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Essence of Time - The Forgotten Journey



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Chapter 20

Nocturne… She seemed to stare down at him with her cold, lifeless eyes… Callo couldn’t resist but to glare up at the spirit-statue every once in a while. The cold face-expression, the creepy eyes on her wings that reminded him of the shape of butterfly-wings,… It was hard to resist looking up to her every once in a while. The darkness in the hall gave an additional weight to her appearance.

The dark elf took a look around. No other spirit-statue made him feel as uncomfortable as this one… They all looked like young maidens. Some of them had horns like Luna, others demonic wings or fangs, but none of them seemed as unreal as Nocturne.

“She is creepy, isn’t she?” A female voice suddenly came from Callo’s right side. He turned around, facing Narwa.


“She used to be the mightiest warrior of the demons back in the Eternal War…” The goddess sighed and knelt down in front of her statue. “Yet, she sacrificed her life to restore peace. I admire her for what she did even though she was a demoness.” She folded her hands in silent prayer. A white light seemed to surround her as she sat in the dark surrounding, sending her wishes to the dead soul of the first Spirit of Darkness.

“Still… She has something cold on her.” Callo rubbed his arms. Only a few weeks ago he was a follower of Sol. A guardian of the Sun and a protector of his tribe during the night… Now he was here in the very temple of what his people had taught him to hate and fear. “It makes her different from the others somehow…”

“She is not cold. She is just the one most fitting for the Dark Mana. As creatures of the day humans and elves fear darkness.” Narwa smiled softly towards the desert-elf. “There never was a more matching person to turn into the Great Spirit of Darkness than her. This is also the reason why the Grozen-family is one of the most respected and honored families in all of Utgard. Even most of the Asgardians know their name.”

“…” Callo looked up at Nocturne again. The Grozen-family…

“I wonder how Raven is doing.” The goddess stood up all of a sudden. “She wanted to come after me but it has been a day already since I left… I hope she is alright…”

“She seems like a decent fighter… I’m sure she will be alright.” Callo suddenly turned towards the altar-room. “I will get Allen. Would you mind taking some of our packs? I think it is best if we get out of here…”

“Right…” Narwa nodded and walked towards their bags. “But where should we head to?”

“I’d say it would be best to bring him to someone that knows a little about the spirits and seemed to know about this before us…” Callo growled. “Morgana…”

“Who?” Narwa shot him a confused glare.

“A demoness we met in Nihil. I’m sure she is the one who told Galdor about our next destination. She was the only one knowing we went there.”

“But wouldn’t it be dangerous to go to her then? What happened here anyway?” Narwa looked at some of the destroyed statues and the deep cracks in the walls and floor from Kyrin’s and Zeyir’s fight.

“The king of Galdor wanted to get back his son…” Callo grid his teeth. He blamed himself for not stepping in the battle… “Anyway… Morgana said something strange when we told her that Sol wanted to meet us at Luna’s Chapel. She said something about we will find out if we are here… I’m certain she knew about what was happening!”

Suddenly the damaged doors of the chapel swung open. A young woman stepped inside, totally exhausted. A little bat flew around her head, flapping with its wings eagerly.

“Ugh, that was hard…” Raven fell down on the ground, catching her breath for a second.

“Raven!” Narwa cheered and ran up to her friend. “I was worried already!” She flapped happily with her wings.

“Man, you make me really jealous, you know that?” Raven muttered from the ground, looking up at the beautiful wings.

“Huh? I’m sorry, I don’t understand…”

“First your long silver hair, now wings…” The mercenary giggled. “I wonder why you don’t have a boyfriend yet!”

“Wh—what?” Narwa’s face turned crimson.

“Are you done with your chatter?” Callo walked up to the girls carrying Allen on his back.

“Oh my! What happened!? Is he alright!?” Raven jumped up, checking the summoner worried.

“Long story short, he got too much Mana from Sol and Luna…” Sighing the elf moved towards the entrance. “Guess we will have to walk all the way back to Nihil…”

“Nihil? You mean that underground-pseudo-desert-town?”

“Something like that…” Callo grinned. He never liked Nihil and Raven’s name for it sounded really good in his ears somehow…

“You can’t be serious… walking all the way!? No! Why don’t we take a dragon-flight from the town I and Narwa were in before? There is a dragon-station that is linked with Nihil.” Raven bit her lip… All the hard way through the forest… the heavy bags… it all was in vain… They had to walk all the way back again…


“There we are!” Raven waved eagerly with her hands as she hopped off the dragon’s back without waiting for the ramp to walk down. Narwa, her wings hidden in her usual manner, helped Callo carrying Allen. They received some weird glares from other travelers, but they couldn’t care less right now… Raven had been right about the dragon-station. It was so much faster than walking all the way… It had only been a two-day-trip instead of 3 weeks walking… Yet, it was also much more dangerous for them. They had heard rumors about winged people attacking the dragons and checking the passengers only to leave again without taking anything with them… Narwa and Callo both were sure it weren’t bird-men…


“Raven, wait for us, please.” Narwa took out her staff and packed her and Raven’s bag on her back while Raven already walked off with the packs of Callo, Allen and even Zeyir’s bag around her shoulders.

“Sorry~” She chuckled and hopped back again. From here on it was an hour of walking to Nihil’s entrance…

The sun burned down on the land with cruel intensity. Callo seemed to be the only one not affected by the heat…

“Are… you sure you are okay?” Raven tried to wave some air into her face by flapping with her hands eagerly, but it made her even more exhausted…

“I’m fine. I’m used to the heat.” Callo looked over at the human, smiling softly.

“Oh right… you are from the desert-elf-tribe… I totally forgot about that… Lucky you…” Raven leaned against the older man, breathing heavily. Narwa hang on Callo’s other side, she was sleepy from the long flight… She hadn’t been able to sleep the whole time.

“Are you fine?” Callo blinked nervously as both girls leaned on him… Allen was still on his back, and travelers that seemed at least as fatigue as Narwa and Raven kept staring at the weird team… Callo could have sworn he heard some passing men muttering ‘Lucky guy’ between their gasps for air…

“I think we are there…” Raven pointed at a giant entrance-door that lead down under the earth’s surface.

“Right… This is it.” A cold feeling came up in Callo as he saw Nihil’s entrance-gates… “I hope Morgana is still here somewhere…”

Inside Nihil, the air grew thicker with every step they took. Narwa had a hard time, holding her hand in front of her mouth… She felt sick in this cage-like town.

“This town is horrible… Even though they try lightening the atmosphere with potted plants, this makes me want to cry…” The goddess shivered slightly at the unnatural atmosphere down here. “I miss the warm light of the sun from outside…”

“I would feel much more comfortable outside right now too…” Callo looked around… people kept staring at him He could hear their whispering about a desert-elf and heir guesses what happened to the unconscious man on his shoulders…

“If I were you, I’d get off of the streets with Allen… Nihil and your clan aren’t friends at all if I remember correctly…” Raven bit her lip while glaring angrily at the people staring at her companion. “They might think you were the one causing his unconsciousness…”

“Maybe you are right…” Callo sighed and turned to a side-street. Narwa went ahead of the small group, lightening their path with her gleaming staff. After a few minutes of walking they reached a very messy looking Inn. Callo and Raven shot Narwa a frustrated glare.

“Come on! You can’t be serious!” The young mercenary grabbed the hilt of her saber, comforting herself. “This is a barrack! We can find a better Inn!”

“I have to agree with Raven… This is no save place!” Callo looked from Allen to Raven. “We are decent fighters, but…”

“I’m sorry…” Narwa sighed. “I didn’t want to worry you… I can feel a weird presence in this town. It is best for us to stay as far away from crowds as possible…”

“What do you mean?” Raven blinked confused.

“I guess she is talking about Asgardians…” A female voice rang through the street. Callo recognized the shrill tone immediately.

“Morgana!” Callo grit his teeth. If Allen wasn’t on his back he would have unleashed is rapiers to fight her down for what she did… “You betrayed us!”

“Oh, my, my… you are looking a lot less handsome when you are so… moody…” The demoness chuckled and leaned forward, looking at the unconscious summoner and then towards Narwa. Her eyes turned into small slits. She looked as if she wanted to slice the goddess right where she stood. “What is the meaning of that!? What is a goddess doing among you!? Haven’t you learned of the past!?”

“This is none of your business.” Callo stepped in front of Narwa to protect her from Morgana’s angry stares.

“Tse!” Morgana stepped back angrily. “So this is the filthy rat I smelled through the streets…”

“Maybe…” Narwa stepped forward all of a sudden. “Listen, young demoness… I have no grudge against your kind! And I don’t seek for war either, so just lend us your knowledge about the Great Spirits so we can help this young human! Allen needs your aid.” The goddess placed her hands on her lab and bowed forward slightly. “I beg for your aid, respective descendant of Utgard.”

“Hey!” Raven ripped her friend away from Morgana. “You can’t be serious! You are a goddess! You can’t just drop your entire honor for this… this…” The mercenary struggled for words.

“Demoness.” Morgana completed her. “I like your way of thinking, goddess… Mind if I ask for your name?”

“They call me Narwa. Narwa Ainu.” The goddess smiled and offered her hand.

“You… you are kidding, right? Don’t try to fool me! Who are you really?” Morgana chuckled and took her hand. “My name is Morgana, just Morgana. I’m a spy of Galdor, so better watch your back.”

“I knew it was you who---“ Callo stepped forward again, yet was stopped by his companions.

“Callo! If that helps us getting to know something about Allen’s conditions, we should at least try it!” Raven hissed who slowly got Narwa’s point.

“Haha, you are such a funny group!” Morgana started cheering up and now even Callo got what they were about to accomplish. “Now, honestly woman… who are you really?”

Narwa shot her a strange glance as if she didn’t get the demoness’ point. “I already told you. My name is Narwa Ainu. I’m the daughter of Bel’Zath Ainu, one of the former members of the Master Senate of Menel.” She smiled slightly and folded her hands in front of her belly.

“Wowowowowow!” Morgana stepped back and suddenly turned all crimson. “The Silver Orchid of Asgard!?” The demoness blinked embarrassed and knelt down all of a sudden. “I didn’t know it was you… my apologies…”

“I don’t get what is going on…” Raven looked up at Callo who seemed just as confused as her…

“Well then… let me rent you a room. I will help you as much as I can.” Morgana took Narwa’s hand all of a sudden and lead her inside the Inn. Callo and Raven still stared at each other, but finally decided to follow.

“This was the fastest change of mood I have ever heard of…” Raven laughed. Even Callo seemed amused in a weird way. His arms started hurting from carrying his friend all the time.

Inside the Inn, it was just as messy as on the outside. Weird plants hang from the roof and the ground was covered with mud and dirty water.

“This is an ugly place to stay at…” Narwa made a disgusted face before turning towards her companions. “I have to apologize again… but we really should stay here…”

“Would anyone mind telling me what is going on here?!” Raven balled her hands into fists. “All of a sudden this demon-girl treats you like a saint, you want to stay in this… rat-hole, and you don’t even tell us why!?”

“My apologizes…”

“Ugh, forget about it…” Raven slapped her forehead and walked up to the reception. “Hey, someone here?” The doors to the kitchen… just another mud-hole… swung open and a grumpy looking orc stepped outside.

“What do you want?” The unfriendly Inn-keeper yawned and scratched the back of his head.

“Uhm… a room for four… or five?” Raven blushed and grabbed her sword again just in case.

“Four… I won’t stay here, I have my own private room at the towns-center.” Morgana laughed and paid for the rooms. “Let’s go up and talk a little about your unconscious friend here!” Pointing at Allen, she turned towards the stairs. Raven and Narwa followed her slowly but Callo gulped at the cracking sounds of the stairs…

“Are you sure… it will take mine and Allen’s weight?” Callo looked up the straight stairs.

“Oh, don’t be a frog! Come up already!” Raven laughed and clapped her hands. As Callo took the first step on the stairs though…


The first stair broke into halfs, causing the dark elf to land right on his face while Allen’s weight pressed against his chest.


“Ha… Hahahahaha!” Raven couldn’t stop laughing anymore. “That is… that is just too ridiculously funny! Hahaha!”

“Hr…” The Inn-kepper walked up to Callo, helping him back up on his feet. “There is a stone-stairway down that corridor… Use that one.” The orc snorted and went back into the kitchen.

After climbing the stone-stairs, Callo met up with the girls again. They had already put their packs into the cupboard and lay on the old beds. Callo placed his unconscious friend on a free bed before throwing himself on the last remaining one…

“Ugh… My muscles ache…” The tan man turned his head a little to see Morgana talking with Narwa in a weird language. He was too tired though to even try understanding what they said… His eyes closed slowly before the world around him turned black slowly. Only the foul smell of his blankets remained in his nose as he fell asleep.

“Huh?” Hey, Narwa, look!” Raven whispered and pointed at the sleeping elder. “Doesn’t he look sweet like this?” She chuckled and walked up to the desert-elf, stroking his long hair out of his face. “I totally forgot that he had been carrying poor Allen ever since Luna’s temple…”

“Yes, you are right…” Narwa stared from Callo to Allen. “Humans and elves are such strange beings… their bonds grow so strong even in such a short time! In Asgard… everything seems so… eternal… Time has forgotten about us in such an endless world.” The goddess seemed upset but tried to catch her mood again. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to-“

“No, it is the same in Utgard!” Morgana interrupted all of a sudden. “The days pass by day by day and nothing stops the flow of time. Since I live here in Midgard though… Time seems so much more precious. I wonder if the struggle for life makes the Midgardians fighting for every single second they got…”

Raven looked from one woman to the other. “Honestly… you sound like old women! Stop talking like that!”

“Haha, in your eyes we probably are! You, Allen and Callo are the youngest amongst us!” Morgana chuckled and leaned back. “So… Let me see… Your friend has a wonderful amulet there!” She pointed at the crescent-moon-shaped amulet that Narwa had given Allen in the chapel.

“…” Narwa closed her eyes. “I was too late… I should have given it to him earlier so he wouldn’t have to suffer now…”

“Oh come on! You didn’t know, that’s all!” Raven grid her teeth and sat down next to Allen, playing with her fingers over his amulet. “But do you know how we can help him? He has been like this for several days by now…”

“Hm…” Morgana walked up to the summoner, checking his pulse and then closing her eyes, feeling his Mana. “I think I know something, but… I don’t know how we are supposed to do that…”

“Please tell us, Morgana.” Narwa bit her lip, hoping it wasn’t completely impossible… She would do anything to save the last summoner of the van Tirith-Clan…

“Well… If light and darkness is concentrated too much in your blood, it paralyzes your body… I don’t know exactly how it works, but when a light-force and a dark-force of equal strength come together they can’t erase each other anymore. Usually the stronger force destroys the weaker one… That is why Allen had to take on Luna and Sol at once and not one after another… it would have destroyed the Spirits’ Mana…”

“I know that, but how to help him?” Narwa grew desperate.

“Well… Someone has to weaken the Mana within Allen. But you have to weaken light and darkness at the same time and at a same level…” Morgana made a worried face. “Which God beside you would actually decide to help a human!? And I can’t hold up to your intensive light.”

“That really is a problem…” Narwa sighed.

“I don’t get it at all… I never really showed much interest in the rules of Mana…” Raven leaned back against Allen’s bed, holding his amulet still tight in her hand.

“Hm… how to explain it best…” Narwa folded her hands, unsure how to put it in simpler words.

“You have two glasses with juice.” Morgana stated all of a sudden. “You have to drink them out in the very same time. So you need two persons that can drink at the same speed!” The demoness received weird glares from Raven and Narwa. “Well, at least it was worth a try…”

“Anyway… I think I know someone thatmight be mighty enough to handle my light…” The goddess suddenly stood up. “But he is gone…”

“Huh? Who are you talking about?” Raven wondered and hopped up.

“Isn’t Zeyir a direct descendant of Nocturne’s bloodline? He should be mighty enough to take on my might!” Narwa smiled warmly.

“But didn’t you say he had to return to Utgard?” Raven blinked confused. “So this is not an option either…”

“Oh, it is… but a very dangerous one…” Morgana suddenly stated from aside. “Galdor owes the Silver Orchid of Asgard a giant favor… I think if you ask for King Kyrin’s aid, he won’t be able to deny it after what you did.”

“Heeeellooooo… I’m still here too, so would you mind telling me what you are talking about?” The young human placed her hands on her hips in protest, stepping up a little.

“It is a long story… but you are right… Lord Kyrin promised me his aid in the case of an emergency. He won’t deny my request.” The white which walked over towards Allen. “If he really is the only hope for peace for Asgard and Utgard, I will do my very best to keep him save. Our next destination is the capital of Galdor and the Black Palace!”


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Von:  -Ruka-
2009-09-06T21:54:00+00:00 06.09.2009 23:54
dieses Kapitel wirft sehr viele Fragen auf, ist darum auch auf seine eigene Weise spannend und interessant... auch ohne Kämpfte oder lustige Momente

ich hoffe mal, dass bald mehr Licht in die Sache kommt... das wid alles leicht verwirrend
