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Einzelposting: Ken x Omi

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_63998/-1/11620206410404/

Von:   abgemeldet 28.10.2006 09:31
Betreff: Ken x Omi [Antworten]
Was machst du denn hier, du Gute? XD *knuddel*
Lange nichts mehr von dir gehört, altes Haus ;D
Auch vom WK-Fieber befallen? ^^

Ich wollte kurz folgendes hier reinkopieren, das eine Userin auf fanfiction.net aufgelistet hat an Hints zu Ken/Omi :3

First point - These two are closest in age, and have been together in Weiss the longest. They are often described as "Best Friends" and are quite obviously the closest to one another.

- When Ken meets the nun in "Schuld", only Omi takes the initiative to follow him. Ken then confides in Omi his reflections on his mother, and the nun's resemblance.

- Omi and Ken make themselves comfortable on Omi's bed, and the pair talk about Yohji's love-life like it was the most natural thing in the world.

- Ken dives into a hole to try and save Omi, thus getting them both trapped [but it's adorible anyway! 'Sides, Omi's panting and moaning! More on this later.]

- Final, somewhat irrelivant, sub-point to this is an old saying "Best friends make the best lovers."

Second point - Various scenes in Weiß further pointing towards the hinted pairing:

- Ken is seen in three rooms in the koneko, through-out the series: The first, obviously, the flowershop itself. The second being the mission room. And the final room - Omi's room. Never in his own room. Imagine that.

- Ken is basically the only one of the Weiß members who phones Omi. When Yohji does, once, Ken gets quite upset with him [If my memory serves right. T_T I want my DVD's back.]

- When Ken encounters Yuriko, and disappears for the night, Yohji makes a comment about Ken spending the night with a girl - Omi looks devistated.

- A random, very odd scene, at the end of the 'War' between Weiß and a Japanese army of one sort or another, the scene grows dark, almost black, and you can hear Omi "Ken-kun! Mou~ ii~" Basically, in an almost moan, he's telling Ken "That's enough." [Of course, my Japanese can't be perfect. ^_^ Though I do know that's the translation to what he said.] And of course - the morning after, Ken's head is in Omi's lap.

- Previously mentioned scene - Ken jumping into a hole to try and save Omi. Lovely, isn't it? I believe a fellow fan once said "Panting and moaning.... familiar territory?"

- The very last episode of Kapitel, Crawford is making a speech. Through-out the speech, Ken and Omi are fighting - but not just fighting their usual opponents. They defend each other. And the screen flicks to them when Crawford mentions love [On this hint there's also the topic of Meguri Aeta Kotto. Anyone who knows who sings it, and the translation, knows that's nutso hintage.].

- In Verbrechen-Strafe, Ken and Omi take the same side, while Yo-tan and Ranny-kins are opposing them. There are many adoribly hintagey K/O scenes within the OVAs, but we won't mention them.

- Similiarily, there's supposedly a magical scene in episode ten of Gluhen that I won't bring up because fact is, I haven't seen it for myself. But it's cute, from what I hear.

And final, very random, spontanious point - The English voice actors support them. Cue the outtakes! -

- Omi: Hey Ken! Those goggles look really great on you! [cue blushing and Yohji "You should listen to him, Kenken."]

- *The 'morning after' scene, mentioned previously; Ken's head is in Omi's lap, Omi's hand on his face* Omi: I once loved thee, Lancelot.....



> Omi, der heulende Uke; Ken, der immer gut gelaunte Sunny-Boy; Aya, der Eisklotz und der nur an Sex denkende Yoji? Oo

Ich sag' dir mal was: besser, du siehst sie SO als dass dann irgendwelche besonders gescheiten Leute auf die glorreiche Idee kommen, Ken zu einem heulerischen Etwas, Omi zu einem Megamacho, Yôji zu einem todernsten Kerl und Ran zu einem Verführer wie er im Buche steht zu machen.
Denn SOLCHE FFs sind es, die total abgefahren sind.

> Man, wie oberflächlich ist das denn?

Oberflächlich und, was noch schlimmer ist, NICHTS VERSTANDEN ist ja dann wohl eher, Ran zu einem Kerlsverführer zu machen XD
Love is friendship, set on fire. (Ken x Omi)
-> http://www.noxveritatis.2kx.de <-

Zuletzt geändert: 28.10.2006 09:35:31

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