a little-duddie (????) information, I just cut some character
images from different series, which look like the characters above,
I just made sketches, but will not upload that one +w- gomen!

coming soon...

Autor:  d88_0831
shit shit, why do I love guys with ONE eye and with an EYEPATCH!!!!*QQQ*


Autor:  d88_0831




yeah... i really want to end up likeYOU!!!!!!!! PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE

-Fanarts Coming Soon 2009, Fanart, January

Autor:  d88_0831


Fanarts for the Year 2009 are coming soon.


*Seven Deadly Sins

*Bleach Movie 3: Goodbye Rukia, Fade To Black


*Catch the moon

-Katekyo Hitman Reborn!:

*Rose Moon

*Windy Day


Autor:  d88_0831





Lets begin with the doujinshi work,

but before...........................................






Sorry Fim, I totally forgot,....T_T