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*Abarat rulez* Abarat, Fantasy

Autor:  vanlau

- Carrion darf ned tot sein T_T wenn ja, hasse ich clive dafuer (reicht da nisch das otto wech is Q_Q) >.< lass ihn wiederkommen bueddebueddebueddbuedde
mater motley is oll >_>' wer will ne verschrumpelte alte schreckschraube als megaboesewicht haben o_Ò???

- Otto *_* myami... he's kuuhl, he's evil, and he has a criss-cross tatoo on his face :3 Houlihan ..arf i love this name >w< *mew* sad thing that he had to die T.T (>_< yeah carrion and otto...great combination >D hahaha)

- Letheo o_O WTFH ...a lizard boy *giggle* but he's cute ^_^ he doesnt want to heart candy ..think he likes her and maybe wantet to protect her, because she was nice to him in some way ;3 (carrions 2nd litle sweet slave >D muaahhaha)

- Mischief *__* yeah!! i love him ... XD haha he and his brothers are so funny *kringel*
 serpent >D hahaha love love love them *weghau*(btw: --his skin is red o,O wtf ...how could he become a thief *rofl*)

- Malingo o_O a gesh-rat o_o danm ... i didn't noticed that this really means gesh-ratte .. T_T i doesn't really like the german version >_<' some translations are so terrible, although they were translatet right (kreuz-und- quer man ... gesh-ratte, ...usw he's orange  XD haha... i like him, he's kinda cute... i think i would hug him alot *lolz*

- Candy ..O.o a heroine ..and shes sooooo sympatic ^_^ (anyhow in the first 2 books XD hehe) quackenbush XD what a name *giggle*

- Rojo ...o_o aeh ...dunno ... but everytime i hear his name  have to think about Reno XD haha ... don't know why...maybe his red hair reminds me ? ^^'

- Finnegan aehm ja ... the perfect prince oO? have no plan, he's none of my fav character...soo o_o hob die hoob hoob ^___^

O,o did i miss someone else? o___Ó someone really important >_>...<_< *thinks about it*

sooaa... dummes rumgelaber....<_< irgendwas muss ich ja machen hier XD hahaha

btw. ABARAT WTF ;3
*can't wait for the 3 book >w<

.....soooo now i've finished book 2 /german  (o_O englische 2 mal lesen deutsch jetz 1mal und es wird im schrank verstauben XD haha ... haette lust den ersten teil nochmals zu lesen ....zum 4ten mal *lolz*)
Nun kann ich die 5 tore weiterlesen :D YEAH

Haegen Dazs :3

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