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~ a written k-dorama ~


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He was told to take good care of regulars

She woke up with the first sunlight touching her face. As she wanted to turn around she felt JunSu’s arm gently wrapped around her waist.

She smiled.

Observed the fine lines of his beautiful sleeping face.

Then carefully kissed his cheek not to wake him up.

SeulGi felt happy. She had been in love with him right from the start, but lost sight of this feeling through all their discussions. Now she felt as if she belonged there. She moved a bit closer and wanted to place her head on his chest when he mumbled words that sounded like ‘No space.’ and turned around.

“What the…”

She grinned and kicked him in the back that hard that he fell of his bed. The sudden act pulled him out of his dreams and he jumped up immediately.

“What?? What’s wrong?”

He forgot he was naked.

“Just a little punishment.”

He stared at SeulGi and it took some seconds for him to remember.

“Punishment? What for? I was great last night!”

“Just to remind you: it takes two to have great sex.”


She grinned.

“Why don’t you come to bed again? Should be a bit cold… Adam.”


He looked down. Went red. Grabbed the blanket and pulled it to cover him self, but forgot that it covered SeulGi’s body so she now was the one lying there without anything on.

“Hey, pervert!”

She pulled back the blanket, but JunSu was holding on it tightly that he fell over and landed on her. It might have been a scene from a movie .. their faces near each other.. but JunSu couldn’t slow down even a little bit. After-effect was two heads knocking against each other.

“DAMN! Idiot!” SeulGi held her head and pushed the older one aside.

“It’s your fault as well, honey!”

“Who’s your honey? You dumb good-for-nothing singing bird!”

“Well, compared to you I CAN sing!”

“You would LOVE my singing!”

“As if!”


“Not as much as I like kissing you!”

She stared at him for a second. He stared back at her. Grinned. Then laughed his typical JunSu laugh.

“Didn’t expect that, did you?”


He gently kissed her shoulder. Grinned again.

“Retard!” She poked his head.

SeulGi smiled on the inside. JunSu on the outside. Then bent over to get together with her a second time.


He took a sip from his black coffee and let himself down on the sofa in their living room. It looked extremely awful that day. There were empty beer bottles standing on the window sill. Here and there clothes lying around. The only flower in the room was dry. JaeJoong looked at YunHo with interest.

“Did something happen? You look tired.”

“Nothing special.” YunHo not only looked, but also was extremely tired. Tired of his job, tired because he hadn’t enough sleep, tired of coffee, even tired of talking honestly with his best friend.

He, only for a moment, thought of never standing up again. Just remaining like this. No need to think about anything. No need to go back to the never ending monotony his life was slightly showing.

Then he thought of SooJin. The only one he knew at that time who was really showing some ambition. The one difference from his daily routine. Being together with her was his job on the one hand. On the other it had the atmosphere of spending free time with a friend.

That’s what he thought.

But was unable to get hold of this feeling.

“YunHo?” Jae sat himself next to him. “Explain?”

YunHo took another sip from his coffee.

“Well.. just thinking of my new regular customer.”

Jae remained silent.

“She really is persistent, isn’t she? Visiting me three times a week.”

“She is not exactly visiting you.”

“Hm.. you got a point there…”

It made YunHo think about it a bit more.


A visit is something you pay friends. You pay a visit. Not money. Being there is enough. So why is he taking money from her if he considered her as a friend?

“Maybe you still cannot get the idea right that she is your friend.” was JaeJoong’s answer. “Or you do not think of her as a friend?”

The younger one leaned back and stared to the room’s ceiling.

“In the end it’s just a job. She’ll get hurt if I go on like this.”

“She’ll get more hurt if you reject her.”

His friend was confusing him, but he was right after all.

“You should just…” Jae thought of how to explain it “Just go on like you’re used to it. It’s up to her, isn’t it?”

YunHo just nodded. Wanted to drink.

But the cup was already empty.

SooJin entered the host club like she got used to it the last weeks. Friendly greeting the hosts at the front door. Looking at the pictures on the walls. Smiling at the girl at the counter. Sometimes it was SangMi grinning back at her, but mostly it was a small unspectacular but very friendly girl.

“He is waiting for you already.” She laughed.

SooJin slightly nodded. After some of her visits he remembered the times she was going to the club and rejected every other costumer from about one hour in advanced.

He was told to take good care of regulars.

A fact SooJin didn’t know about.

YunHo waved her over. Smiling as usual.

“Hey, beautiful. Had a nice day?”

“Kinda.” She sat herself next to him. He immediately poured her some champagne.

“You look a bit tired.”

“I got a job. Still need to adapt to it.”

He nodded. Smiled. “You’ll manage, I know.”

“SooJin, fighting!!”

They laughed. He liked her laughter. Her optimistic spirit. The sympathy he was feeling for her was not to deny, but he was good in controlling feelings like that. He liked her. That was a fact. Not more.

JaeJoong observed them from the other side of the room and smiled. She sure was having fun.

“Nice to see, isn’t it?”

SangMi was wearing her red dress tonight. He loved that dress. Had some really nice memories connected with it. Thinking about that now made him feel slightly remorseful and he couldn’t help but taking a deep breath too ease the stab which pained his heart for moment. He looked back at YunHo and SooJin and felt he wanted to have what they had. Laughter. Friendship. Things he gave up and now he wanted them back again.


“We should get up.. it’s quite late already.”

Junsu turned to the side. “You have an appointment?”

“No just.. thought it would be time to get our sexy asses up and have breakfast.”

“Your won’t stay sexy if you overdo the eating thing!”

“You love my butt… so shut up!”

“True… but… I want to look at your backside just a little bit longer… let’s make a compromise then!”

“A compromise?”

“You stay naked and we have breakfast.”

She slapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll get a cold!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll warm you!”

His grin was fatal. His laughter as well.

“Hmpf.” With this sound she stood up and slipped over her bathrobe.

Junsu started complaining immediately.

“Nobody said I would wear something else.”

She left. He jumped up to follow her.



HaNeul, YooChun and ChangMin were eating at the cafeteria like they did quite often after Chang treated the girl to dinner. But he still felt the distance and he knew she would not be able to overcome it. He had no clue why. Neither did she. She still felt awkward when he was around and she was happy YooChun was there to talk to him.

“So.. you’re father was mayor of Seoul before… ”

Chang nodded.

“And you’re not going to one of the elite universities? You’re parents must earn a lot of money.”

“I don’t want to live in a golden cage. Nobody knows I’m a ex-mayor’s son here. I can just be myself without politics interfering.”

HaNeul was that surprised by his words she was staring at him without noticing. As the two guys didn’t recognize her glance it was not relevant. So she kept looking and listening.

“My marks in High School were brilliant, because I studied hard. I wanted to have the freedom to go to any university I want to. But most people thought I got my marks because of my father. I was bullied quite a lot these days.”

He laughed. HaNeul felt the resonating pain he wanted to cover with this laughter and something changed within her. Although she wasn’t aware of it she instantly acted in order to obey the new rules her subconscious mind made up for her.

“Ne, Chun.. maybe we should go out tonight and have a drink so the others can get to know Changmin a bit better, too.”

She was continuing eating her lunch while saying that. The two guys looked at her in disbelief.

“Uhm.. yeah might be a good idea.”

“Good!” She smiled. “Wait… I’ll phone SeulGi and SooJin.”

She did as said but SeulGi passed right away saying she wasn’t in the mood.

“I think I heard JunSu saying something in the background.” HaNeul face was having an irritated note.

“But those two were arguing without any end.”

She just shrugged. Tried to phone SooJin but she didn’t even answered the phone.

“She is missing quite often these days.”

He oldest one looked at ChangMin.

“She is?”

He nodded. “Last week she was skipping all the morning classes.”

“What’s wrong with her.. she is acting really weird.”

“Don’t ask me. She is your friend.” YooChun sipped his coke.

“So you don’t care?”

“Don’t be stupid, HanYeol. Of Course I care. But you know her better than I do.”

She didn’t answer because she knew YooChun was right. “You sure missed a lot when you were in America.” She didn’t wanted to but sounded sad. YooChun took her hand without saying anything. It made Changmin jealous and although he knew this was only a deep friendship he felt like pulling his hand away from his loved one. He wanted to be the one to comfort her when she was sad. Or angry. Whatever she was feeling he wanted to be only one to whom she was showing all of her feelings. Realizing this was nearly impossible he stood up and left.

“I’m going first. Need to check on some homework.”

Both gazed after him.

“What happened? What’s wrong with him all of the sudden?”

YooChun refused to answer that.


She again was waiting but when she saw the tall figure that emerged through all the people passing by her heart lightened up. Used to waiting for him she started imagine how the date would pass. What she would say. What he would answer. It was their fifth one and she really thought she could foresee what he would reply. She thought she would have control over the whole thing but in the end SeungHun surprised her every day again.


He never called her by her nickname because he said her wonderful name was there to use it. She fell in love with him even more after that. It was cliché and somehow corny but it made her feel loved so she didn’t care.

“Where you want to go today?”

He smiled his sunny boy smile. Her heart fluttered.

“Well, a new café opened not far away and I thought of maybe we can try it out.”

“Whatever makes you happy, beautiful.”

The sound with which he paid her a compliment sounded that honest that she nearly wasn’t aware of it’s hokeyness. He was nice and courteous. His longer dark brown slightly curled hair made him look even more attractive and sometimes InYoung imagined a shining sun when he smiled at her. He was everything she could have wished for.

“It’s really fun to be with you.” That by far wasn’t describing all of her feelings, but she didn’t want to go into offensive-mode. She wanted him to ‘conquer’ her.

“The pleasure is always mine.”

“There is no need to be that formal.” She smiled at him.

“I don’t want you to get the wrong feeling.”

“Wrong feeling?”

“That I do not respect you.”

It was this one sentence that totally captured her. Her face was glowing with love. He could see it. It was more than obvious.

“If you want I’ll stop talking in a formal way.”


He laughed and took her hand. It was the first time she held a guys hand and he noticed right away. He squeezed it a bit and kept on walking. She felt happy and he felt conquering her bit by bit.

“Can I ask you something?” he asked after they talked for about an hour while tasting the different cakes and coffee variations.

InYoung nodded.

“Is it really ok for you to go out with someone that has nearly.. nothing? I mean you’re family is quite rich, aren’t they?”

“I don’t care about that.”

It was exactly this determination he wanted to hear.

“That really makes me happy.”

She wanted to reply but was interrupted when she saw SooJin passing by the café.

“Someone you know?”

“A friend of mine, but I haven’t seen her in a while.”

With just one of SeungHun’s smile her friend was forgotten.

SooJin took a look at her watch. She had to finish one report for English Conversation class till tomorrow but just noticed there was no time left. She had to work now. Her pace got faster till she reached a small convenient store. The old man behind the cash register greeted her friendly.

“You sure work hard, young lady. What keeps you working from afternoon till late night?”

“It’s because I do not want to give up.”

That was all there was to it. He didn’t want to have any details because he knew she wouldn’t tell. All he could do was not to pass all the hard work upon her due to the fact that since she started working for him she got thinner.

“Don’t overdo it. You still have university.”

“Don’t worry.” She smiled. “I’m still on track. Sometimes you have to go through stuff like this.”

“As long as you know when to stop.”

She was glad someone she hardly knew was that concerned about her health.

“Thanks, but I’m a strong girl!”

Somehow it made the old man really sad to see her smile like that. He had to bear the feeling that he was the reason for her loosing weight but in the end he was just an employer with one really hardworking employee. Not more.


“You’re pale.”

HaNeul eyed her friend up and couldn’t refuse to touch her face but SooJin just pushed her arm away.

“I’m fine.”

“ChangMin told me you’re skipping your morning classes?”

“He’s talking to much.”

They walked side by side and it was obvious SooJin pace was slower than usual and her body was slightly crooked as if her back was aching.

“You got thin.”

The younger one ignored her.

“You know you can talk to me, right?”



They separated. YooChun waved to SooJin before she changed her direction but she didn’t notice.

“She sure is acting strange.”

“I’m worried.”

“I know.” YooChun wrapped one arm around her shoulder, pulled her near and kissed her head. “We should follow her around a bit. Just to be sure.”

HaNeul nodded and leaned against his arm.

They skipped their afternoon class because they knew SooJin didn’t have any these day. Waiting for her they hided behind a small bush. Their friend was that tired she passed by without even noticing there was someone hiding.

SooJin took her normal way to the bus station, but took a totally different bus as usual.

“She will see us if we get on.”

“I highly doubt it.” YooChun sounded quite sure. And unfortunately he was right.

12 bus stops later they got off following her to the convenience store SooJin was working at. She greeted the owner and was gone for about five minutes before starting to refill the shelves with goods.

Your sunny smile that you always showed me was so beautiful.

Because I loved you so much I became a dummy who only knew to give

“So this is what she is doing.”

HaNeul just observed her for a while. She seemed energetic. Ambitious. Every time a customer entered the shop she greeted him with a smile she hasn’t been able to show to her friends for a long time now.

“I wonder what she is up to.”

YooChun was talking to himself. HaNeul knew what was going on, but deep within she just hoped it was some financial problem her family was facing.

My love, you are more special to me than anyone in this world.

And your in front of me where I can reach you with my fingertips

Her back was aching but she forced herself to go on. It was the only possibility. If only she could be as rich as Youngie. Or have a body like HaNeul’s who would not weaken that fast. If only he would be a normal man. With a normal occupation. And if only she had met him on a normal basis.

I'll love only you forever.

You're my reason to live day by day

All this whining just fired her up more and more. Because there was no “if only”. There was just her strong will to fight for her luck. SooJin knew it was wasting all her energy but that was the pass she chose for herself.

Promise me My love

Even if the world's end comes I won't let you go

HaNeul’s hand was turning into a fist. She was angry with her friend and herself equally.

“She is really stupid.”



“She is in love.”

Something YooChun understood.

Because you're inside of me..

They sat themselves down on the other side of the road on the stairs to an old and left house.

“You’re sure you want to wait here with me?”

YooChun just smiled.

“No other would do crazy stuff like that with you.”

“No other cares about me that much.”

“Because you mostly care for others there has to be one that cares for you.”

8i]My love, you are more special to me anyone than in this world.

And your in front of me where I can reach you with my fingertips

Finally, at around 10 o’clock SooJin left the store. HaNeul was leaning against her friend’s shoulder sleeping so he gently poked her arm to wake her up.

“She is leaving.”

His best friends sleepy face was kind of cute but it didn’t last very long since they had to continue following her. One step after the other HaNeul knew where she was going. She felt helpless. Seeing her friend overworking herself. Knowing the exact reason for it. And not being able to do anything against it bothered her a lot.

I'll always look to you.

There's no change in my love for you

SooJin felt as if she could walk this route while sleeping. Somehow it was exactly that. Her body felt weak and her head was just giving signals to her body so she did not stop walking. It was as if the brain knew that her heart in no time will blossom again so it took the exertions to feel the pleasure again.

Remember my love

You are so special

They stopped. The red illuminated panel was laughing at them with it’s letters screaming [Antique]. Her heart resigned the moment she saw SooJin enter the host club. She did not cry nor did she reached out for YooChun to comfort her. She just stood still and send a mental declaration of war to the origin of this all although he in some way was not really at fault.

I'll love only you forever.

You're my reason to live day by day

Promise me My love

Even if the world's end comes I won't let you go

Because you're inside of me..

… to be continued


author’s note:

no, we did not give up on this! NEVER! It will go on forever and ever *lol*

this time’s insert song is Shin HyeSung - A Song For You.

SooJin’s song.

I listened to it while writing the last scene and it made me really sad. What would you do if a friend of yours is doing this? HaNeul sure is facing hard times. But don’t misjudge her, because she does not stop her friend. It’s not that easy.

I’m thinking about episode 5 now although I should be learning for my Korean exam… but because I really managed to work hard on my Korean these days I thought of finally finishing this and starting the next part.

This whole thing really is developing… what do you think?

~ Shinnyu ~


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