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Whispers to the Moon



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Whispers to the Moon

Anyway I would like to thank Yohko(DevilLili) for all her help.Thank you ^_~


Let's start!





~Whispers to the Moon~

It was a cool,crisp Nerima night.The day had been anything but pleasant for Mousse,who had worked all day long without a break and was just beginning the nightly clean up alone,because Cologne had given Shampoo the night off.

"Why doesn't she understand how I feel?"Mousse grumbled as he scrubbed hard on one of the many stains that where on the floor."Haven't I done everything she ever asked me to do?"Mousse thought Mousse hung his head as a small chuckle escaped his lips."Yeah,like I know what she wants."

At that moment Shampoo walked through the door and asked "Mousse still working?What you doing?Daydreaming?" When Mousse noticed Shampoo,he jumped up and shouted "Oh,Shampoo my love I have a gift for you." He reached into his robe and brought out a boquet of roses an handed them to Shampoo.She took the roses much to his delight then tossed them down and kicked them toward the stairs.

"Why Mousse think Shampoo want flowers from Mousse?The only man Shampoo want flowers or anything from is Ranma and ONLY Ranma.Now get back to work!"Shampoo shouted and walked up the stairs.

Mousse thought as he headed back into the kitchen without noticing the absence of the roses from where they had been kicked to.Once inside the kitchen Mousse pulled his broom out of his robe and begian to sweep.He thought with a sigh<So why don't I leave?Because I'm obsessed> Mouse sighed again.<I can't stay anymore.Damn it,doesn't she realize she is slowly killing me...no,of course not.Not with all the senseless teachings she's had from that dried-up monkey.I've got to leave,but if I see Shampoo I know I'll lose the anger that makes me want to leave.> With that thought Mousse knocked a pot off the stove with the broom."Mousse,you be quiet!",Shampoo yelled from her room upstairs.Mousse looked down at the ground and sighed again.Then,turning,he walked toward the stairs.

Mousse thought as he proceeded to make his way down the darkened hallway ,pausing only briefly in front of Shampoo's door.Finally he made it to his door and with a light push opened the door.Mousse thought as he set his travel bag down on the bed.He scenned the room his eyes while removing the robe he kept his cleaning supplies in and putting on the robe he kept his training weapons in.

"Well...I need my weapons and my tea kettle and what little money I have",Mousse said as he began to pack his robe and bag"Guess that's it"Mousse said he looked at the few things he left:his makeshift bed,the robe he kept his cleaning supplies in,and a picture of him and Shampoo on Togenkyo Island."No reason to take those with me.I'm leaving to forget all of this."

With that,he opened the door and walked back the stairs into the kitchen.Mousse thought as he want through the kitchen and grabbed a few packs of instant ramen and stuffed them in his bag along with a pot to cook it in.And with that,Mousse preceded out the door in the back of the kitchen that lead to the training area.He let out a large sigh of relief and distress."Well I made it without getting noticed",Mousse said in a low dejected tone and preceded to walk down the alley to the street pausing and staring at the open window of Shampoo.

With that he turned and began walking when he heard a noise at Shampoo's window.Looking up Mousse saw Shampoo sitting on her window ledge staring at the moon.Mousse ducked into the shadows wondering if she had noticed them."Why am I like this?"Shampoo said in Chinese,"Why am I so mean?Why does he...they put up with me?"Mousse looked up in the moon and began to realize that now for the first time he was seeing clear with his glasses on and noticing the tears that glistened and threatened to fall from Shampoo's eyes.wondered Mousse."Nothing he's ever done has ever,ever gone for granted to me",she said,a small sniffle passing her emotional barrier as she continued to look at the moon."He's saved me so many times,they all have.But...he does so no mater what the odds.Why does he love me?"Shampoo asked.Mousse began to look around making sure he was in the best place to hide.When he was satisfied he set his bag down on the ground.Then,he turned his attention back to Shampoo.

"Why does Great grandmother hate him?"She bowed her head low and let out a small sigh."He was,still is,my best friend.The last birthday gift I ever got came from him.I remember that day like it was yesterday...


It had been a bad day for Shampoo(not that she didn't have her share of them),but this day was her birthday.Usually she was allowed ti have a day from her constant training,however,today was not like that.Her Great grandmother had more than tripled her work out and then left for the council.She sighed as she walked down the path."She didn't even wish me happy birthday",she said,on the verge of tears."I thought maybe she had something planned for my birthday ,and I guess she did,but this..."Shampoo trailed off as tears began to flow freely from her eyes.Shampoo,not one to show a weakness,walked into a small thicket of tall grass near the road and began to cry.

She had been crying heavily for about 15 minutes she felt a light tap on her shoulder.She turned around,wiping the tears from her eyes.There before her stood Mousse.His glasses where reating on the top of his head and compassion filled his eyes."Shampoo",Mousse asked,"Are you alright?"She stood there moment before saying"I'm fine.What do you want?"She tried to sound angry.It didn't work.She sounds happy.And she was happy,happy that someone was paying attention to her and treating her nice."I came to wish you happy birthday and give you this",Mousse said as he held up a small straw doll.Shampoo reached up and took the doll into her hands.She stared at it wondering why Mousse was the only one to treat her nice today.The more she thought about it the angrier she got.She was mad at her family,especially her Great grandmother,the other amazons,and at herself for not understanding why Mousse was being so nice.There was only one way she knew of to vent her anger."What made you think I wanted kindness and this..this thing from you?!"She shouted at she turned around of him."This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen."A few tears began to run down her cheeks."I never want to see this thing again."She threw the doll as far as she could,then turned to face Mousse,tears still streaming from her eyes."Now get out of my sight!",she shouted as load as she could and kicked him high into the sky.

She drooped down to her knees and sob even more heavily.She thought<Why can't I just hate him,like Great grandmother wants?Why?Because...Because..I..I..I'm so confused>She sat up and stared at the setting sun.It was a beautiful sunset.<I wish that I could just choose who were my friends and who I love,so I could share this scenery with them.>She stood up and turned towards the direction she threw the doll.Shampoo thought,as a smile began to grace her lips,followed by a look of determination"I will find it",she shouted to no one and ran off into the direction she had thrown the doll.

Two days later a raged,tired,but happy Shampoo made her way up the small path to her Great grandmother's house.She quickly stashed the doll of a hollow tree."I'll come get you later",she said and walked up the to the door.She let out a small sigh and opened the door slowly."Great grandmother I'm home",she said meekly."Shampoo where have you been?I've been worried sick."Cologne said as tears of joy were streaming from the old woman's eyes."I was training Great grandmother,I was training."


Shampoo was holding something tight against her chest as she recounted her story,then she held it out into the moon light and Mousse got a look of itMousse almost let out a chuckle Mousse thought looking up to see the tears where spilling out and running down her face and dropping into the alley below.He quickly reached out and let it fall onto his finger tip.Mousse held it one the end of his finger watching it sparkle in the moonlight before it dropped from his hand.He thought before turning his attention back to Shampoo.

"Sometimes Iwish I had never been born an amazon,then I could choose the man I love...The man I've always loved.And I love him more now than I ever thought possible."Shampoo let out a small sigh,the tears where still streaming down her face.She then turned her head and looked down into the alley.Mousse could have sworn she was staring right at him,the light from the moon making the tears in her eyes sparkle like diamonds.

"He's not wea and know it.Why I can't Great grandmother see it.Does she not want to see that only a few people can beat him,but he also never give up?It's like he thinks he doesn't have anything worth living for.When he saved me on Togenkyo Island,I wanted more than anything to hold him close to me and tell him...tell him how much I love him and want to be near him.To hug him,to kiss him.But Great grandmother told me it would be a disgrace because he was weak and could not beat me in battle.Yet,I know he holds back far too much for his own good."Mousse looked down toward the fround.e couldn't help but chuckle at the thought,then let out a low sigh and shook his head.Mousse turned his head up and gazed at the full moon that was filling the night sky with a beautiful light.<I can't leave until she goes back in.But is she really talking about me?Ih God,I hope she is,but what then?Do I go back in and except the fact that she loves me or di I leave for only a while?>Mousse couldn't continued his thoughts,because Shampoo had continued her confessions."Its not that I don't love Ranma.I do."Mousse winced and his shoulders slumped once he hears that."But only as a friend and I know that's the only way he could think of me."Mousse had ti fight his urge to jump for joy."I'm glad he is my friend and only my friend.But when ever I talk this to Great grandmother,she become angry and tells me that I don't love him,then I am breaking the ancient laws of my village and would havte to go back and be put on trial for treason."

"Sometimes think she loves Ranma more than me.She's almost all but stopped training me and won't teach me any of the amazon's more powerful attacks.She wouldn't even teach me Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken even though I am skilled enough to use it.Maxbe she doesn't want me to get stronger,so i won't beat Ranma."Mousse gritted his theeth in anger Shampoo lowered her head,her knees and began to giggle."Oh Mousse,I've always loved the flowers that you gave me.They were always beautiful and frag'rant.I still don't understand how you hide them in your robe."Mousse began praying that she was only referring to him not talking to him."You were always there for me,wanted or not.Although,since I was six I have loved you and wanted your help,but sometimes even ypu annoy me to the point of beating you senseless.I remember the time you helped me train for the tournament even though you were always out of practice,but then you won the tournament without a fight.I have always been thankful for all you've given me."Shampoo looked back up the sky the stairs shimmering like drying tears in her eyes.

She let out a small sigh as a look of hopelessness crossed her face and then shampoo began to sniffle as the tears began to flow from her eyes once more Mousse thought as he removed his glasses and began to wipe them clean."Oh Mousse,I can only hope you get stronger.Then and only then can i say without fear...Wo ai ni Mousse,wo ai ni.Please some how get stronger,for me."Shampoo began to cry even harder as she left the window,leaving Mousse outside to think about things.Mousse thought Mousse sat down and began to think about how he could stronger.He had ni idea how long he sat there before figuring out what to do."I got my family dojo.If I can't get more powerful techniques then..No I can't those techniques are forbidden.And yeet it is the only way."Mousse stood up and looked toward Shampoo's window.He pulled a single rose with a note attached to and flung it into her window.<Why dio i get the feeling I've seen that somewhere before?>Mousse took a deep breath before saying"Shampoo,I don't know when I'll be strong enough to come back.So,until then is good bye."Mousse left the alley and looked up at the moon."There's only one more thing left to do",Mousse said as he headed toward the Tendo Dojo.

°~~THE END~~~*°


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (5)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von: abgemeldet
2004-09-11T17:04:07+00:00 11.09.2004 19:04
Thanks for all the comments ^^
it makes me happy that you all like this ff^__^
but how ticali said:
there is no chapter 2
Not yet*ggg*
^^ maybe I'll write it soon
Thanks for all the comments!
Von: abgemeldet
2004-05-19T17:17:40+00:00 19.05.2004 19:17
This Fanfic was great, but my wish that there would be a second chapter isn't going to be fullfilled...But, it is your Fanfic and you decide what you do with it. The English was pretty good, but still with a few (not many!) Mistakes in it. And with that, I don't mean the missing letters...Well since you didn't study English and only learned it at school with big, fat Schuler it's terriffic!!!
Daisuki *bighug* Dana
Von: abgemeldet
2004-05-01T09:33:39+00:00 01.05.2004 11:33
Naja, alles was ich verstanden hab war schön....aber leider kann ich kein gutes englisch ^-^"! Sonst wars toll!
By AkaneTendo-chan!
Von: abgemeldet
2004-03-19T17:51:17+00:00 19.03.2004 18:51
this is a very interesting story^^, but the end is the best
Von: abgemeldet
2004-03-19T17:18:57+00:00 19.03.2004 18:18
this is a very interesting story^^, but the end is the best
Von:  Deepdream
2004-03-16T20:03:08+00:00 16.03.2004 21:03
Wow, that was a supreme chapter. Excuse my bad english, but my favourite language is german. Sorry. But, lets come back to your Fanfiction, it's very interesting and I hope you'll write the chapter 2 soon.

Bye, Deepdream
