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A conversation

Autor:  Lunatik
In a grave voice full of guilt and self-loathing the man said:
"There is possibly nothing you can do to me that I haven't already done to myself."

"Well, I can at least try. I've never seen you chasing a butterfly, for example," replied the boy cheerfully.

"...You are destroying the mood here, you know."

"That was what I was aiming for, you know."


The boy smiled brightly while the man eyed him suspiciously.

"Why?" the man asked after the silence grew too long.

"The earth spins on and the life goes on whether you are depressed, hateful or cheerful. So, if it does not matter to the universe either way, why not just be happy and enjoy life?"

"We cannot just change our feelings."

"That's what they want you to believe!"

"...Possibly, I've never thought of it that way."

"That's definetely your favorite word!"




"Right. I did see that one coming, mind you."

They went on in silence only disturbed by the humming of the boy. Silence as in 'not speaking', since there were obviously sounds.
It was after they stept into the light that the man spoke again.

"You might be right. Maybe."

"Hey, you were supposed to say 'possibly'! No cheating," said the boy trying to produce a believable pout. And failing at it.

A slight smile tugged at the lips of the man.

"Thank you."

"Oh, look, a butterfly! Isn't it beautiful?"
Datum: 25.03.2016 21:11
Der kleine Prinz, eine meiner Lieblingsstellen :)
Das hat mich schon bewegt, als ich als Kind das Buch zum ersten mal las
Ein Dichter hier braucht keinen Mut;
es sei, er schrieb in aller Klarheit
in seinem Buch nichts als die Wahrheit.
(Mikis Theodorakis)

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