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Essence of Time - The Forgotten Journey



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Chapter 25

„I’m so tired!! Can’t we make a break?“ Zeyir’s whining kept annoying Callo the whole morning already… They had just entered Midgard again and he was really glad about that, but…

“Zeyir, just shut up already!” The tan elf barked. “There is a village close to the gate concerning this map.” He pointed at a brown piece of paper in Narwa’s hand. “We won’t stop until we are there!!”

“You sound as if you were his father, you know?” Raven laughed and looked at the frustrated elder.

“That’s only cause he needs a baby-sitter!!” Callo growled searching for aid from Narwa who just ignored their fighting.

“But we are searching for this stupid village since hours already!! And ten minutes ago you said it was only five more minutes! Half an hour ago it was just five more minutes as well!!” The demon hang himself on Callo’s arm.

“Well, where he is right he is right…” Narwa sighed heavily. “We should have been there since ages already…”

Callo shook off Zeyir with an annoyed death-glare. “Let me see, Narwa…” He took the map from Narwa’s hands, looking at it. His usual tan skin grew rather pale all of a sudden. “N… Narwa, which direction is up on a map and which is down?”

“W is Weria, so that’s up, Oram is O, down and Nudra and Selim are right and left. Why are you asking?” Narwa sounded hurt that Callo was actually asking such a stupid question.

“Wait a second!!” Zeyir ran up to them, looking at the map frustrated. “Weria, Oram, Nudra and Selim are the four suns of Asgard!! Does that mean you held the map the wrong way the whole time!?”

“I…I…” Narwa blushed into a deep crimson just like Zeyir’s eyes. “I was sure it was right!” She tried to defend herself.

Zeyir walked up to her, smacking her head softly. “Does that mean we walked into the deepest forest of whole Midgard just because you can’t read a map?” He grinned. “Alright! Time for a break!!! Besides, it is time to wake Allen up!”

“But I thought you wanted to do that in a village…” Raven looked at her companions confused.

“Yeah, but thanks to the Goddess, we won’t reach one in the next few weeks cause we are lost in an ocean of woods with no more orientation left.” Zeyir sat down on the spot, deciding that this was exactly the place where he was going to set up camp!

“Oh boy…” Callo sighed and placed Allen on the ground. “Alright, then I guess it is time.”

Narwa nodded still red on her face and knelt down next to the unconscious human. “Zeyir… are you prepared?”

“Not really…” The demon sighed and leaned forward over Allen.

“I’m neither.” Narwa chuckled and placed her hands on the summoner’s chest. “Sooo… we have to try to regulate the Mana on the exact same rate.”

“…” Callo coughed nervously. “Do you really think… you two can actually do that?” He received a weird glare from the rest of the team. “I… I just mean you two… don’t really get along with each other and having a perfect synchronization in Mana-usage… sounds a little unrealistic to me…”

“Maybe you are right…” Zeyir hopped back from the human as if he could break him if he came too close. “How about some practice?”

Narwa smiled and stood up. “How about we shoot light- and dark-spheres towards a tree, and if the power is equal, the tree won’t get damaged as the energy will neutralize each other.”

“Sounds good!” Raven smiled and placed herself on a tree-stump, awaiting the show.

“Okay…” Zeyir prepared a sphere in his hands and so did Narwa.

“I can’t wait to see that!” Steel and Shade popped out of nothing above Callo’s head, placing themselves on Callo’s shoulders. The small spirits giggled eagerly while their master just crossed his arms in front of his chest, guessing this was going to end up much worse than the goddess and demon expected.

“Alright, let’s do it!” Zeyir shouted and shot the ball of dark energy towards a nearby tree.

“Lightsphere!” Narwa’s sphere resembled an arrow of light as she shot the lightenergy towards the same tree as the demon.

With a giant explosion, the tree disappeared in darkness…

“I guess… that was too much darkness…” Steel held his belly laughing eagerly along with Shade. Callo on the other hand just gulped nervously. But Raven was faster in giving words to his thoughts than himself…

“And you wanted to try that on Allen!?” The mercenary rubbed her chest as if she felt the pain of the poor little tree…

“Okay, let’s try again… I will try to hold back this time!” Zeyir nodded towards Narwa preparing another sphere.

With another explosion a nearby tree fell to ashes with a beam of light.

“Aaaaalright, maybe I should power up again…” The demon clapped his hands together nervously. “Another one?”

“Okay.” Narwa gulped and shot another sphere.

20 trees and a couple of explosions later, Callo and Raven couldn’t hold back their laughter anymore either. They joined the two little spirits in amusing themselves over the inequality of the two desperate companions to find a way to regulate their Mana.

“That’s not funny!” Zeyir snapped as Callo had to hold his belly laughing.

“But it is!” The desert-elf leaned against a tree sinking to the ground. “And if it goes on like this, we will find a way out of this forest sooner or later as there won’t be any trees left here anymore!”

“At least one positive aspect!” Raven howled out in laughter giving high-five to Callo.

“Yeah! And that will make the way to the forest-temple much easier!” Shade fell from Callo’s shoulder, rolling in the air. Steel held himself on his master’s hair.

“Great that you amuse yourself so fabulously about our situation!” Narwa’s head was crimson by now. She had never guessed it was this difficult to equalize with Zeyir…

“Right now it is 8 shots for Narwa and 13 for Zeyir!” Shade laughed. “I thought you were the more powerful one, Narwa!” She giggled evilly, mocking the goddess.

“Yeah, right~” Zeyir joined the mocking.

“Okay, enough is enough! You!” She pointed angrily towards Zeyir who hopped back in self-defense. “I need a silent spot to train with you without those guys attached on our backs!” She grabbed Zeyir’s hand and dragged him off.

“Will they be alright?” Raven whipped the tears that started running down her cheeks from all the laughter off from her face with the back of her hand.

“I’m more worried about Allen right now. He will be an old gramps when they are finally able to wake him up!” Callo bit his lip to not laugh out loud and patted Steel on his shoulder.

After a few minutes of walking, Narwa and Zeyir finally stopped.

“This is far enough.” She sighed and sat down on the ground, embracing her tender legs with her arms, resting her chin on her knees.

“So…” Zeyir sat down next to her, crossing his arms in front of his chest, sighing heavily. “What next?”

“This is not going to work…” Narwa lowered her head, sadness clearly noticeable in her voice.

“…” Zeyir breathed in heavily. He sat a little closer to the goddess and swung his arm around her, giving her a little comfort. “We can do it because we must do it…”


“No, Narwa. Allen tried his best to save this world and right now he is the one that needs to be saved! He is my best friend. One of the only ones I ever had, and I won’t let him down just like this!” Zeyir’s chin leaned on Narwa’s forehead now, moving her silver hair out of her face slowly.

“You are right…” She sighed and buried her face between the demon’s neck and shoulder, holding his hand tight. She didn’t want him to notice she had tears in her eyes…

“I wonder what they are doing…” Callo sighed as he was done setting up a campfire. “Somehow this is easier with Zeyir’s sword around…” He chuckled and sat down next to Raven, watching her polishing her weapons.

“Zeyir is probably annoying Narwa, so Narwa smacks Zeyir with her staff what causes Zeyir to annoy her even more…” She rubbed over the blade with her grindstone, removing every single scratch on the fine saber.

“Are you fighting with the saber or the floret?” Callo looked from the saber, Raven was polishing, over to a fine floret attached on her belt.

“Depends on what I intend to kill…”

Callo rose an eyebrow at the weird response but only shook his head and started polishing his own rapiers.

As Narwa opened her eyes again she looked up. Zeyir was still holding her, yet he stared off into the blank space before him, his thoughts as distant as can be…

“Did I nap off?” She suddenly broke through the silence and tried to get up, feeling a little dizzy.

“Hm?” The demon suddenly seemed to snap back into reality. “Huh? Oh, uhm, yeah, you kinda… fell asleep, so I didn’t want to wake you…” His cheeks turned red as he saw Narwa smiling on him with a soft smile. He could feel his heart beating against his chest as if it was going to jump out any second.

“Are you alright?”

“Y… yeah, I just thought I had a heart-attack…” Zeyir shook his head and got up.

“Heart-attack? Are you sure you are alright?” Narwa put her hand on the forehead of the demon, trying to feel his temperature.

“I’m okay, I’m okay!” Zeyir’s face turned just as red as his eyes and he whipped away Narwa’s hand. “But what are we going to do with Allen? We are still far away from equality!”

“True…” The goddess hands rested on Zeyir’s chest as she sighed deeply. Her fingers moved slowly over the three scars that ran over the demon’s body. Suddenly he grabbed her hand and moved it away slightly.

“That tickles.” Zeyir smiled and blinked playfully.

“Sorry.” Narwa smiled and kissed softly the marl on Zeyir’s forehead just as she had done it before in Utgard. “I’m sure we can do it! We just need to practice a little!” With a smile, Narwa turned towards a tree again, preparing a lightsphere.

“Caaaallo!!” Raven leaned over her saber, desperately trying to gain the elf’s attention.

“I won’t give you my grindstone, Raven.” The coldness in the elder’s voice gave Raven a chill, but she wasn’t the kind of person to give up this easily!

“Pretty please… It’d mean sooooo much to me!” Tears started filling her eyes while her cheeks turned a soft pink, giving her an incredible innocent appearance, especially with her face framed by her long bangs…

“…” Callo only shook his head and handed over the grindstone… He hated it when Raven tried to manipulate him with her puppy-eyes, but she was just too good in it!!!

“Huh? Did you guys hear that?” Steel suddenly interrupted.

“What is it, Sweety?” Raven smiled. She loved the little spirit. It was so cute!

“The explosions started again.” He listened carefully to the surroundings. Now, Raven and Callo heard it too!

“Yeah but either they went away really far from here, or the explosions are getting weaker.” A grin appeared on Callo’s face. They did it! They found a way to come along!



The explosions grew weaker with every time they tried it.

“Woah… I’m so beaten…” Zeyir had to laugh and leaned forward, breathing heavily. Narwa was rather exhausted as well, brushing her silver hair off her face while leaning against a tree. “We are rather close already, but still far from perfection…”

“I agree…” She sighed and patted off the dust. Somehow it seemed as if dust couldn’t affect Narwa.. she always seemed surrounded by light, pure and clean. Zeyir had to giggle at the thought.

“Alright, time for the next try…” The demon sighed heavily, shivering slightly by the giant loss of Mana by now…

A soft melody reached Zeyir’s ears all of a sudden and he turned towards Narwa again. She was humming the song she had been singing back in his room in Galdor. It was a soft yet sad melody… Zeyir really loved the sound of it… He joined in the humming and prepared another sphere.



Zeyir blinked surprised and so did Narwa… Nothing had happened!

“Huh? We… we did it!!” Narwa felt her heart beating inside her body in such intensity she hadn’t felt in decades… In a rush of happiness about their success, she glomped the demon eagerly. “We finally did it!!! That’s so awesome, Zeyir!!!”

“Woah, yeah… b… but would you mind getting off of me?” The demon’s face turned red as he pushed the eager goddess away. “Let’s try some more, then we can get Allen back!”

“Hey~” Raven waved eagerly as the exhausted light-witch and the fatigue demon-prince entered the camp. “Did you do it?”

Zeyir looked over at Narwa, smiling weakly. “Yeah… guess we did it…”

“And it is time for Allen to join back the team!” Narwa completed while kneeling down in front of the unconscious summoner. Zeyir joined her side and laid his hands on Allen’s chest. His nervousness grew within him again… Now this was serious. If they failed, he would be the one responsible for the death of his best friend…

Narwa looked at Zeyir’s face, feeling his nervousness… “…” She placed her hand over Zeyir’s, smiling softly as he looked at her confused. “Are you ready?” She started humming again and so did the demon next to her.

Callo, Steel, Shade and Raven didn’t dare making a single sound to not interrupt or confuse the two fatigue companions of his.

“…” Zeyir and Narwa both concentrated on the Mana within Allen. The amount was incredible… Zeyir did his best to eliminate any lightmana he felt within his friend… And Narwa tried to neutralize the darkness, but it was a hard job… They both didn’t have the might to concentrate on the other anymore… They just prayed it was going to work…

“… Urgh…” Allen pressed his eyes together and his whole body was shivering… “What… happened…?”

“Allen!!” Raven hugged the summoner tightly, giving his face an even more confused look. Callo joined her, patting the back of his friend.

“Welcome back amongst the living!” He grinned and started explaining Allen what had happened at Luna’s chapel…

Zeyir and Narwa stared at each other, unable to believe that they actually did it!! Zeyir felt the thoughts in his head spinning around as he fell flatly on his back.

“Zeyir!” Callo ran up to the exhausted demon. Narwa sank on her back now as well, lying on the ground, next to Zeyir, still holding his hand.

“G…Guys?! What is going on!?” Raven let go of Allen, turning towards her friend, brushing her hair out of her face.

“Let them rest… I guess they are exhausted…” Callo sighed as he checked Zeyir’s pulse. It was all fine… Only his Mana-level was at a minimum.

“I’m… sorry…” Allen rubbed the back of his head, still not sure what was going on.

It was a long night in which Raven and Callo did their best to tell Allen anything that had happened during his time of unconsciousness…


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Von:  -Ruka-
2009-09-09T22:35:19+00:00 10.09.2009 00:35
war mal wieder lustig^^

ich finde es großartig, wie du kleine Momente der Reise so hervorhebst und ihnen mit etwas Humor so viel Leben einhauchst, auch dein Schreibstil passt dazu
