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Hunting Passion



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Title: Hunting Passion

Part: 11/?

Author: Usagi-Atemu-Tom [miakalikestamahome at hotmail dot com]

Warnings: hints of future incest

Genre: Romance, Angst, Supernatural, AU

Pairings: Yami no Yuugi x Yuugi, Malik + Rishido

Criticism: Constructive criticism welcomed

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, I don't make money from fanfiction.

Description: They came at midnight. He didn't know how they were able to intrude into his house, but somehow they succeeded. They were a male and a female. HE, was the leader, obviously. She seemed to be some kind of apprentice to him. Not that it really mattered. For they were both strong and deadly.

But when a young teen is able to run from the grasp of his captors, it is the start of a long game of hide and seek. He finds a new side to himself he would have never dreamed he had. And it helps him to keep the game to his advantage. But he knows the game will never end, at least not before his death. Because his hunter is a vampire.

Thanks to my betareader Lee-Ann for the usual quick work. ^^

Shoutai - invitation



As predicted, when Yuugi stepped through the doors of his old classroom, after he talked with the principal and was instructed to return to his old class, he was causing in uproar. Classmates and friends starred at the small built teen in surprise and disbelief.

Only Jounouchi, while surprised at Yuugi's unexpected return to school, was grinning widely.

"Hey Yuugi!" he greeted cheerily enough and his sudden talk broke the spell of silence that had settled down the moment the shifter entered the classroom.

"YUUGI!" a lot of people shouted as one and then he had his arms full of Anzu and Ryou, barely able to keep his balance with both of the taller built friends crashing into him. Though, he noticed that the two did not seem as tall as they had been before he left. Honda, Otogi and Jounouchi came forward as well, all of them smiling.

"Yuugi, when did you return?" Anzu asked, bursting out into tears of happiness.

"Yeah and why do I have the suspicion Jounouchi had not been as surprised as the rest of us?" Honda added, glancing dryly at his now smirking blonde friend.

"Yuugi, I think you've grown a bit", Ryou added in his calm, friendly voice.

"Uhm, I returned two days ago", Yuugi answered, his voice a bit muffled because he was still buried under Ryou's and Anzu's embrace. "I've met Jounouchi-kun that day, but I did not want to tell anyone because I wanted to surprise you. Unfortunately I had to wait one whole day to settle down and to call my professor one last time for the arrangement with the school, since my papers have not arrived with the mail yet. You have no idea how anxious I was to see you all again. I hope the surprise was successful?"

"You bet", Honda replied and clapped the smaller built teen so hard on the back he would have tumbled over, had he not still been in the embrace of his two friends.

"Yuugi, you have to tell us everything", Otogi spoke next with excited voice. "I've heard from Jounouchi-kun that your class in the USA moved around a lot. How were the people treating you? What did you see? I hope you made lots of pictures to share with us."

Yuugi laughed when he saw all the eager faces of his friends. Though, at the end the note was a bit sheepish as it came to Otogi's last question.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Otogi-kun but the decision for the exchange was so sudden, I totally forgot my camera", the shifter explained a bit lamely. Some of his friends furrowed their eyebrows.

"Could you not have gotten a new camera?" Ryou wondered a bit confused, but Yuugi shook his head, a nervous smile on his face.

"It never occurred to me", the teen admitted. Of course he could not tell his friends that he had not had the time for sightseeing since he was on the run from a vampire, which was the real reason for him not carrying a camera around.

"But guys, do you know how many different games there are outside of Japan?" he continued, desperate for a change of subject. "And so many people who play Duel Monsters. I've heard the game is well known outside of Japan, but I never expected it to be that popular."

"Now, this sounds exactly like our Yuugi", Anzu interrupted his now earnest talking as all of the friends watched the small built teen's sparkling, eager eyes. "Of course YOU would forget all about a camera or to write your friends more regularly in face of a game."

Her exclamation was not an accusation, however. Her voice was teasing and amused and all their friends started to chuckle when Yuugi's reaction was to blush.

"Guuuuuys! You're mean!" the shifter complained which threw them into gales of laughter. Their happy round was only interrupted by the arrival of the teacher and that was when the nearly forgotten, usual daily routine started.

During the whole day Yuugi spent his time either talking to his friends, telling them things he had seen or some things he had to make up, as unhappy as he was with lying to all but Jounouchi. After each lesson he was up with the teacher to receive a plan of what had been done during his absence and what he was expected to learn, if he did not already know the stuff.

Thanks to the help of his jii-chan and Jounouchi, the young teen luckily had been up to date with most of the subjects. All in all the day flew by and all too soon Yuugi said goodbye to his friends, promising a night out with all of them coming weekend.

Whistling with contentment, Yuugi returned home with a big smile on his face, only to be greeted by his jiichan and Atemu.

"I take it school went well", Sugoroku noted with a small smile at his grandson who grinned back.

"Just great, jii-chan", he replied in high spirits. "My friends were totally surprised but glad to see me. And they had just as much to tell me as I am them, though of course some things I already learned from Jounouchi-kun. So, what did you two do?"

As if to answer, the vampire let out a huge yawn, making it obvious that he had not been up for a long time. The shifter and his jii-chan both chuckled before the old man replied that they did nothing special.

"Oh before I forget, your kaa-san called today", Sugoroku suddenly remembered. "They'll be back in two weeks, I thought I inform you of that."

"In two weeks?" the small built teen replied surprised. "And did you tell them anything so far?"

"Ah, not much, just that you're back", the old man replied before shaking his head. "She sounded happy about that. I guess she missed you more than she let on."

"I guess... ", the shifter trailed off unsure. Then he caught glimpse of Atemu smiling reassuringly at him before the vampire turned around, vanishing inside the house.

"I need more sleep, much too early", he muttered, going upstairs.

The rest of the day went by quickly and before he knew it, Yuugi was ready to go to bed. Just like the night before, the vampire stayed in his room, as far as the shifter knew entertaining himself with his computer the whole night. This time there was no repeat of what happened the night before and it left Yuugi feeling slightly disappointed.

The following morning was a school day again, and even though the small built shifter still had not much love left for learning and homework, he was once more looking forward to see his friends.

The group spent the first half of school sticking their heads together to discuss whatever came to their minds in every break they got. Mostly Yuugi was asked once more to tell some of the things he'd seen during his exchange program in the USA. So far, the shifter kept to half truths. He related incidents with classmates, teachers or duels he had with various people he met. It was just the fact that most of the events did not take place in the USA he did not mention.

When the last lesson before midday break was half through, the usual atmosphere of a normal school day was disrupted by an unexpected visitor. The teacher was droning on and on about a topic Yuugi did not really get nor care, when suddenly the door opened and in walked none other than Kaiba Seto.

Even though a lot of things had taken place since his return to Japan, Yuugi never once forgot about this particular classmate, who he remembered he still had to give something very special. Kaiba was his classmate, and he had noticed his absence the day before. This in itself was nothing unusual. The young man, who was already CEO of a flourishing company had been forced to skip school often enough for some business deal he had to attend to.

Kaiba was the sole owner of Kaiba Corporation after his father's death as well as the only caretaker of a younger brother; he was also intelligent enough that he could have skipped school and gone right to university years ago. No one knew why the sharp, if rather cold acting CEO preferred to continue attending a common school, though he was allowed special conditions for absences.

Only Yuugi and Jounouchi knew the truth behind the brown haired teen's reasons. After Yuugi won his duel against the CEO curiosity had gotten the better of the shifter, who had been desperate back then to ensure, that the blue eyed young man and he did not part on bad terms. Surprisingly enough Kaiba stopped and after considering for a minute, answered the small built teen and his accompanying blonde friend, that he was simply visiting school because it put less stress on him than leading the company. After all, his intelligence made it easy for him to follow the contents of school lessons without the need to do anything for it.

The reason was simple and very, very understandable of course. Therefore with Kaiba Seto's absence being the norm, Yuugi had not given much thought on it. However it was unusual for the CEO to grace his class with his presence at any other time than the beginning of a school day or during break. Being a punctual person, never before had he entered the class in the middle of a lesson; nor had he ever looked as if he had run the whole way from home.

Agitated, steel blue eyes went over the class until they came to rest on Yuugi. Then all of the sudden all anxiety seemed to leave the CEO and with a haughty nod to the teacher, as if granting him the privilege of continuing the lesson, Kaiba walked calmly over to his seat where he remained until the shrill sound of the bell announced midday break for all classes.

The event had been so unlike what he was used to from his classmate that Yuugi hesitated for a moment, glancing at the other before he stood from his seat to leave with his friends for lunch. However, it seemed Kaiba had waited for a moment like this, because the blue eyed CEO intercepted the smaller built teen before he and his friends were able to reach the door.

"Mutou!" he called out, making Yuugi immediately stop in his tracks.

"Kaiba-kun", the shifter greeted politely, face neutral. He had not seen his classmate since the day of his defeat in school, and soon after Yuugi ended up on the run from his namesake vampire. And now Kaiba Seto was marching up to him with determination, eyes fierce.

He stopped in front of the smaller built teen and looked so intimidating, that Jounouchi and Honda already moved as if to push themselves in front of their friend for protection.

With a discreet sign, Yuugi requested for them to wait.

"Yes, Kaiba-kun?" he wondered, facing the tall CEO straight on. Kaiba at first said nothing, he only thrust an envelope into the surprised teen's hands. Taking the small slip of paper a bit hesitantly, reading his name in front of it and nothing more, he looked back up to the messenger with curious, questioning eyes.

"This is an invitation to the next tournament I am organising", the CEO explained. "It will be held in one and a half months and I expect you to join this time, so I can officially play against you and defend my title as King of Duel Monsters. You'll find all information you need in the letter and I expect your answer tomorrow at school!"

After those last words, Kaiba turned around without sparing a glance at any of Yuugi's friends, and left the classroom, leaving behind six rather confused teenagers.

"What the hell was THAT?" Jounouchi burst out, being the first to find his voice, even though his mouth was wide open, eyes shining with incredulity.

"A tournament?" Otogi was the second to comment, brows drawn together in thought. "That's the first time I hear about it and that's rather strange considering that it's supposed to take place in one and a half months."

"Well, if Kaiba-kun is the organiser, it should not surprise any of us, should it?" Ryou intercepted in his usual mild manner. "He has the money and technology to put up something like this out of the blue and as it seems he doesn't exactly care if a lot of duellist are able to join as long as Yuugi-kun here will be there."

His friends continued to discuss what just happened with Kaiba till the end of schoolday. Later Jounouchi, as they walked home together, was the only one to voice the one question no one else thought to ask.

"Say, Yuugi, will you enter the tournament?" the blonde wondered rather seriously. "When that rich bastard came up to you with the invitation, it made me realise that I never questioned, how long you'll be able to stay here. You're back to school all of the sudden, but I am not aware of your intentions. I mean, I realised you must have missed our friends, but what about that vampire?"

The shifter looked at his best friends startled when all of the sudden he was reminded of the fact that Jounouchi was the only one of his friends who of course knew the truth.

"I am not sure, to be honest", the small built teen finally admitted with a sigh. "I have to talk with mou hitori no boku about it first, I guess."

"Mou hitori no boku?" Jounouchi wondered, raising an eyebrow. "Where does THAT come from and who is this person?"

Yuugi started to laugh, looking at the blonde with mirth in his eyes.

"Ah yes, I did not tell you, did I?" he chuckled, before becoming serious again, though a small smile still lingered. "I found out that my hunter and I share the same name. We even have similar features, that's why I began to call him 'mou hitori no boku'. He kinda is like me, really. We both love games and we are good at playing. All in all he is simply a bit darker than me with him being a vampire. Maybe like a shadow or a dark half of mine or something like that, if you understand what I mean."

During this point Yuugi had stopped walking since the two teens reached the point where their paths usually divided.

"I have the feeling there is a bit more that happened, you've got to tell me", Jounouchi mused. "After all, why the hell do you have to ASK that vampire for permission?"

The small built shifter chuckled a bit sheepishly.

"Uhm, I guess there are some things that happened, I've not mentioned to you so far, Jounouchi-kun", he admitted. "Though, that wasn't intentional on my part. How about I'll tell you tomorrow in school?"

"Deal", the blonde replied before taking a look at his watch and started to curse. "Damn, I'm about to be late for work. Sorry, Yuugi, have to run. See ya tomorrow!"

He started to jog away from the other teen in his haste. However suddenly remembering something, he turned around one last time.

"Oh and Yuugi?"

"Yes?" the shifter replied.

"If you decide to join the tournament, I'll be going as well", the blonde announced a wide grin on his face. "Even though I never succeeded at beating you so far, I feel confident enough that with all your teaching I'll do rather well. Not to mention four months ago I gained possession of the rare card 'Red eyed black Dragon' in a small tournament."

"A 'red eyed'?" Yuugi exclaimed astonished before grinning widely at his friend. "That's great, Jounouchi-kun! I always knew you could do it. Please join, even if I might not be able to. After all, you have the talent and if nothing else I would look forward to watch you rise through the ranks."

"Well, see", Jounouchi replied with a smile before waving one last time and ran off. "Bye Yuugi!"

When the shifter arrived home, he did not mention the tournament immediately. He had to admit, the chance to play at such a grand tournament as one of Kaiba Seto's, which usually were rather big events, excited him very much. But the small built teen was unsure about his chance to enter and he really did not wish to get excited over nothing.

Therefore he was a bit restless and thoughtful during dinner, a fact both Sugoroku and Atemu noticed. When Yuugi retired to his room, the vampire immediately followed, lounging on the bed, while Yuugi sat down on his chair at the desk, playing with the envelope of the invitation Kaiba gave him.

"Yuugi, you were rather quiet during dinner", his namesake promptly noted, staring at the teen with bold eyes. "Care to tell what's wrong?"

Instead of answering, the shifter reached out and offered the still unopened envelope to the surprised vampire. Taking the hint, Atemu took the letter and tore it open. For a while there was silence where the older read the letter inside. After he was done he returned the invitation to the teen with a raised eyebrow.

"A tournament", the vampire stated and Yuugi nodded. "In one and a half months. Do you want to join?"

Yuugi shifted a bit restlessly, not daring to look at the other.

"It's after the timeline of our truce", he reminded him quietly. "I am not sure what you plan to do when the month is over, therefore I am not sure I can join. And the greatest problem is that Kaiba-kun wishes to receive my answer tomorrow at school. He somehow heard I returned to school and showed up just to give this to me personally. With all the effort he took just to see me, I have the feeling he would never take no as an answer."

"Mmmh, I guess that IS a problem", Atemu stated when Yuugi was done with his explanation. The vampire acted exaggeratedly thoughtful while an obvious smirk adorned his lips. Tapping his chin, red, glowing eyes pierced into Yuugi's.

"Mou hitori no boku?" the teen wondered, looking back at the other hesitantly. It was hard for him to hold the gaze when all his body wanted to do was heat up and his face to become red. Why did the vampire had to have such an intense gaze that always got under his skin?


Smirk widening, Atemu took pity on the small built teen.

"Well there is only one answer to give", he told the shifter. "You'll join!"


"You heard me", the vampire said, grinning. "You'll join."

"But our truce", Yuugi protested, looking a bit confused. Not stopping his grin, the vampire allowed himself to fall backwards on the bed where he ended up lying with his hands crossed behind his head. Turning his head slightly to the side, he was able to look at the shifter from the corner of his eyes.

"I am not sure how things will continue after our truce ended", he admitted seriously. "Hunting you for the last one and a half years had been fun. But the circumstances have changed as has the atmosphere. You reunited me with my brother and both of you know more about me now than any other living being. The thrill of a hunt of life and death has gone with the knowledge that I would not kill you anyway. Besides, I acknowledge now that you still have a life to live."

Releasing one of his arms, he put his hand in front of his face tapping his chin thoughtfully once more while Yuugi himself furrowed his brows, considering the situation as well.

"I don't mind the hunting game", the teen admitted with a slight blush. "But you are right, I would miss my friends not to mention it would be suspicious if I vanished on another exchange program when I just returned from one. My parents would start to become suspicious as well. It was already hard enough the first time for jii-chan to convince them that we planned this together to surprise them. Kaa-san after all always complains about my marks in school and that I should learn more. To tell them that the exchange was recommended as a full-proof way to become better in school was the only reason why in the end my parents bought it."

"I understand, Yuugi", Atemu replied, now with a soft smile on his face. He then let out a big yawn, that showed off his sharp teeth very well to the watching shifter, before stretching and sitting up once more.

"Let's take one step at a time", the older of the two suggested. "For now I extend the truce until the end of the tournament. You are going to join. What happens afterwards is something we discuss when it's time."

He broke as a wide smirk played around his lips, his eyes all of the sudden hungry and burning brightly.

"Which reminds me, Yuugi, tell me how difficult do you want your challenge against that Kaiba to be?"

"How difficult do I want my..." the shifter trailed off looking even more confused now before his own eyes started to glow in anticipation. He did not know what exactly his namesake was up to, but he knew how much he loved a challenge in any form possible.

"I want it as difficult and exciting as possible, as long as it's a fair game", he told the vampire excitedly who grinned back knowingly as the teen added. "The game we played was the most thrilling in my life. That's how I love to play."

"I thought so", he purred, causing Yuugi's heart to speed up its beating. "You'll receive a challenge just like the one we played two days ago, Yuugi. And this time I'll advice you to add your god card into the deck. I promise you it's not unfair or taking advantage, far opposite. You'll need that card."

"Huh?" was all the small built teen was able to voice, his eyes wide, posture unsure.

Atemu was rather amused by the confusion he caused and he stood up to walk over to where Yuugi was sitting on his chair. Towering above the quickly becoming nervous teen, the vampire brought his face down to the shifter's until their lips were only inches apart. Yuugi could feel the breath of the other ghosting over his skin and his whole body shuddered. Nervously he licked his lips, perfectly aware that keen, glowing red eyes followed every single moment of his muscle until it vanished once more in his mouth.

"You're a tease, you know", the shifter mumbled, averting his eyes.

"Mmmmh, yes, I am", the other rumbled, amusement obvious in his tone. "By the way, Yuugi. Tomorrow I am going to join you at school!"

This was enough to gain Yuugi's attention. Turning surprised eyes back onto the creature of the night the small built teen could not help but gape at the other.

"You want to join me in school? Why?"

Atemu simply smirked.

"You'll see", he replied mysteriously before it became obvious the topic was closed. Instead he voiced a different problem. "And if I go to school this means I need to sleep tonight, otherwise I'll be just as tired as you are, were you to stay up all night long. That leaves us with a problem though. So far we shared your bed by the divided sleep patterns we have. Any suggestions how to handle the fact that we both need to sleep now?"

The question had barely left the vampire's mouth that Yuugi started to blush from head to toe. He knew what the other implied and to his own demise he was even inclined to not consider any other option.

"I could sleep on the floor?" the Atemu suggested with a smirk on his face.

"NO!" the shifter protested quickly. Too quickly, he realised as he watched the smirk of the other widen.

"Uhm, I mean", the small built teen began to stutter before groaning and looking over to his bed. Anything but to look at his amused namesake.

"Yes, Yuugi?" the older purred and it was obvious that the creature of the night enjoyed every second of the teasing. "I could sleep on the couch downstairs, how about that?"

Cringing the shifter knew he had him now. It had been two days since their truce, two wonderful days where they got to know each other a bit more than what they already gathered over the one and half year of playing together in their special game. Yuugi had been attracted to the older before, he knew that now that he looked back at it.

Then the dreams had come after that fateful bite and simple appreciation and attraction for good looks had turned into feelings mixed in confusion and passion. But for this kind of attachment, he could only rely on the dream-vampire and he was never sure how much that one really resembled reality.

But now he got to know the real one, through spending time together, through stories his jii-chan told him and simply watching the other around the house or reflecting on events from the past. Yuugi had realised that Atemu indeed had a pleasing personality. He was honourable, fierce, confident and knew damn well to use his looks to his advantage against the shifter. Only two days and already Yuugi's resolve about doing nothing about his attraction was breaking.

Therefore the small built teen found himself in the middle of two options. Either he sent the vampire to the couch in the living room, keeping him on distance, or he choose option number two, which would be closer to admitting the truth of his feelings, not that the vampire did not already suspect them anyway. Yuugi's body had been treacherous like that. However, the shifter had already realised that the other was treating their situation like a game. And it was his turn to take action.

Shaking his head with a deep sigh he walked over to his bed, keeping his back to the vampire as he started to search for his night clothes.

"You can still use the bed, if you like", Yuugi mumbled out of a deep red face as the images of his dreams refused to leave his inner eye. "It's big enough to offer room for the both of us. Just... just don't do anything!"

Atemu let out a quiet laugh before stepping closer. The shifter could strangely feel warmth from a body that was supposed to be cold and dead, but this vampire seemed to contradict all norms.

"But Yuugi", the whispered purr came suddenly right beside his right ear. "If I did that, I would break the truce, wouldn't I?"

Gasping Yuugi whirled around, starring at the smirking vampire wide eyed, both hands clutching above his beating heart. Then his eyes widened even further when he realised what the vampire meant.

"So you mean when the truce is over... ", the teen stuttered and trailed off, gaping when his namesake nodded.

"Now I know what will happen after the tournament ended. When the truce is over, I will chase my new found goal", the vampire confirmed. "I'll hunt you once more, just in a different kind of chase. One that does not involve running around the whole world."

Shuddering one last time, Yuugi quickly stepped away from the other and got over to his bed to crawl under the covers.

"Good night, mou hitori no boku!" he exclaimed before hiding even his face under the blanket. Both of them were very aware that he had not denied the vampire this newly suggested game of hunting.



Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (1)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Atem
2012-07-29T21:28:35+00:00 29.07.2012 23:28
Und immer wieder gerne XD... hätte ich bald warten können, wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass es bereits in der Warteschlange hängt XD".

Als Yuugi wieder zurück in die Schule ging und die Vergangenheit von Yami erzählt war... dachte ich für einen Moment, dass ein wenig die Luft aus der Handlung wär. Die Millenniumitems rückten in den Hintergrund und der Nervenkitzel der Jagd war wegen dem Waffenstillstand nicht mehr existent... Dafür hat man gemerkt, dass Yami besonderen Gefallen an seinem Formwandler gefunden hatte...

Und dann DAS... Yami/Atem kann ja richtig pervers sein XD. Yuugi ist halt einfach zu unschuldig, aber dieses teasing zwischen den beiden gefällt mir seeeeehr gut. Vor allem als Yuugi es gedämmert hat, worauf Yami angespielt hat... ich hab mich weggekugelt vor lachen XD.
Damit hast du der Geschichte neuen Zunder verpasst... vor allem einen "erotischen touch", der mich neugierig macht, was nach dem Wettkampf passiert. Den könntest du meinetwegen gleich auslassen und überspringen XD".

Ich kann es also kaum erwarten, dass es mehr zwischen den beiden knistert. Und ich krieg Lust, was ganz versautes von dir zu lesen... schreib was XD.

*dich flausch*
