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Hunting Passion



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Title: Hunting Passion

Part: 9/?

Author: Usagi-Atemu-Tom [miakalikestamahome at hotmail dot com]

Warnings: nothing

Genre: Romance, Angst, Supernatural, AU

Pairings: Yami no Yuugi x Yuugi, Malik + Rishido

Criticism: Constructive criticism welcomed

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, I don't make money from fanfiction.

Description: They came at midnight. He didn't know how they were able to intrude into his house, but somehow they succeeded. They were a male and a female. HE, was the leader, obviously. She seemed to be some kind of apprentice to him. Not that it really mattered. For they were both strong and deadly.

But when a young teen is able to run from the grasp of his captors, it is the start of a long game of hide and seek. He finds a new side to himself he would have never dreamed he had. And it helps him to keep the game to his advantage. But he knows the game will never end, at least not before his death. Because his hunter is a vampire.

Thanks to my betareader Lee-Ann for the usual quick work. ^^

Makoto – Truth / Sincerity

Mou hitori no boku – the other me

Oto-chan – younger brother

Osiris no Tenkuuryuu - Osiris the skydragon

Obelisk no Kyoshinhei - Giant soldier of Obelisk



The slightly surprised vampire looked at Yuugi in confusion.

"'Mou hitori no boku'?"

"It fits, don't you think??" the shifter answered with a smile. "We look so much alike. And we have both the same name, right, Yuugi?"

For the first time the shifter was able to watch the vampire lose his usual poker-face. Deep shock and surprise were obvious on the other's face. Though, only for a second. Then there was a small twitch and a wide, nearly cheerful grin appeared.

"Till now I thought there are hundred reasons why I decided you are interesting. But now I correct myself. There are thousands of reasons!"

He moved one of the heavy chairs opposite of Yuugi and let himself fall into the seat. Casually he crossed one leg over the other and looked at the teen with a smirk.

"Well, tell me what do you want?"

The shifter smirked right back, surprisingly self-confident and playful.

"I want to challenge you to a game!"

"Oh?" was all the vampire replied, but his tone betrayed his interest. His brow was raised as an invitation for Yuugi to continue.

"You are free to choose otherwise, but I would suggest a round of Duel Monsters. You know that game, right?"

"I do not just know Duel Monsters, I am also very aware of your skills, Yuugi", the other Yuugi, as he had been more or less dubbed by the human now, told him with a wide smirk. "Sometimes when I caught up with you while you visited a school, I watched during daylight when you played with other students. No matter the country, you never lost any friendly game. But be assured, you are neither the only one so skilled nor am I unprepared."

And to the young teen's great astonishment the vampire, who shared the same name as him, revealed a card holder on his belt where he pulled out a stack of Duel Monsters cards. Yuugi couldn't help it, the sight of the cards made him grin in excitement. This one was prepared, that meant he must have a great deal of passion for the game. If one added what his jii-chan told him about his brother's love and talent for games, he had no doubt that he was in for a big challenge.

"Great", the teen cheered and pulled out his own deck of cards, which he had prepared for this very occasion. "Then let's begin!"

"Ah, but first we have to set the stakes, have we not?" the vampire chided in a dark, but playful voice, which reminded Yuugi of the real reason for this challenge other than the simple enjoyment to play against a promising rival.

"Oh, yes of course", he stuttered, a bit of his past nervousness returning.

"So, what is it, you want from me in case you win?" the other Yuugi inquired.

"Well, I was hoping, if I win, we'll have a truce for at least a month", Yuugi confessed a bit timidly. "I really would like to have some time to reacquaint with my family and friends after I was on the run for so long."

He looked at the vampire, unsure if the dark one might be angered about the condition or the suggested period of time. The other however silently considered the wager, looking at the teenage boy thoughtfully before grinning brightly.

"Deal", he announced in a husky whisper. Beaming, Yuugi watched his opponent start to shuffle his deck, before he realised that the vampire had not staked his own conditions.

"What about you?" he asked with a voice mixed with slight foreboding and anticipation. "What do you want?"

Stopping the shuffling of his cards, the vampire all of the sudden burned his eyes into Yuugi's who did not even realised he stopped breathing the moment their gazes connected. As sudden as the creature started his stare he ended it and returned to calmly handle his cards.

"If I win", he all but purred, "I want you to give up your resistance against me, as challenging and enjoying as I find it. I want you at my mercy, right here on this very night."

A shudder went down Yuugi's spine. One that he clearly realised had nothing to do with fear. Nothing with fear, but everything with his dreams. He swallowed hard, considered his options and his thoughts. After all, the answer he was about to give, might very well decide his fate from the moment the game ended. Yuugi was confident in his skills. He had always been timid and shy in character, and while he had grown during his one and a half years on the run, he knew he would never gain the kind of confidence the other had always shown.

However, the teen was aware of his strength and he knew without exaggeration that he was good, really good at Duel Monsters. Still, already the way he could see the vampire handling the cards, with easy hands, yet great care, he knew this might turn out to be the hardest challenge he ever faced. He was not confident enough to assure his win, even though that was his plan of course. Yuugi knew he still might lose.

So, was he ready to give up the greatest of all games they played? After all, the prize was nothing less than his life, which he could not deny he valued. The young teen looked over at the vampire once more who was obviously watching him from the corner of his eyes while he continued to shuffle his cards. The other Yuugi was giving the teen the time to decide and he was grateful for that surprisingly kind gesture.

In the end he made his decision, nodding his head.

"All right, I accept your terms", the young teen agreed and hold out his hand for the vampire to shake, which the creature of the night accepted generously but with a satisfied smirk on his face. Oh, that one was confident, just as he had always acted during their hunting game. And to his utter surprise this confidence only fuelled Yuugi's own determination not to lose.

The young teen started to shuffle his own deck before putting it down, indicating his readiness. They started to play.


The game took hours. The other Yuugi turned indeed out to be the most challenging player Yuugi ever faced and it was never clear who would win. What made it even more difficult for the teen was the shocking moment it turned out that the vampire of all people was the one that owned the other two of the three rarest cards ever - "Osiris no Tenkuuryuu" and "Obelisk no Kyoshinhei" - which nearly cost Yuugi all of his life points in the game. It was only through sheer luck and the right card that the young shifter was able to take control of one god-card and use that to destroy them both. Sheerest luck, as he had not added the god he had been gifted with into his deck. Therefore the final decision ended up being made by the magicians.

The other owned a "Dark Magician"; Yuugi a monster card with special abilities called "Silent Magician". In the end the vampire realised he was about to lose even before it happened. Yuugi, after hours of heated duelling, of attacks and counter attacks, traps, spells and their counters, was so stunned by the realisation that he hesitated in his final move.

"Come on, Yuugi", the dark creature prompted with a surprisingly kind voice. "It's your turn, you have to finish it!"

It took the teen another moment before he snapped out of his stupor and indicated his last move for the game. After the life points of the vampire had reduced to zero, silence settled over the room in which both present stared at the playfield, barely able to believe the game was over.

"I... won", Yuugi stuttered, eyes wide in disbelief, his heart yet pounding strong in his ears with the adrenaline of the fight still flowing through his veins. Then realisation finally sat in and a slow, hesitant smile bloomed at the corner of his lips until it turned into a wide, happy grin.

"I WON!" the shifter exclaimed once more looking at the vampire with happiness. "So, will you keep your word and accept the truce of one month?"

The questioned one sat on the chair with a rather relaxed position, gazing at the small built teen with a grin that equalled the one Yuugi wore.

"I will honour my word", he said with a nod of his head before smirking. "But something tells me, that you already knew I would keep my word. So tell me, Yuugi, how did you know?"

Yuugi stopped smiling and contemplated the vampire with a thoughtful look before sitting more straight, gazing right into blood red eyes.

"I admit I suspected you would value the honour of your word above everything", the teen agreed easily enough, a small smile once more on his lips. "In all the time during the hunting, I realised you had many chances to kill me. Yet it seemed you set some unspoken rules that you refused to go against, some rule I was not aware of. For example, you often allowed me to see you or even approached me during daylight even though you could have simply surprised and killed me the first time when I did not know that you could survive with the sun up. It occurred to me then, that you must have forbidden yourself to try and catch me at any other time but night, am I right?"

"Perceptive", the vampire agreed with a purr and watched with satisfaction as Yuugi could not help but turn slightly red. He leaned back further into the cushions of the chair, clearly enjoying the softness as he continued to speak. "To hunt you had been a great enjoyment till this very second. Never would I have thought there could be someone who would adjust to every twist and turn as you did. Even that one time when I succeeded in biting you, you did not give up immediately, but freed yourself and ran once more. It's just like in this current game we played. Twice it looked like you were nearly done for, yet you trusted in the draw of your card and were able to turn the tide again and again. When you play, you merge with the game, you lose consciousness of anything else, just like I do and I am very glad to have found an equal."

Yuugi looked surprised at his last words and the vampire could not help but smile surprisingly kind for the second time this night at the young man.

"Yes, Yuugi, you are my equal, maybe even more than that. After all, you just won against me in a game. No one before you has been able to do that, let me tell you."

"I know", the shifter retorted quietly and his whole demeanour turned very serious. The game had been won and it was time to reveal a bit more to his honourable hunter.

"Will you promise me something, mou hitori no boku?" Yuugi asked, addressing the vampire once more in that strange new way. The creature of the night looked at him curiously. He certainly recalled the greeting at the beginning of their meeting and while there had been moments where he had been a master of controlling his emotions, it seemed there was no interest to upholding that façade right now.

"Depending on what, I might be inclined to", the vampire teased, nodding to the teen to voice his request.

"Will you not hurt my jii-chan if I call him down now, nor at any other time?"

"You want to introduce a dear member of your family to the one who tried to kill you for over a year now?" the other asked raising an eyebrow incredulously. "Are you sure you are well, Yuugi?"

"Well, would you have killed me, if you had caught me?" the shifter asked to the vampire's utter surprise. "Because to be honest I gradually started to doubt you would. And yes, I would like to introduce you. That had been my plan from the very beginning of the night, if I won the game."

The vampire could not help it, hearing the words uttered in a mixture of doubt yet confidence he burst out laughing. To Yuugi the sound of his laughter held something dark and alluring. It was not a harsh tone, far opposite. The laughter was pleasant, one which made clear that it was sincere amusement. But even with that conclusion in the back of his mind, the small built shifter could not help but be confused by the other's reaction.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked, unsure if he had said or done something wrong. The vampire however winked at him in a reassuring manner.

"Don't worry I am not exactly laughing at you", he explained, mirth still shining in his eyes. "But I cannot deny that I find you rather amusing. You're a strange one, Yuugi. Trusting and optimistic, even over a vampire, who is supposed to be deadly and feared. Certainly you are one of a kind."

Now Yuugi was blushing once more, much to the entertainment of the other creature.

"My friend Anzu said something like that as well, long ago", the shifter mumbled a bit embarrassed before finally catching himself and becoming serious once more. "So, will you allow me to introduce my jii-chan? He already knows the truth about my running anyway. In fact he is the one who came up with a plan that assured I would have an alibi for my absence. Officially I am in the USA in an exchange program to assist my schooling. My parents don't know the truth and I like to keep it that way."

"Hmmm", the other let out a contemplating noise, considering what the young teen just said. "And your jii-chan is currently aware of my presence?"

Yuugi nodded.

"Well, I guess it could not hurt", the vampire finally decided. "Besides I am curious about a man that would trust his grandchild to successfully escape a vampire and even come up and support a rather crazy sounding charade to keep the knowledge of the truth of our game to a minimum. It seems your intriguing characteristics have been inherited honestly."

Smirking once more, he watched as Yuugi beamed at him thankfully for his agreement, the younger man not caring that he had been kind of called crazy. Taking a deep breath of air, the shifter turned his head to the door that lead onto the floor where the stairs to upstairs where.

"Jii-chan!" he hollered making the vampire flinch at the volume of the voice. "You can come down now!"

Yuugi then looked back at his guest and seeing the grimace of pain he flinched as well, looking a bit guilty.

"Sorry", he whispered already guessing about the sensitivity of the other's hearing. After all, during his day with Jounouchi the small built teen had noticed the same problem, since his hearing enhanced within the year. Now, it hurt sometimes when his blonde friend in his excitement raised his voice too much.

His apology to his companion was cut down however, when both heard the urgent shuffle of feet that indicated the approach of the elder in the house.

"Yuugi?" Sugoroku Mutou asked hesitantly as he put his head through the door taking in the surroundings.

"Jii-chan", Yuugi exclaimed, happy yet suddenly feeling very, very nervous. Clearing his throat once he winked the old man forward, a small, hesitant smile on his lips.

"You can come in, don't worry", the small built shifter assured with forced calm. "I think there is someone you really need to meet."

The vampire had stepped beside him now and chuckled at Yuugi's enthusiastic words.

"Yeah, I won't bite, I promise", he added with his deep, amused voice. Sugoroku however, who had already been stepping forward, froze when he heard the voice and his eyes finally caught sight of the figure standing beside his grandson. Deep red eyes, a bit taller than Yuugi, hairstyle and looks similar to his grandson and oh so familiar to the shocked old man.

Yuugi's jii-chan nearly choked on his own breath, hand grasping his suddenly quickly pounding heart. His eyes widened and he paled which caused the shifter to look a bit worried now.

"Jii-chan?" the teen asked hesitantly, stepping forward. "You are not getting a heart attack on me or something, are you?"

"Or something", the old man mumbled in a faint voice, looking from Yuugi with those knowing, concerned eyes back to confused looking vampire. Back and forth, forth and back until the touch of the shifters hands on his own caused him the return of his voice."

"Onii-san?" Sugoroku whispered in disbelief, before facing the teen. "Yuugi, what is going on here?"

"Onii-san?" the other echoed, equally surprised and still confused. "I think I would also like to know what's going on here, now, Yuugi."

Not releasing the hands of his jii-chan, the small built teen turned around and gazed at the vampire with a small, guilty smile on his face.

"You never bothered to find out my full name, did you?" he asked, glancing to the still pale looking old man with tender eyes and a caring gaze.

"No, of course not", the other Yuugi answered him in bewilderment. "Knowing your full name might have made finding you easier in the end but it would have cut down the thrill of the game, not to mention go against my own set rules."

"Though so", Yuugi chuckled with a nod, before squeezing his jii-chans hands as the old man let out a gasp of understanding.

"Yuugi, you knew!" he declared, eyes wide in disbelief.

"I realised when you told me the story at the graveyard", the shifter confirmed. "About how we were so similar, about his traits."

He paused and turned once more to the equally wide eyed vampire, who for once was fully thrown out of his calmness.

"My full name", the teen started slowly, "is Mutou Yuugi."

Silence descended over the room while the vampire digested what he had just been told. The memory of this boys' full name echoed inside his head and then, wide, blood red eyes turned towards the old man, who gazed back with a whirl of emotions obvious in his eyes.

"Mutou", the creature whispered, studying Sugoroku more closely now, even taking some rather unusual hesitant steps forward. He did not stop until he ended up standing right in front of the elder Mutou. He was just the slightest bit taller than the old men and with a sudden pang he realised the familiarity of that fact. Reaching out a shaking hand the other Yuugi touched the wrinkled face, looking straight into eyes that seemed to still hold the same youthful spark he could clearly remember, even if the body surrounding it, was rather grey and wrinkled by now.

"Sugoroku", the vampire whispered in astonishment. "Oto-chan!"

"Yuugi-nii-san!" Sugoroku returned with a choked sob. "How? When? We thought you died!"

And before he could think about it, the elder Mutou had reached out and grabbed the vampire, crushing him into a hard hug.


Yuugi simply watched the scene unfurl with a wide, content smile on his face, a small tear escaping his happily glowing eyes.


It took all present a long time to calm down from the shock that night. Yuugi, as the only one knowing about the revelations coming into the open was the first to recover from the emotional onslaught. For some time he simply sat on the couch, watching his jii-chan and the other Yuugi trying to recover from the shock of having found each other once more.

Finally the other two men sat down at the table by the couch as well, the vampire even being so bold to sit beside Yuugi.

"We always thought you were dead", Sugoroku whispered, being the first to end the silence. He took a long gulp from the water his grandson originally prepared for their visitor, before looking back at the two young looking men opposite of him.

Yuugi could not help but grin happily at his jii-chan, while the vampire shook his head, becoming a bit sad now.

"I could not return to you after becoming this", he explained with a sigh that whipped the shifter's grin of his face. He became just as serious, watching the vampire intently while that one continued to explain.

"I was attacked that night. As you can guess now, it was a vampire who decided to turn me. When I woke up for the first time like this, I was barely conscious and half mad from hunger. Most of my memories are a haze. I don't even remember my first kill, just that I woke up beside that poor man, his blood all over me, the taste of it still fresh in my mouth."

"Oh nii-san", Sugoroku moaned, devastated and sad for the lost brother. He looked so upset about the other Yuugi's predicament that Yuugi jumped from his place to walk to his jii-chan's side and sit down beside him, taking the old man's hands and squeezing them slightly in silent comfort.

The elder Mutou spared a quick smile for his compassionate grandson before looking at the vampire again, who continued his tale after a nod of the older man's head.

"It took me a while to realised what happened to me", the brother recounted. "It took me even longer to come to terms with the truth. And while I disliked the idea of killing for a living I also had too much self-preservation to simply starve or kill myself. But I realised I could not return to you, oto-chan. I could not bear to put this burden on kaa-san nor to dishonour you all with what I've become."

"So you left and never looked back", Sugoroku concluded in a sad, but understanding voice. His older brother nodded, a small, wistful smile on his face.

"I've never forgot you, any of you", he declared chuckling slightly. "I just knew you would be okay and become great. And looking at the game shop and Yuugi right now, I just know that I had been right all along. You kept your love for games and you helped raising a grandson who shares this love and lives out that passion. And I suspect I know exactly where Yuugi learned his code of honour from."

"Jii-chan taught me all about it", the shifter immediately confirmed, smiling brightly first at the vampire, then at his jii-chan, who could not help but chuckle and ruffle his head affectionately in return.

"Yes, Yuugi turned out to be exceptionally gifted", the older Mutou confirmed, smiling. "He reminded me a lot of you in some aspects. You are very similar in fact."

"Oh I don't doubt that", the other agreed with a smirk in Yuugi's direction, who could not help but blush heavily at the look. "I realised the similarities the moment we started this little game of hunting."

"Which reminds me", Sugoroku interrupted, demeanour serious once more, "you don't seem too much different from what I remember. In fact, the beginning of your story tells me very well what you think of your predicament. Therefore it kind of confuses me how you would end up hunting my poor, defenceless grandson, which would seem to be against your nature."

"Jii-chan, I'm not defenceless", Yuugi immediately protested, face slightly red while the vampire looked slightly sheepish first at the shifter, then his brother.

"Uhm, I got carried away a little", he mumbled scratching his head in embarrassment. "After that first kill I did after awakening, I have sworn to myself that I would never again kill someone who does not deserve it, if I can help it. Since then I lived off the blood of criminals, those kind that were long lost to any redemption."

He sighed, shaking his head before he looked directly at Yuugi with heated, burning eyes. The look was so intense that the small built teen could certainly feel his cheeks burning up and he had to hastily look away to catch his breath.

"Yuugi was never my intended original victim", the other Yuugi admitted, face serious once more. "But back then I had an unexpected apprentice who I needed to keep control over. Looking back on it I realised she had been really evil, some of her actions even sadistic. To keep her at least half in check I came up with the game of catching and scaring our victims until they would try to escape where we would hunt them down."

"That's why you never touched me at the beginning," Yuugi immediately concluded, remembering the first weeks after the vampires entered the house. "I remember that girl hinting about something like that, when she tried to bait me."

"And you did exceptionally well", the vampire could not help but purr before remembering the presence of his brother and grinning at him sheepishly once more when that one cleared his throat rather pointedly.

"Sorry, oto-chan", the other Yuugi chuckled before he became serious again. "Well, as I said, we tended to hunt down criminals like this to feed off them. But one night Rebecca got out of my sight long enough that she was able to enter this house without my permission and catch Yuugi. I was aware that the girl did only stay by my side because she enjoyed those mind games of mine I came up with. And with how dangerous she was, I could not risk her getting away from me. To control her I needed that fine combination of intimidating her and feeding her desires."

"So you decided to play that game of yours", the small built shifter realised and the vampire nodded.

"You were rather timid and obedient during our first meetings. I realised you would not run away for some time, which I hoped would give me the time I needed to come up with a resolution that would not kill you or make that girl run away from me."

"But then Rebecca got impatient and her talk to you triggered me to run anyway", Yuugi concluded, eyes wide. The older man could not help but grin widely at the younger teen in return.

"Oh, yes, you did run and at first I feared for your life of course", he admitted. "I tried to steer Rebecca in the wrong direction but of course with her senses as vampire she easily found your trail. That's when you turned out to be a shifter, turning the whole situation around. And at that moment you awakened my hunting instincts together with my love for games. I was lost in a haze at the beginning of our hunt once more. In fact it took me a long time until I got enough control back to realise that I needed to think about what I should do if I ever caught you. By then, I noticed that you seemed to have developed as much enjoyment of the hunting as I did and that's why I never simply stopped."

Both men grinned at each other, recalling the thrill of the hunting in their respective roles. They were interrupted however by Sugoroku who was suddenly pale once more, eyes wide.

"Hold a second, did you two say 'Rebecca'?" he breathed, alarmed. Both Yuugi's looked at each other, then at the elder confused.

"Yes, Rebecca", the vampire confirmed. "Why?"

Mutou Sugoroku had to take three large gulps of air before he was able to reply.

"Yuugi, do you remember wondering why Professor Hopkins was helping us with our scheme all too willingly?" the old man faintly asked, gazing directly at his grandson. The small built shifter nodded, thoughtfully recalling that day.

"You hinted something about the two of you being old friends who now share a dark secret", the teen answered. "It was enough of an answer to know you did not wish to reveal more and I respected that."

"It was more the fact that I thought you had enough on your plate to worry about to add any of the problems my explanation would have caused you", the older Mutou corrected. "Professor Hopkins is indeed an old friend of mine. We went on archaeological digs together before we settled down with our families. Some years ago Hopkins contacted me in time of dire need and desperation. His granddaughter had been killed by a vampire and her body vanished before the burial. He was sure that she had been turned and was therefore in a sense still alive. So he asked me if I could keep my eyes open and inform him if I see anything."

Sighing and shaking his head sadly, Sugoroku continued with a dry voice.

"Of course, back then I did not believe him. As I would not have believed anyone telling me nii-san has been a vampire this entire time. However, then you showed up, Yuugi, with magical abilities and a vampire being in hot pursuit of you. So, I suddenly was confronted with the truth and the fact that I would have to reconsider everything I ever believed in. When we wondered about what to do for the near future and I got the idea with the fake exchange program, I remembered my old friend and called him. I told him the truth about your prediction, Yuugi and I promised that I would continue to keep my eyes open for his girl. He was still convinced that his 'little angel' has been out there."

"What", Yuugi stuttered, already turning slightly pale, "what did that Rebecca look like?"

But instead of Sugoroku it was his namesake who answered, right then sitting straight and looking deeply troubled.

"She has blond hair, blue eyes, freckles and used to wear glasses?" he asked his brother gravely and the old man nodded.

"Yeah", Sugoroku confirmed before adding: "She was around twelve years old when she went missing after being bitten", he said and the vampire let out a frustrated sigh. Yuugi saw it as what is was - confirmation. That was too much for the already worried shifter. He abruptly stood up from his seat beside his jii-chan and went down to the far end of the couch, away from both the old man and the vampire. He then burst out into tears. Sugoroku was on his feet immediately, looking alarmed.

"Yuugi, what's wrong?" he asked, wanting to comfort him. However, to everyone's surprise, his older brother was quicker. Not even seconds after the small built shifter broke down had he gone over and pulled the young man against his body, nearly dragging the crying teen on his lap in the process. He stroke Yuugi's hair, making small shushing noises before looking at his younger brother with painful, serious eyes.

"I fear you can tell you friend that his granddaughter is dead", the vampire explained in a grave voice. "When Yuugi first became a shifter he did not even realise what happened and killed Rebecca more or less on instinct, protecting his life. Rebecca had been my apprentice till that day."

Shocked silence descended over the room, with only Yuugi's quiet sobs and hiccups being heard. It was not until the shifter calmed down a little bit, that another word was spoken.

"How do you know it was an accident killing?" Yuugi asked in a slightly upset voice from the creature who held him in his arms right then. "You never saw what happened. So how could you claim it was my first time changing and killing by accident?

"Because you're not a killer", the other replied calmly. "You have not killed me even after you learned to fully control your abilities. Instead you let me go or at least tried nothing, not one shifting trick to hurt or kill me. And if you had known about your ability of shifting before, you would had run far sooner since by then you had to assume we vampires are only quick but not able to fly. It was not until I showed you my wings that you knew how difficult it would be to run from me."

"You are right", Yuugi admitted, nodding his head before he started to dry his eyes and nose on his sleeve. "Still, in that moment when I unknowingly changed into a tiger I was thinking about hurting her, even if it was to protect myself."

"But you were in your right to protect yourself", the vampire objected. "Besides, Rebecca deserved it, she was acting purely evil."

"Then it can't be Rebecca Hopkins", Sugoroku protested, voice a bit relieved sounding. "From what I know and remember of my friends little daughter, she was a real angel, who could never hurt a fly. Maybe a bit spoiled, but nothing worse."

"I don't doubt your words, Sugoroku", the other Yuugi said, shaking his head dejectedly. "But believe me that has been the girl you are speaking about."

"But how could that be?" the elder cried out in disbelief. ""Why would you burden a child with the same fate you had?"

"It was not by choice", the older Yuugi said with a sigh. "It happened some years ago when I was following the trail of a feared gang in Tokyo to feed on. They were the absolute worst humans I've heard about and they had a sense about them that proved their reputation. After searching for about an hour I found them in a secluded alley in the late evening. The sight I met was not pretty. They had a young girl in their clutches, badly wounded, already nearly unconscious. I am not sure if they assaulted her for money or just for the fun of it, both could be true. Fact is, by the time I was finished with those sorry excuses of human beings, I was unable to help her anymore."

He stroked Yuugi softly over the head, who had, without realising his actions, snuggled closer to the body of his once hunter, seeking and relishing the comfort offered. The vampire continued with his tale, while taking his own kind of comfort in calming the young teen.

"I have developed instincts long ago. I knew when a human had lost more blood than would be good for him. Not even a paramedic would have arrived in time to save her life. Still I wanted to be of some help, so the only thing I could do was offer comfort. She was afraid, crying and desperate. And she had also witnessed what I was. So when I knelt down next to her, to soothe her, she scratched and bit me. Till today, I am not sure if she was trying to defend herself or if she simply saw one too many of those vampire movies. The most ironic about it all though is the fact that drinking the blood of a vampire can indeed turn a person. I learned that lesson the hard way when that girl became a vampire and sought me out.

"And to be honest, even though it was an accident, at first I was glad for the unexpected company. However, I realised soon enough that Rebecca seemed no longer sane. She was driven by instinct most of the time, had a sadistic streak and enjoyed the hunt and the terror we caused humans. I learned that it would be even worse if I let her out of sight, therefore I made it my job to keep a leash on her. I acted as cruel as possible, which was not so bad as long as it were those criminals. But then she invaded Yuugi's home and everything changed."

He sighed and looked down at the shifter, who was looking up at him with wide, wondering eyes.

"You see, Yuugi", the vampire added with a small smile that the teen thought looked a bit tender in the dim light of the room. "When you put an end to Rebecca's existence, you did her a favour. At least now the kinder soul of the poor girl could emerge and finally rest. I was rather relived when I realised it was over, really. Even though I'm sorry that I did not do the job myself. I don't know why that is, but somehow I could never bring myself to kill her. I am not sure if I felt guilty or if it might have been the fact that she was more or less my creation. It's just, to this day I will not understand how a person, who was supposed to be nice, could end up being so evil."

"But that's neither the fault of either of you", Sugoroku declared forcefully as he stood up to walk over to the two men sitting on the couch. He touched each of them on the head and stroke their hair in a loving gesture.

"You two did what you could and even though I am sad for Arthur's loss, I am at least glad to hear none of you are to blame for this."

"Thank you, jii-chan!" Yuugi exclaimed before throwing himself into the waiting arms of the old man. In his rush of emotions he did not even notice that the vampire was still holding one of his hands, squeezing it tightly now and then in comfort and reassurance.

While the teen later settled back into the couch with both his jii-chan and his namesake besides him, he contented himself with listening to the elders talking. The vampire wanted to know everything of Sugoroku's life after his supposed death. He was especially interested in the old man's work as an archaeologist and the digs around the world.

Hearing the soft, soothing murmurs of voices the shifter felt his eyes become heavier until he was forced to close them, just for a bit of rest. And then, he knew no more.



Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (1)

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Von:  Polarstern
2024-01-27T08:23:47+00:00 27.01.2024 09:23
Ich bin gerade dabei, diese wirklich kreative, spannende und emotionale Story zu lesen!

Wirklich beeindruckend, wieviele Ideen aus der Original YGO Story du dir geschnappt hast und in dieses "Gestaltenwandler" Universum gepackt hast. Mit Pharao Atemu, der die Shifting Kräfte versiegelt hat die sie viel Unheil brachten, mit der Ishtar-Grabwächter Familie und den 3 Göttermonster Karten usw... wow, Respekt! Du hast ein tolles Universum aufgebaut und ich verstehe nicht, wieso diese Story so wenig Kommentare erhalten hat... Du hast sehr viel mehr verdient!

Du hast einen sehr schönen, lebendigen Schreibstil!

Und dann noch die ganze Story mit dem Bruder von Sugoroku Mutou, der ebenfalls Yuugi hieß und vor 60 Jahren zum Vampir wurde, sehr genial und spannend!
Ich bin nur etwas irritiert darüber, ob ich mir den Vampir nun eher mit dem Aussehen von Yuugi oder von YamiYuugi/Atemu vorstellen soll? Der Vampir hat ein selbstbewussteres Verhalten und erinnert mich eher vom Wesen her an Atemu. Allerdings heißt er hier auch Yuugi, was mich eher an einen zweiten Yuugi denken lässt. (Pairing Yuugi x Yuugi? >D""""")
Es hat Spaß gemacht, das "Hunting Game" der beiden zu lesen. Und man hat ja immer auf weitere Szenen gehofft, dass die beiden näher zusammen finden :D

Tja, nun kam ja heraus, dass die beiden ziemlich eng blutsverwandt miteinander sind. Der Bruder des Großvaters, also der Großonkel. Das macht es ja eigentlich unmöglich, dass die beiden zusammen kommen? Sicher, sie sind nicht als Verwandte aufgewachsen und kannten sich vorher nicht. Aber das wäre schon eine strange Kombination, wie das erst für den Großvater wäre, wenn sein Enkel mit seinem Bruder ein intimes Verhältnis hätte.... o.O"
Bin mal seeehr gespannt, wie es weiter geht und was daraus wird. Für mich klingt es fast so nach Kapitel 8, als wäre die Story bald auserzählt. Es wurde (fast) alles aufgeklärt und erklärt und die beiden Yuugis sind eng blutsverwandt, was eine Beziehung fast unmöglich macht. Aber ich bin ja nicht mal bei der Hälfte der FF angekommen, ich lasse mich also überraschen :) Es ist ja noch einiges offen mit der Pharao/Shifter Story und dem Ritual auf Mariks Rücken und den Götterkarten...

Yuugi wusste ja schon seit dem Besuch auf dem Friedhof, dass der Vampir sein Großonkel ist oder es sehr wahrscheinlich ist, aufgrund der ganzen Ähnlichkeiten/Zusammenhänge. Dann kam ja noch dieser gewisse Traum mit dem Vampir, in dem Yuugi sehr aktiv mitgewirkt hat und es scheinbar sehr genossen hat ;) Zu dem Zeitpunkt hatte er ja schon das Wissen/den Verdacht dass er das gerade mit seinem Großonkel tut.... Scheint ihn ja nicht gestört zu haben o.o" XD"""

Ich bin froh, dass die FF schon lange abgeschlossen ist und ich weiterlesen kann, ohne zu warten ;)

