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Don't Tickle a Sleeping Slytherin


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Kurz nach dem letzten jetzt nochmal ein Kapitel. Bis zum nächsten wird es allerdings wieder etwas dauern.

Regeln wie immer am Ende (viele sind es ja nicht mehr, nachdem ich die Hälfte davon auf Kapitel 10 geschoben hab). Komplett anzeigen


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Chapter Nine

The next morning I'm woken by Morgana who's licking my face – and clawing at my arm. Ouch!! She manages to hit one of the bruises from yesterday – not a nice wake-up-call at all.

Blearily I change and make my way to the toilet and then I take Morgana outside before heading to breakfast, where Godric announces that class one will have no classes during the day but we'll have Astronomy at night. Class Two and Three will have Latin/Writing and Potions respectively. Class One can use the day however they want.

Cool. A free day – library here I come!

By the time Myrddin reaches me, I only made it to the entrance hall.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“Eh...” Inwardly I sigh. So much for the library then. I doubt I want to subject the books to him – don't get me wrong, I like him, I just don't think that the books (and scrolls) would survive him. “Well... the weather was nice, so I figured I could spend some time outside?” the weather was nice? Really? That's what I come up with? Ugh. Embarrassing. On the other hand, it's true, it's cool outside and it's not raining.

As expected, Merlin joins me. He really is like a puppy. For a while we just stroll around while Morgana runs circles around us and he tells me about how one of his dorm mates is a sleep walker and managed to scare the living daylights out of another whose scream woke the rest of the room (and half of the adjacent rooms).

Somehow that leads to him talking about the difference of the beds here compared to what he's used to at home, the luxury that house elves are (he's right about that one) how weird it is to share a room with four strangers – he's rooming with Ioannes Ash (seriously? What were those parents thinking?!), Augustus Selwyn (no idea who that is, the kid with the snake maybe?), Tenney Orchard and Aquila Wildwood, the last two names meaning absolutely nothing to me. Except for the Orchard kid, he's clearly expecting the names to do mean something to me, but they don't. Muggle-born here.

Oh, well, it's not as if Merlin expects me to answer in any way – he just jumps to the next topic: homesickness. Not something he suffers (are you sure? I think everyone here suffers from that a bit, even me) but one of his room-mates is apparently crying every night. So? It's that poor kids right. Sure it may be a bit annoying if you want to sleep, but really. That boy has probably never been away from home for a night, and now he's at a castle with a million strangers (gross exaggeration, I know, but still) and for a year. There's a reason that Godric said that your house or your dorm or whichever will be your family – the kids are going to need a surrogate family. Humph. Look at me talking (well, metaphorically) – and here I am, almost having adopted Merlin as a little brother after what?, a couple of days. I'm no better – even if I don't miss my home as much as I expect most of the kids do.

Actually I quite like it here, even if it's weird. I'm going to hate it again soon, I know, but for now it's nice to have people around. Still, I'm normally not a very social person – I don't really like crowds or most people in general, but after living alone, it's a nice change for a bit. And in two weeks at the latest, I'll be back to hating it and wanting my peace and quiet back. Probably.

“---ink? Honoria?”

“Huh, sorry what?”

“I was asking you what you thought, but I guess you weren't paying attention.”

I wince – Merlin really looks like a kicked puppy right now – and smile apologetically.

“I'm sorry. I kind of drifted off. I was thinking that it's really different here.” I shrug helplessly.

He nods and brightens. “Yeah, I know, right?! It's weird.”

“Mhm. Yes. I can't really put my finger on it, but yes.” Well, I know why I feel weird here, but those reasons (no electricity, no cars, magic, no internet) aren't reasons that I can give him.

“How is it to know magic? As a...” He winces and stops, unsure on what to say.

“As a muggle-born?”

He nods.

“Well... I'm not sure how to describe it. It's amazing, obviously, and incredible but also kind of scary? So much can go wrong... And I don't even know the half of it” - I probably know more about it than he does, but no matter - “and, I don't know... It's... disconcerting in a way. I... You know, I am new to all this” - in theory at least (or should I rather say in practice in this case?) - “but you guys... you all grew up with it. You're used to it. To you it's like breathing – not casting magic or anything but the existence of it. And I just... sometimes, I don't... I'm not sure how to say it, but... Look, I don't remember much of my life before due to the accident” - lie, all lies. - “but sometimes I can't help thinking that all this is just a dream. A beautiful, mad dream, but just a dream. To you, it's simple reality. Not this school, maybe, but magic and the fact that you're going to learn it at some point.

“I mean... It's.... amazing. And... well, not wrong, exactly, but... a part of me keeps telling me that this is impossible. And then I remember all that I saw, that I did and I just …. I feel as if this is the ma---” - okay, Matrix is a bad analogy here, damn. - “I feel as if this isn't... Gods! I don't know. I don't know how to explain it. It wouldn't make sense to you, it couldn't, and...” I sigh and shake my head. “Sorry. I didn't mean to unload on you like that.”

Myrddin shakes his head and smiles ruefully. “I don't mind.”

“Thanks. Well, yeah. In short, it's amazing but still kind of unbelievable.”

He nods. “I know what you mean. Not exactly of course, but the general feeling. I also still can't really believe that I'm here. I'm not much of a wizard after all.”

Eh. Right. Not much of a wizard... I sigh and shake my head. “You are a wizard. End of story.”


“No. You are a wizard. You just don't know where your strength lies yet but that doesn't mean anything. If you judge a fish by his ability to climb a tree...”


“Oh, it's a weird muggle saying. A quote from someone I think. You can't judge everyone by the same one characteristic your judgement will be biased and crooked.” Oh my god, I can't believe I'm saying all that shit... He just reminds me so much of Neville and if I consider that he's Merlin... Let's be hypocritical and repeat empty nonsense I've heard or read somewhere and hate because it's useless and doesn't change anything. No matter how epic you are at something else, if you suck at something, you suck at it and that's it. Oh, well. Apparently that psyche crap works on Merlin though, he's smiling again. Ah, the naivety of youth.

We pass some kids from our class that are playing some sort of ball game. To me it looks like a mash-up between soccer and hand ball – I can see no rhyme or reason to their moves but they are definitely having fun. Merlin asks me if I want to join – I don't – and I tell him to go ahead.

I settle down to watch them and cuddle with Morgana for a bit. At some point I stop paying attention to the game and concentrate on stroking her back and scratching her ears.

Suddenly I hear some (panicked) yelling and look up only to see the ball headed straight for my face. For a split second I panic and think about dodging, but I am frozen and it wouldn't really work anyway considering that I am sitting down and Morgana is half-draped across my lap. Isn't there a spell? Something about stopping movement like Dumbledore or someone did to Harry? A.... Arr... ARRESTO MO---

My panicked try at a spell or is it even a spell and not just accidental magic?, hits the ball a bit too late to really do anything, but it does slow it down a bit, does it? I'm not sure – my nose or rather my whole face hurts but I don't think that anything is broken.

One of the kids – a boy of about twelve I think – jogs over.

“I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

I nod, dazed. (At least I think I nod.)

He looks at me sharply and shakes his head."I'm taking you to the infirmary."

Merlin skids to a stop next to him but the boy just tells him that it was his fault after all and for Merlin to keep playing. I nod along. I don't think I need any help to get there so there's no need for him to leave here. And if someone has to accompany me to ease their conscience or whatever, it should be the one responsible (unless it wasn't an accident. Then that would be a bad idea.)

The boy extends his hand towards me to help me up, I guess, yelps and jumps back. Why? Oh, Morgana snapped at him. And she's growling. Why didn't I hear that? I stroke her back and scratch her ears to calm her down. The boy warily approaches us again and helps me up.

Whoa. Okay, maybe it's not such a bad idea to have some help. Dimly I wonder if I have a concussion, everything is tumbling and turning and for a few seconds I can't see straight. He grips my arm to stabilize me.


After a moment I give a short nod - I don't dare to do more than that.

"It's okay. That was just a bit too fast."

He just nods and carefully leads me back to the castle. I think he's apologizing again, but my ears feel a bit woolly. Oh, that was an introduction just now, but I missed his name - I got 'Belenos' but that's a song, not a name, right?

"What? I'm not singing." Why does he sound panicked?

I shake my head to clear it and to get rid of the muffled feeling. For a second, it works and I see clearly - when did we get inside? - and then I double over and vomit.

Why is he babbling? Can't he let me have my indignity in peace? Oh, it's not him, that was me apologizing for the mess. He looks really worried now.

Bipp pops up - why? - and asks how he can help, takes a look at us and vanishes the vomit. An instant later we're at the library, or we must be, I think. My knees buckle from the displacement and I see green hair when I look up to whoever caught me.

Healer Gabriel brings me to one of the beds and sets me down, helps me up, I'm not quite sure, he places me on it. Scolding both the boy and Bipp about something (why is he scolding them? Or is he scolding me? I don't know), he grabs what must be potions vials.

He forces two or three down my throat, making me gag (did I vomit again?), and then hits me with a spell.

Whatever the Healer is doing works. My head clears (mostly) and the ache recedes. It's not gone, far from it, but at least now I can think again. Once he sees that I'm relatively clear again, he asks me what in the world I was doing and slaps some cream on the bruises from yesterday.

He tells me that I have to stay here for a couple of hours. I'm allowed to talk - he expects the boy to keep me company since he brought me here - but I'm not to move (or to move as little as possible.) And even after I leave, I better take it easy.

Awkward silence fills the infirmary after the Healer disappears into his office. After a while, when I can't stand it anymore, I apologize for missing it earlier and ask for his name. He laughs.

"Don't worry; you were pretty out of it. I'm Belenos Taranir, but most people call me Leno." Judging by his voice, he doesn't like that nickname.

"Nice to meet you, Belenos. I'm Honoria Wulfric."

"The muggle-born?"

"Yes." Could you people stop reducing me to that? I'm a person. Then again, it's pretty much what I'd expect.

He just grins. "My gran was muggle-born." Then he gets serious again. "Gramps had to save her from getting drowned for being a child of Lucifer - it's how they met. Did something like that ever happen to you and who is Lucifer?"

I can't help but stare at him for a bit. "Well, no. I don't think. Nothing as drastic. But then, as far as I remember, my magic hasn't really been apparent." What a nice way to say that I didn't have any magic before I came here. "And Lucifer... Do you know what a devil is? Or Satan?"

He shakes his head.

"You know how many muggles are Christians? As in, they believe in one god?"

He hesitatingly nods. That's probably a no then.

"Well, they believe that this one god created life, the plan--, eh, the world. That god is supposedly inherently good. And peace loving.... Anyway, Lucifer is a fallen angel of the Lord, meaning he was one of that god's enforcers when he turned evil and supposedly seduced humanity into evil, making them fall from grace. Anyway, someone called a child of Lucifer would be someone they consider evil - having sold their soul - their essence of life even after death or something - to the devil , Lucifer, and being able to use the craft of the devil: magic. Just to make it clear - I do not agree with any of that. That is not what I believe in. I do not think that magic is bad or any of that rot. Eh... Right, Lucifer is almost considered some sort of anti-god."

"I see. You really don't agree with them, do you?"

"Yes, well, I can do magic and I certainly haven't sold my soul for it."

He laughs. "I see your point. But I guess now I understand why gran never talked about it. That is awful."

Yes, well, you don't know the half of it. Witch hunts weren't pretty... but I better not mention that to a twelve, maybe thirteen year old.

"So how do you find school so far? As a wizard? How is it different? "

"Well, there are lots and lots of people that I don't know. Of course, with how close-knit the magical community can be, I have seen quite a few of them before. On one of the biannual meets for example. Or on one of the four markets. They're not, well, people don't have to go there, but most families try to at least go to two each year." Interesting tidbit of information and it's nice that he actually explains.

"School is very different. I have never been around so many people at the same time - especially not for that long. It's strange to share a room with strangers. I'm an only child and I had a small chamber to myself once I was old enough not to sleep in my parents’ room any more. One of my new roommates snores and another talks in his sleep."

"Luckily so far no one in my room does that, but I had to contend with fighting birds..."

He laughs. "Yeah, the whole pet situation is a bit out of control."

"Just a tad. Well, they're working on it. It's only natural that there will be hiccups in the beginning."

"Probably. You don't seem surprised."

"Eh. Well, I had no idea what to expect here, so there are no expectations they can or cannot meet. I think that makes it easier." Pfft, as if. I probably have more expectations due to the books than any other student here. Then again, I also know that a millennia is a long time and so many things will be different. Besides, (most) rules exist for a reason and have a story behind them and in Harry's time, people are only allowed to bring a toad, an owl or a cat. I always wanted to know the story behind that - I guess I can now imagine at least part of it.

"Why do you people think that it's so important that I'm muggle-born?" I am curious about that. Sure, I get the general reasons, but I'm interested in how they differ to the ones in the 1970s and 1990s, or, well, in the 20th century in general. Besides, I want to know Slytherin's reasons for disliking them because I highly doubt the others would be such good friends with him if it was for no reason at all.

"Huh?" He hesitates for a bit but in the end he decides to answer. "Well, many reasons I guess. I'm not sure. Some of them had some run-ins with muggles, or rather their families did. A few were witness to scorn for believing that magic was real, I think. Actually I have no idea what it might've been about... They did get scorn though. And, well, I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard that grandmother Fell was killed for being a witch - and they say that the one that killed her was executed for killing a witch because witches do not exist. It makes no sense."

"Yes, well, religious prejudice never really does. Magic is supposedly a superstition.... Heck, I don't know. The bible - their religious book - is against witches at any rate." The Old Testament is against many things actually.

"But why?"

"Because what they'd consider magic is the power of God and cannot be wielded by mere humans?"

"You keep saying they, is it not your believe as well? I know you pointed out why you think that magic isn't evil, but..."

"Ah... eh, I'm heathen? A pagan? Well, at least I believe in the old gods more than I do in God." Not really.... what am I supposed to say here? How to explain why I think that historic Christianity's take on some things was... basically bullshit and nothing but a grab for power? Nothing wrong with Christianity per se, just a lot of people who interpret it to their own advantage, especially in positions of power. That's what happens if any religion is turned into an instrument of state (and power).

"The old gods?"

"I think my parents believed in them." No, they most definitely do not. But it's probably a good idea to distance myself from Christianity or rather from the reason of hostility against magic and magic users. Let them think I'm a pagan, my religion is undefined as it is. No need to explain it to a kid that is probably lacking half the vocabulary to understand what I'm explaining if I even found the words for it.

Luckily for me, the healer returns before I have to say anything more and declares me fit enough to leave. Annoyingly he also announces that lunch is long over by now - gee, thanks.

Belenos and I head to the kitchens. On the way he apologises again for hitting me in the face with a ball, and I tell him not to worry about it. Even if getting what must've been a concussion isn't how imagined my morning to go. In all honesty, I really could've done without it. But I got to say, I love potions. If that really was a concussion they took care of it a lot faster than I ever thought possible.

Of the elves I can see in the kitchens, I only know Bipp and Pannia. Bipp is the one who pops over and asks if we want some food. I ask him for some picnic food - my mistake - and then I have to explain that I mean food that can easily be eaten outside, sitting on the grass. In the end we get a basket (because of my explanation of 'picnic') with some berries, a couple of buns, something like ham and two pouches of juice.

We head outside and settle down near the lake. It takes maybe five minutes until our food and especially our drinks are hijacked by the ballgame players (How can they still be at it?? It's been hours, shouldn't they be dead on their feet?!). Most of them don't seem to care much about how I am after the episode earlier. Merlin asks me about it, and two look a bit worried until I tell them that I'm fine now. Another kid actually looks disappointed at that. Giving me all the fuzzy feelings here....

After laying waste to our provisions, they resume their game. Sighing, I tell Belenos to join them and then return the basket to the kitchens.

Once I am back out with the kids Merlin tries to rope me into participating this time. I manage to refuse citing the earlier accident (the one kid from earlier looks as if he'd want to enact a repeat of that) and that I'm supposed to take it easy today.

After a while - and a ball that does fly in my direction and gets mauled by Morgana - I tell them that I'll go back inside. At the question why I tell them that I need the toilet. I don't but watching them is becoming boring and besides, I want my library. (Not to mention that watching them seems to be dangerous.)

Again, I am thwarted. I almost make it past the entrance hall when I hear Helga call my name and so I turn around to walk towards her.

"Yes, Professor?"

"I would like to talk to you, if you would follow me." I nod, really what choice do I have?, and follow her. I'm not sure how I’m supposed to take her singling me out like this, I'm not even in her house...

She leads me to her quarters and tells me to sit down. She grabs a water pouch and two cups and sits down opposite me.

"Tell me, how are you settling in?"

"I, um, fine? I guess."

"How are your fellow students?"

"Eh" what am I supposed to say? "They are quite nice mostly, even if they're a bit confused by me being, well, muggle-born."

"But they're treating you all right?"

I shrug. "Yes. Some seem a bit wary, but they're all right?" I know, she means well, but I am not going to go crying to her over nothing. It's not as if anything happened, nor has anyone really said something. I had worse.

"Good, good. And other than that?"

"Um, classes are interesting?"

"Can you keep up?"

"Mostly? Transfiguration and Charms are okay, I guess, and I'm glad that we're learning how to read and write - even if I have learned it before - before we learn Latin. I never had much cause to write, so, while I know the letters I have no real practice. Being able to take notes would've been nice in Potions, though."

"To take notes?"

"Yes, well, writing down what Professor Ravenclaw teaches us, you know. It was a bit much crammed into one lesson."

She has a contemplative look on her face and doesn't answer for a moment.

"Did you go to a school before?"

"What?!" I stare at her in disbelief.

"Well, you're adjusting really well, you don't seem intimidated by the amount of students. You actually seem used to it. You seem to take the way a class works for granted," huh? "And you... you react different to the other students. You seem used to paying attention for such a long duration."

Eh... crap. What, how, damn. Should I lie? Should I try to twist the truth?

"I don't think there are any, well, muggle schools. And even if there were, I'm female... I probably wouldn't have been allowed to attend."

She judges me for a moment (I don't know how else to describe it).

"Hm. True, I assume." Assuming makes an... oh, nevermind. It's probably better if she buys that excuse. I'm lucky that it's Helga who's confronting me. Rowena and Salazar would've recognised the diversion as such.

"The other reason why I wanted to talk to you was what happened in the Charms lesson." Uh oh.

"I'd like for you to try and levitate this." She places a quill in front of me. I hesitate, but she just sends me an encouraging smile.

"Levioso." I tap the quill and it shoots upwards as if it was powered by rockets.

She tells me to drop the spell and try again. After a couple of tries I manage to control the height again, even if I can't control the speed with which it reaches that height. Helga hums, and gives me a couple of other things to levitate - a scroll (oh my god, please don't let me harm it!), a cup, a chair and a pillow. I don't dare to levitate the scroll with that spell, but the other objects work pretty well.

She doesn't look happy that I ignore the scroll but let's it pass.

"Godric mentioned, that you hit yourself in the head when you summoned a stone in his lesson. Did you use a spell for that?"

Well, I used Accio but I can't exactly tell her that, so I shake my head.

"Oh, interesting. I figured, you came across a spell in the library" - damn, that would've been the perfect excuse and even halfway true, I did read it in a book after all, just not the kind of book she'd expect. - "no matter, summon the scroll to you."


"Go on, try."


"Just try it."

Alright then.... I'm not really sure how I managed to summon the stone non-verbally, but let's try again, shall we? Do I just concentrate on the spell? After that lie just now, I can't say a spell out loud after all... Damn, I hate lying and this web of lies especially. Hm... Accio? No. I probably shouldn't ask a spell, not even in my mind. Well, concentrate, Honoria. Right, concentrate on that. Concentrate on being Honoria. You can do magic, you can do that spell as well. Accio.

Holy shit! I barely manage to grab the scroll out of the air before it hits my face. Still a bit overpowered, I guess, but better than the Levioso stuff.

"Good. Now summon the pillow."

This time I duck to avoid getting hit and it drops to the ground right behind me.

"Hm. You're a natural but you need to learn some control since you have no prior experience with magic. Meditating should help with getting more in tune with your magic. I'll ask Salazar to teach you how to meditate."

What? I pale. She can't be serious, can she? I will die. He'll kill me. I mean, really, he can't stand me and you want to force him to spent time with me? Bad enough that I'm in his class, you want him to give me one on one lessons? He ain't Snape and I'm no Harry.

"Are you alright? You seem scared. There's no need to."

"Well, he doesn't seem to like me."

"Don't be ridiculous. You're in his house." Yes, and muggle-born and therefore an embarrassment or something. What do I know.

"That actually surprised me, I would've expected you to end up in Rowena's house with the amount of time you spent in her library." ... Where I would much rather be instead of having this conversation.

"I guess Maverick had his reasons."


"That sorting hat."

She stares at me.

"I gave him that name. It was to strange to talk to a nameless object."

"Seriously, how did you end up as one of Salazar's?"

I shrug. It's not like I can really explain that. I just know that the hat was right, I am a Slytherin. I have a bracelet and everything. Actually, I had. It's somewhere back home I guess... Meh.

"I can't see in his head... but I'm pretty sure he has a reason."

"It's a magical object..."

"True, but 'it' sounds strange and he felt more like a male than a female..." okay, now she seems to think I'm crazy. Oh, well. Actually... that is something I can actually explain with my 'muggle origins'.

"I'm not used to talking to or whatever it is called in this case, well, talking magical objects. If I talk to someone, even if it's a pet, it is either male or female..." Not really true, I talk to my computer more than to a pet (I don't have a pet) and as far as I know my computer has no gender... No matter, it works on Helga: she nods in understanding.

"That is understandable. It must be disconcerting."

"It is. But it's also really interesting." I mean, think about it for a second. How can an object be cognitive? Or sentient? I get the whole horcrux stuff, but the hat.... Wait, did they infuse it with their souls or something???

Helga smiles. "I'm glad you feel that way. I was worried." Helga is mothering again. I'm a twenty-three year old woman, I don't need mothering... But it is nice to know someone cares.

"It's too bad you're not in my house. You really have a natural talent in Charms." in destroying ceilings, maybe.

"No need to look like that, I told you, you just need more practice. After all, you only started using magic a week ago. And despite that, you are the one that shows the most promise. You definitely have the potential to become a Charms mistress one day."

Wait, what?? Are you insane? Hold your horses! Even if you're right, and I do show some promise which I seriously doubt (hello? Ceiling!) isn't it a bit much to talk about mastering stuff? I had one lesson. One! And I have no idea what or how I am doing... I mean, sure it would be epic. In a way. After all, a week ago I did not have any magic. And now I actually have not magic in general but a talent for a particular kind? And Charms! (Does that mean that I have a chance at performing a patronus? Please, please, please!) That is so awesome! If Helga is right and not either mistaken or pulling my leg... But it's Helga Hufflepuff and she wouldn't do something that mean, right? Which would mean that she's serious. And she is a Charms Mistress or something, isn't she? Holy crap.

"But if you want to manage that, you will need to put in some hard work."

Are you kidding me? This is magic you're talking about! Fucking real-life, non-fantasy magic. Of course I am going to work hard! Everything else would basically be blasphemous! It's Harry-Potter-style magic, for fucks sake! Bloody hell, that is something every child I knew growing up wanted. Am I supposed to throw this away?!

Okay, calm down, Honoria. You have no cause to be indignant. She doesn't know.

I grimace. "Having magic is a privilege. It's worth the hard work. At least to me, I don't know about the students that take it for granted." Yikes, that so doesn't sound like something I'd normally say... well, twenty-three me, maybe, but thirteen year old me? Definitely not. That's not exactly something I'd have thought about...

"Good. I look forward to see how you progress with Salazar's help."

Ugh, did she have to remind me of my impending doom?

And then, another cup of water, two actually since Morgana jumped on my lap in the middle of our talk and knocked my cup over, and a couple of follow-up questions about how I'm settling in, she sends me off to dinner.

Nachwort zu diesem Kapitel:
The rules for this chapter were:
- no lessons, since you'll have astronomy at night.
- leisure time, but NO(!) library for you [and how I hated that] -> you have to go outside; you have to talk to two people (real conversations)
- one good and one bad experience.
(There were two more, but they've been pushed to chapter ten)

Edit: I never had a concussion and I'm no doctor, so I kinda had to wing it there. Please bear with me. Komplett anzeigen


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