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Thread: Die besten Zitate

Eröffnet am: 24.02.2008 09:44
Letzte Reaktion: 30.10.2010 19:55
Beiträge: 36
Status: Offen
- Labern
- South Park

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 Switch Die besten Zitate 30.12.2009, 16:13
Die besten Zitate 09.02.2010, 12:15
Die besten Zitate 10.04.2010, 22:48
 Hagalaz Die besten Zitate 07.09.2010, 21:07
 -KyokoSakura- Die besten Zitate 30.10.2010, 17:26
 Kouhei-kun Die besten Zitate 30.10.2010, 19:55
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Von:    Switch 30.12.2009 16:13
Betreff: Die besten Zitate [Antworten]
Make Love, not warcraft:

Butters: Aber ich spiele gar kein World of Warcraft...
Cartman: Was? Du sagst du hängst den ganzen Tag nur vor'm Computer?!
Butters: Ja, aber da spiele ich "Hello Kitty´s großes Inselabenteuer."

Randy: Stan? ...Staan?
Stan: Moment, Männer, mein Vater will was von mir.
Randy: Stan?!
Stan: Was?!
Randy: Du sitzt schon das ganze Wochenende vor deinem Computer. Unternimm doch mal wieder was mit Deinen Freunden!
Stan: Ich unternehm' ja was, Du Kackboon! Ich bin mit Typen in der ganzen Welt bei einem MMORPG eingeloggt, um Erfahrungspunkte zu sammeln und über Teamspeak rede ich mit ihnen!
Randy: .... *kurz Stille* .. Ich bin kein Kackboon...



Cartman: What, dude, you got something?
Jimmy: Alright, just work with me on this, Eric. Say Eric, do you like fishsticks?
Cartman: Yeah.
Jimmy: Do you like putting fishsticks in your mouth?
Cartman: Yeah.
Jimmy: Well what are you, Eric? A gay fish?
Cartman: Fish dicks! Aw dude, that's funny as shit! I think we're really onto something here. Let's try it out on the guys.

~Ich liebe diese Folge. xD

The Ungroundable (Butters im Bann der Dämonen):

Cartman: Dude, gross, you got spit all over my neck! Mom! Butters just gave me a hickey!
Buttes: I'm so hungry, but just, just remembering how that blood tasted before ju- blood is all clammy and tomato-y. It makes me wanna...
Cartman: DUDE!
Liane: You all right, sweetie?
Butters: *springt aus dem Fenster und fällt* U-huh. Ow.
Liane: What's going on?
Cartman: Well, Mom, apparently Butters is gay, finds me very attractive, and, confused about his sexual identity, puked up all over my floor!
Liane: Oh dear.
Cartman: Yes.

xDD Wie wahr. XP
† So komme was da kommen mag,
solang du lebest ist es Tag.
Ich seh dein liebes Angesicht..
ich seh die Schatten der Zukunft nicht. †

Von:   abgemeldet 09.02.2010 12:15
Betreff: Die besten Zitate [Antworten]
Stan:"Alter ich äh..ich weiß nicht was ich tun soll"

Cartman:"nein nein ich weiß was in dir vorgeht stan du hast vor es kyle zu erzähln ich weiß er ist dein bester freund aber kyle ist eine jüdische ratte er versteckts sich hinter seiner juden moral und seinen juden gold und wird dich verjuden wen du ihm davon erzähls"

Kyle kommt

Kyle:"hey Jungs"

Cartman:"oh tag kyle"

das find ich schonmal geil oder

Cartman:"juden haben kein rythmusgefühl"


Von:   abgemeldet 10.04.2010 22:48
Betreff: Die besten Zitate [Antworten]

And Matthew, how come a transvestite donkey witch is standing next to you and wearing a dress?
(über Sarah Jessica Parker)
YT | DA⎷⎛ All the girls standing in the line for the bathroom :o

Von:    Hagalaz 07.09.2010 21:07
Betreff: Die besten Zitate [Antworten]
ah verdammt, das mit butters und eric in the ungroundable wollt ich auch nennen! XDD

ich kann mich wirklich nicht entscheiden ^^ es gibt so viel geiles XD...also~

507 Hundemelken

Mr. Garrison: Okay children, so what other sexual positions have we talked about? Yeah, the wrap-around butt grab. Sure, can't forget that. Uh huh, reverse cowgirl. Good, Kevin. Hot Lunch, sure, she likes that. Donkey Punch, uh huh. Glass-bottom boat. Good one, yes. Fish-eye. Good, Jenny. Chili dog. Mm-hm.

1108 Le petit Tourette

Nachdem Kyle und Thomas die Pedo's in Hansen's Dateline Show gelockt haben.
Pedo 1: Oh no, it's Chris Hansen! *erschießt sich*
Hansen: What the hell is going on?!
Pedo 2: Wait a minute. Oh God, it's Chris Hansen! *erschießt sich*
Pedo 3: Chris Hansen! *erschießt sich*
Pedo 4: Dateline?! *erschießt sich*
Pedo 5: I knew it! *erschießt sich*
Pedo 6: There aren't really brownies! *erschießt sich*

Hansen flüchtet nach draußen und trifft auf Thomas.
Hansen: Hey! Do you have something to do with this? Answer meee!
Thomas: Stupid shit! Cock!
Hansen: What?! Nobody talks to me like that! Why don't you take a seat? Take a seat, right over there.
Thomas: Suck it! Asshole licker dickfart!
Hansen: Fine, you lil- I'll, I'll tell on you! *läuft weg*
Craig: *kommt zu Thomas* Wow, you're the coolest kid in the world. If I could call Chris Hansen an asshole-licking dickfart to his face, I would be sooo happy.
Thomas: You would?
Craig: Could I just like, hang out with you sometime? Like, do your laundry maybe?

1303 Margaretville

Als Randy Stan zur Bank brachte.
Teller: How can I help you, young man?
Stan: I got a hundred dollar check from my grandma, and my dad said I need to put it in the bank so it can grow over the years.
Teller: Well that's fantastic, a really smart decision, young man. We can put that check in a Money Market Mutual Fund, then we'll reinvest the earnings into foreign currency accounts with compounding interest aaaaaand it's gone.
Stan: Uh, what?

1012 Go God Go

Als Mrs. Garrison die Evolution erklärt.
Mrs. Garrison: Now I, for one, think evolution is a bnuch of BULLCRAP. But I've been told I have to teach it anyway. It was thought up by Charles Darwin and it goes something like this: In the beginning we were all fish. Okay? Swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a retard baby, and the retard baby was different, so it got to live. So Retard Fish goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day, a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its mutant fish hands... and it had buttsex with a squirrel or something and made this retard frog squirrel, and then that had a retard baby which was a... monkey fish-frog... And then this monkey fish-frog had buttsex with that monkey, and... that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey and... that made you! So there you go! You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys havin' buttsex with a fish-squirrel! Congratulations!
*Cartman rennt schreiend aus der klasse, weil er es nicht mehr aushält auf die nintendo wii zu warten*
Mrs. Garrison: Yeah? You see? I knew that would happen.

ich liebe diese szene XD

1213 Elemantary School Musical

Alle wundern sich, dass Stan und co. nicht auf dem neuesten Stand sind.
Butters: Hey, you fellas wanna see High School Musical 3 tonight? Bunch of kids from school are gonna see it again.
Kyle: What's High School Musical 3?
Clyde: You know, the sequel to High School Musical 1 and 2.
Stan: What's High School Musical 1 and 2?
Jason: What's High School Musical 1 and... Dude, it's only the most popular thing with kids in our age group!
Jimmy: Yeah. Where the hell have you guys ...been?
Craig: Peru.

Die Folgen der 14. Staffel sind bisher so geil!!!(naja...bis auf Crippled Summer TT___TT)

1401 Sexual Healing

Bei dem Sexsuchttest in der Klasse.
Experte zeigt der Klasse das Bild und fragt:
Now, what color was the handkerchief in the nice lady's hand?
Who answered that the handerchief was... yellow? *die meisten melden sich* Very good, very good indeed. Now I'd like to see who answered "What handkerchief?" *Kenny, Butters und Kyle melden sich* Aha! You three boys, please come with me.
Kyle: I didn't see a handkerchief. Did you see a handkerchief, Kenny?
Kenny: Fuck no, I wasn't looking at a handkerchief!


Danach in seinem Büro:
Kyle: So what happens to us now?
Experte: A life of desperation and anguish, I'm afraid. Your addiction will start off slowly - magazines, Internet sites - but then, as you keep chasing your high your tastes will get more and more dangerous. Most likely you'll end up going the way of Daid Carradine and Michael Hutchins: autoerotic asphyxiation.
Kenny: Autoerotic asphyxiation? What's that?
Experte: I don't want to go into too much detail but... you choke yourself with a belt around your neck while masturbating dressed up like Batman or something, then you pass out from lack of air and apparently it makes your orgasm super awesome..
Kenny: Really??!
Butters: Oh no. I don't wanna have to buy a Batman costume.

1402 The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs

Cartman: There is no point! It's just because Sarah Jessica Parker is fuckin' ugly!

wie wahr XD

1404 You have 0 friends

Die Chattroulette Szene <333 XD
Cartman: Alright, let's see who our first chat partner is. Connect.
Kyle: Aww, that's some dude jacking off!
Cartman: Oh yeah, you get those sometimes. We'll just click to the next person. There we go. Hello?
Kyle: That's just a guy's penis too!
Cartman: Okay let's, let's try this one.
Kyle: Dude, I don't wanna see a bunch of guys' penises!
Cartman: Hold on, Kyle! This is seriously an amazing gathering place where people from all over the world can share their thoughts and ideas. Okay, that's a dude jacking off, but... 'Kay, dude jacking off... Penis... Penis... Penis... penis... penis. Ah! Here's a guy! Hey dude, how's it going?
Dude: Hey.
Cartman: This is my friend Kyle. He's looking for some new friends.
Dude: Oh yeah? *steht auf und öffnet seinen hosenstall*
Cartman: Oh, he's taking out his penis. Okay, next guy...
Kyle: Dude, screw this! I don't wanna see anymore!
Cartman: Kyle, this is the way the world works! If you wanna find some quality friends, you've gotta wade through all the dicks first!

so true...

Und ich liebe Butters Lululu Song's <3 ^^
(der ist aus 812 "Lasst uns Schlampe spielen")

Lululu I've got some apples
Lululu you got some too
Lululu let's make some applesauce
take off your clothes and lululu.

so adorable ^^
ganz intressant...mehr oder weniger http://www.anti-zensur.info/?page=Videos#

Zuletzt geändert: 01.11.2010 10:33:47

Von:    -KyokoSakura- 30.10.2010 17:26
Betreff: Die besten Zitate [Antworten]
Toll ist auch wo sich Eric aus der Zunkunft anruft.
(Weiß nicht mehr wie die Folge heißt, aber das ist da wo er sich einfriert weil er nicht so lange auf die Nintendo Wii warten will)

Natürlich hört Eric nicht auf sein Ich aus der Zunkunft.
Und dann der Spruch am Ende.

Cartman aus der Zunkft: Ahh! Ich hasse diesen Kerl XD


Von:    Kouhei-kun 30.10.2010 19:55
Betreff: Die besten Zitate [Antworten]
War das vielleicht "Gott ist tot"? Die Folge mit diesen Ottern? XD
Vielleicht gefällt das ja den Drachenfans unter euch, schaut doch mal rein^^


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