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the girl who started climbing.


Letzte Änderung: 02.07.2011
nicht abgeschlossen
487 Wörter, 1 Kapitel
i know uploading something like this is tha hell of of a bad idea but yee right now i dun't care..

He confused her.
He truly did.
So she decided to call him Maze.

Prologue: The Not So Prince

Since she'd been very small she'd thought of her perfect boyfriend (never prince because she hated that stuff) only in one way:
– dark straight silky hair
– preferable green or steel grey/blue eyes
– tall
– brawny... well not really, not too... let's call it a special taste
– adventuresome; one who hated being inside, loved challenges

And it should happen that someone would fit those preferences with such perfection that she'd be more than confused. That would turn her whole life upside down. That would make her regret, love, hate, and cry, understand, forgive and being forgiven and overall irritated and confused.

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Kapitel Datum Andere Formate Daten
Prolog Fascination E: 02.07.2011
U: 02.07.2011
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488 Wörter
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