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weckt mich wenn der frühling kommt!

Autor:  _Kuma_
Good night girls!

I´m so sad! ´cause I don´t find the time to make my ideas and some kind of creativ things true... It is so drepressingly!

Two jobs killing my freetime! ... At my knocking-off time I was very happy to make anythink! I have so much ideas how I creat my evening... but what is the rest from my atentions? ...nothing! >.>
Now I have just one wish..."Get eating and after them... go spleeping!" *sigh*

I´m really waiting for this time, I will leaving "maredo" (staek house) and have enough time to, painting, to, sewing, to designing, to making layouts and my website.... and can spent a little time to write in my weblog every week!

You are all in my minds! Love you and sleep well!! <3<3<3

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